Welcome to Hybrid Women!

The course is a Masters level option module in contemporary cultural and literary studies. Throughout the course we shall investigate ideas of cultural hybridity represented in, and generated by, fiction and theoretical material via engaging with both print and web-based media. The module is interdisciplinary in its scope and deploys a variety of methods - not all of them traditional to academia - to explore issues of identity, subjectivity, sexuality, gender, race, class, and technology. No expertise in any of the areas is absolutely necessary, although if you have no literary background please talk to me before enrolling. No computer or internet skills are assumed.

Former students have found that the course helps in understanding contemporary theory through 'doing it without realizing' and have also benefited from the variety of methods and perspectives which offer accessible ways of thinking about complex ideas. If you are open-minded, and if you enjoy the demands of finding your own routes through taxing contemporary issues within a supportive and creative environment, Hybrid Women could be for you.

Please browse these option course web pages to give you an idea of the course. The pages also contain information about key texts, the course programme, the discussion board, and the student course web pages we shall work on as a group throughout the module.

Need to discuss the course? Contact me on eakn1@york.ac.uk.

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