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CAHR PhD student coordinates new Diploma at USP

Posted on 11 February 2013

Natasha Khan, a CAHR PhD student from Fiji, is coordinating the new Diploma in Leadership, Governance and Human Rights at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji.

Natasha Khan

The undergraduate level programme started running in 2013. Natasha, who is currently in the final year of her PhD, said she was very excited when she saw the advertisement for a Lecturer for the Diploma, as she had always felt a program in the area of human rights has been needed in the Pacific Island countries. "The Diploma is timely and needed and it will be very accessible as it will be offered via distance education, giving students opportunities to study from their own countries as well as at USP’s main campus in Suva," Natasha comments from Fiji.
The Australian Volunteers International Magazine (PDF , 6,609kb) offers further information on the Diploma in Leadership, Governance and Human Rights at USP and on Natasha's work.