Key Texts

This page outlines the key texts that all of the group will be reading throughout the course. Please try to buy the editions suggested here, as it makes discussion in class so much easier if we are all working to the same page numbers. Books marked R will be available on RESERVE in the JB Morrell library (borrowable for 4 hours at a time, or overnight, see library webpage). I have kept reserve texts to a minimum as reading to a tight schedule can take away a lot of the pleasure. However, if you take out a book from the ordinary collection that you know others want, please be generous and share. Nonetheless, it is expected that, where we use paper texts, you will buy the key book for each week (see timetable) to enable close and lively discussion in class. I have used a paperback edition where possible, and many of the books are available cheaply from local bookshops and from Books are ordered from Blackwell's University Bookshop, and list are kept on

You will need to obtain an individual copy of these texts:

Gloria Anzaldúa Borderlands/ La Frontera: The New Mestiza (Spinsters/ Aunt Lute, 1987)R

Donna Haraway 'A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology and Socialist-Feminism in the late Twentieth-century.'In Simians, Cyborgs, and Women (Free Association Books, 1991)R.
Available on-line, with page refs to the Simians version. Manifesto
Early (1983) version also available The Ironic Dream of a Common Language for Women in the Integrated Circuit: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s or A Socialist Feminist Manifesto for Cyborgs

Caeia March Three Ply Yarn (Women's Press, 1995)

Marge Piercy Body of Glass (Penguin, 1992) (Currently out of print. I will be able to supply copies of this text.)

Minnie Bruce Pratt S/HE (Firebrand, 1995)

Jeanette Winterson The.PowerBook (Vintage, 2001) web site on

I will not be providing an exhaustive bibliography for Hybrid Women, for reasons that I hope will become clear as the module proceeds. However, some texts will be added to this list throughout the course, and students will be encouraged to add annotated items - books and sites they find useful - during the course. Throughout the term I will also leave some books in the Centre for reading on the premises, or for short-term borrowing.

Christine Boese Studies in Cyberculture on
A lively hypertextual doctoral thesis on Xena that explains as well as enacts its rationale.

Alicia Felberbaum Holes Linings Threads on
A work inspired by Zeros and Ones. Felberbaum uses source material from the textile mills of Batley, in Yorkshire.

Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein, eds. Cyberfeminism (Spinifex Press, 2000)
An extensive, introductory volume that offers sociological and poetic analysis of cyberfeminism. Vist the web site on

Sadie Plant Zeros and Ones: Digital Weavers The New Technoculture (Fourth Estate, 1997)R

Amy Thompson Virtual Girl (Ace Books, 1993)R
This is currently out of print, but I have a few personal copies I will leave in the Centre for you to borrow.

Sherry Turkle Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet Simon and Schuster: 1995.
seminal and very readable analyis of subjectivity and bodies online.

useful sites to browse: and The Knitting Circle for useful UK and US based resources on lesbian lives, histories and theories

Judy Malloy, producer GENID/NEME: Gender and Identity in New Media instigated in 1999 as "a public interactively created document begun during the Invencao Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil -- is a community building experimental hybrid of online conferencing, hypertextual documents, and discussion archives. It addresses the question: 'As we begin a new Millennium, what is the role of gender/gender identity in shaping the convergence of art, science and technology?'"

Sandy Stone gender, performitivity, theory, transgender, cybercultures

Riding the Meridian women's cybertexts; literature, art and theory

VNS Matrix an influential and much-quoted Australian cyberfeminist group

Marge Piercy Home Page information and sources on the influential US writer

Minnie Bruce Pratt's Home Page (thanks to Amy).

Border Crossings Thanks, Ali. Check out, in particular, the sections on 'gender' and on 'cyborgs'.

trAce on-line writing centre A vast and very varied UK-based resource for writers and artists who use the web. Many useful links to creative sites.

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