Interview with Rachel Headings

About Rachel:

PhD topic: Food system transformation, especially the policy levers and transformation.

Education history: MSc Food Policy

Favourite colour: Forest green

Summary of intervew:

Rachel is an American international student from Michigan who moved to the UK to study her Masters degree in London. After graduation, she struggled to find work but wanted to stay in the country so decided to continue in education, deciding on York after seeing a talk by Bob Doherty from the Management School. He then directed her to academics in both the Politics Department and SEI - she got on really well with them so applied.

She discusses how she struggled through lockdown being an international student as she wasn't elegible for most government support, but the SEI team were able to support her - getting her a standing desk and checking in. Throughout lockdown, and continuing, they held online meetings and social events so she feels the institute adapted well to the pandemic. She still looks forward to being able to work from the office and see everyone in person.

Key takeaways

3 words to describe the institute: Genuine. Experienced. Flexible (both academically and logistically).

What would you say to someone applying? "We are a great group of people that's pretty tight knit but really welcoming for anybody who's new and that the support in unparalleled. The university as a whole is very complicated so be really clear on your interests so you don't get overwhelmed."


Rachel interview transcript (MS Word , 21kb)