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Crime and Justice networking and learning fair

Wednesday 18 March 2020, 12.00PM to 4pm

An event hosted by The Criminal Justice Alliance and Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU), Manchester Metropolitan University.

  • Opportunities for criminal justice professionals, volunteers and service users to network over lunchtime with a pop-up café provided by service users.
  • Criminal justice experts sharing learning from their research in a series of lectures with direct application to policy makers and practitioners.
  • An exhibition of photographs from Goldsmiths University taken by learners from HMP/YOI Isis.
  • A live drama performance from Clean Break Theatre Company written and performed by women with experience of the criminal justice system.

Book your place

After the fair there will be the first screening in this year’s Manchester Crime and Justice Film Festival. The Chief Inspector of Probation, Justin Russell will introduce and host the Q&A for his film choice I Believe in You, a forgotten 1952 Ealing Classic about a sympathetic probation officer and his wayward charges.

Register for the screening

Location: Geoffrey Manton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University