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Asylum vs. Sanctuary

Dr Linda Rabben

Monday 11 March 2013, 10.15AM to 12.15 PM

Speaker(s): Dr. Linda Rabben

Dr. Linda Rabben is visiting the UK to update her well received book on the history of refugee protection, Give Refuge to the Stranger: The Past, Present, and Future of Sanctuary (Left Coast Press, 2011). She will give a talk on some of the themes of the book and reflections on some of the current debates about immigration reform, particularly in the USA.

Dr. Rabben's book has been described as "profoundly human and inspiring work" and "essential reading for anyone who wants to know more about asylum systems in different countries." She is in the process of updating Give Refuge to the Stranger for a second edition.

Location: LMB/037, the Law & Management Building, University of York, Heslington East Campus

Admission: Free