Changes to guidance from 1 April 2024

The University guidance on the composition of academic recruitment panels (grades 6 to 8) will be updated with effect from 1 April.

The purpose of these changes is to further empower Departmental/School Management teams in their recruitment decisions.

Under the current guidance, The Dean or Associate Dean is required to Chair grade 8 recruitment panels. From April, the Head of the Department/School will be able to take on this role. There will also no longer be the requirement for an external assessor to join the panel for Reader appointments.

Similarly, the Head or Deputy Head of Department is required to Chair the panel for grade 6 and 7 recruitments. Under the new guidance, the Chair can be selected from the broader Departmental Management Team.

These changes will hopefully reduce scheduling challenges and encourage a broader diversity of panel membership whilst maintaining a robust recruitment process.

You can read the refreshed panel guidance on the recruitment pages from 1 April.