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Defending Rights: Representing Refugees

Wednesday 20 January 2016, 6.30PM

Speaker(s): Martin Jones & Juliana Mensah (CAHR)

CAHR's Martin Jones and Juliana Mensah discuss different experiences working with refugees, migrants, and those who have been temporarily relocated. They will touch on concerns and challenges of representing the stories of others in a range of different spaces from legal to civil society, to theatre and participatory arts.

The talks will be followed by a Q&A session.

Please book your free tickets here.

This talk forms part of CAHR's 'Defending Rights' lecture series where CAHR staff present their research and practical work on different aspects of human rights defense and protection.

Location: The Treehouse, Berrick Saul Building, Heslington West Campus, University of York, Heslington, York

Admission: Free, but please book your tickets at