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The Empty Soapbox: Five Decades of Silent Universities in Malaysia

Monday 19 February 2018, 12.30PM to 13:30pm

Speaker(s): Henry Koh

Henry Koh is the Malaysia Human Rights Specialist with Fortify Rights. He has previously worked as a legal consultant for UNAIDS Asia Pacific, where he helped initiate the "Transgender Rights Defenders Coalition" to support legal aid services for the transgender community in Malaysia. He has also worked as a rapporteur with former UN Special Rapporteur on Right to Health, Anand Grover, and worked with the Southeast Asia Regional Officer of the Hugh Commissioner for Human Rights producing country briefs for Malaysia, Singapore, and West Papua.

Henry will discuss his work and the recent report by Fortify Rights on the growing restrictions facing students and academics in Malaysia.

Location: ATB/056 (Seebohm Rowntree), University of York, YO10 5DD

Admission: Free - tickets via Eventbrite: