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Médecins Sans Frontières giving talk at CAHR

medecins sans frontieres

Monday 19 November 2012, 1.15PM to 14:15

Speaker(s): Jeroen Jansen

The Programmes Unit engages in reflection, analysis and research related to humanitarian affairs and health policy. They conduct advocacy in the UK context as well as to support field operations.
Jeroen Jansen will share about the contemporary challenges and dilemmas faced by humanitarian workers, and how organisations like MSF adapt and respond to these challenges. He will focus in particular on what can be done through research and advocacy.

This talk is jointly organised by the Centre for Applied Human Rights and the Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit at the University of York.

Image by MSF UK.

Location: LMB/002A, Law & Management Building, Heslington East Campus, University of York