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Reading Rights - a summer reading challenge

Monday 1 July 2013, 8.00PM to 2013/08/15

Reading Rights is a summer reading challenge that is being delivered as part of 's Leverhulme Trust residency at the Centre for Applied Human Rights. Reading Rights is open to everyone, and all of the books selected explore human rights issues.

There are three book groups running in York as part of the project and each group will be led by students from the University of York’s Centre for Applied Human Rights and English and Politics departments. The groups meet at different times, so hopefully there is a slot to fit most people’s schedules.

The line-up:

Week beginning 10th June: The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Mohsin Hamid

Week beginning 1st July: The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood

Week beginning 22nd July: Before We Say Goodbye, Gabriella Ambrosio

Week beginning 12th August: The Spirit Level, Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett



Group 1: Mondays at 8pm at The Black Swan Pub, 23 Peasholme Green,  York, YO1 7PR

Group 2: Wednesdays at 5.30pm at Costa Coffee, 20 Market Street, York, YO1 8SJ

Group 3: Thursdays at 3.15pm at Rowntree Park Reading Cafe, Rowntree Park Lodge, Richardson Street, York, YO23 1JU


Get Involved:

For more information or to attend a group email:

Tweet us at @ReadingRights or start a conversation about one of the books using the hashtag #ReadingRights

To read more about the books selected, please visit Juliana's blog at

Location: Various