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Health Economics vs Health Economics: reconciling what treatments should and will be delivered

Thursday 6 March 2014, 2.00PM to 3.15pm

Speaker(s): Andrea Manca & Martin Chalkley, Centre for Health Economics, University of York

Abstract: A part of health economics in recent decades has focused on the problems associated with ensuring that health care systems deliver the treatments and interventions that society wants. Another part, with a longer heritage, has been concerned with defining what, from a social perspective, the correct treatments and interventions are. The purpose of this seminar is to outline the methods and approach of these two, often very separate, endeavours and to explore how each might influence the other going forward. In particular we focus on the importance of heterogeneity of patients, physicians and remuneration systems and consider how the insights gained from recognising the importance of heterogeneity, in all its guises, might impact on defining and implementing ‘correct’ treatments

Location: ARRC Auditorium A/RC/014

Who to contact

For more information on these seminars, contact:

Adrian Villasenor
Adrian Villasenor-Lopez
Dacheng Huo
Dacheng Huo

If you are not a member of University of York staff and are interested in attending the seminar, please contact Adrian Villasenor-Lopez or Dacheng Huo so that we can ensure we have sufficient space

CHE Seminar Programme

  • Thursday 12 January 2017
    Jon Sussex, Chief Economist, RAND Europe
  • Thursday 9 February 2017
    Richard Murray, Kings Fund