Doat 21–24

Lucy Sackville

Project CI

Lucy is an historian of heresy and inquisition in the high medieval period, focusing mostly on southern France and northern Italy. She has worked with the Doat volumes on and off since coming to York to work with Pete in 2000, but recently has been spending most of her time with inquisition handbooks. She will be moving on to bishops in the near future, and these two areas will be her responsibility in the introductory sections of the edition and translation. As CI on the project she is also responsible for co-supervising one of the PhD students, organising the conferences, and running and editing the website. (She also has an intense dislike of writing about herself in the third person, but promises to compose a more interesting profile at some point in the near future - and also to find a less grumpy looking picture of herself.)

She is not too shabby a cook herself, though has yet to achieve the heights of Pete’s slow-cooked specialities, or indeed of Miggy’s princely salads, next to which all other salads should be ashamed.