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The 2012 BIHR Human Rights Tour, Civil Society Strikes Back

Wednesday 12 December 2012, 10.00AM to 16:15

Speaker(s): The British Institute of Human Rights

Tour 2012 kicks off with a bang! Join us for a workshop conducted by the British Institute of Human Rights!

The Human Rights Tour 2012 has visited seven cities so far, the events have been hugely successful and we've met some amazing people along the way. Human rights are the result of centuries of struggle, by groups and individuals who suffered persecution or neglect at the hands of an often all too powerful state. Human rights became an established part of international law after the horrors of World War II when, thanks to the advocacy of civil society, the international community adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This event will adopt a workshop format: sessions will be interactive and facilitated towards enabling participants to air their views and debate the issues. Additional input will be provided by BIHR and other speakers.

Location: LMB/037X, Law & Management Building, Heslington East Campus, University of York

Admission: Free and open to all, but please register online at