Doat 21–24

Translations into French

Brooke, Moore, Peters and WE (= Wakefield and Evans) are abbreviations used in references to these major anthologies, which are listed in the Bibliography of translations into English

J. Berlioz, “Tuez-les tous, Dieu reconnaîtra les siens”. La croisade contre les Albigeois vue par Césaire de Heisterbach (Portet-sur-Garonne, 1994), pp. 12-20 (translation of Caesarius)

Bernard Gui: Manuel de l'Inquisiteur, ed and transl G. Mollat, 2 vols. (Paris, 1926, reprinted 1964). Parallel Latin and French. Much in English in WE doc. 55, but this contains more.

— A. Pales-Gobilliard, ed., Le livre des sentences de l'inquisiteur Bernard Gui (1308-1323), 2 vols (Paris, 2002). Parallel Latin and French.

— J. Théry, ed., Le livre des sentences de l’inquisiteur Bernard Gui (Paris, 2010); commentary and analysis always extremely sharp and interesting.

P. Bonnassie and G. Pradalié, La capitulation de Raymond VII et la fondation de l’université de Toulouse, 1229-1979: Un anniversaire en question (Toulouse, 1979), pp. 43-51 (Council of Toulouse, 1229).

E. Bozóky, ed., Le livre secret des Cathares. Interrogatio Iohannis. Apocryphe d’origine Bogomile (Paris, 1980). Both Latin and French.

Cosmas: H.-C. Puech and A. Vaillant, eds, Le traité contre les Bogomiles de Cosmas le Prêtre, Travaux publiés par l'Institut d'études slaves 21 (Paris, 1945). Extract in Peters no. 17.

J. Duvernoy, ed., Guillaume Pelhisson, Chronique (1229-1244) (Paris, 1994). Parallel Latin and French.

J. Duvernoy, ed., Guillaume de Puylaurens, Chronique, 1203-1275 (Paris, 1976). Parallel Latin and French.

J. Duvernoy, ed., Inquisition à Pamiers: Interrogatoires de Jacques Fournier évêque de Pamiers (1318-1325) (Toulouse, 1966).

J. Duvernoy, ed., Registre de Bernard de Caux, Pamiers 1246-1247 (Saint-Girons, 1990). Parallel Latin and French.

J. Duvernoy, ed., Le registre d'inquisition de Jacques Fournier, 3 vols (Paris, 1978). Third person depositions (‘She said…’) are turned into first person (‘I said…’).

J. Duvernoy, ed., L'inquisition en Quercy: Le registre des pénitences de Pierre Cellan, 1241-1242 (Paris, 2001). Parallel Latin and French.

J. Duvernoy, ed., Le dossier de Montségur (Toulouse, 1998).

J. Duvernoy, ed., Le procès de Bernard Délicieux, 1319 (Toulouse, 2001)

P. Guébin and H. Maisonneuve, eds., Pierre des Vaux-de-Cernay, Histoire albigeoise (Paris, 1951).

Guibert de Nogent, Autobiographie, ed. E.-R. Labande (Paris, 1981), pp. 428-435. Parallel Latin and French (= WE doc.9). This is the best edn.

E. Martin-Chabot, ed., La chanson de la croisade albigeoise, 3 vols (Paris, 1957-61). Parallel Occitan and French.

R. Nelli, ed, Écritures cathares (Paris, 1959): La cène secrète, Doat copy of Carcassonne ms), pp. 34-50; Vienna ms, pp. 52-66; Livre des deux principes, pp. 83-201; Le rituel cathare i: Le rituel oocitan pp. 211-27; ii: Le rituel latin, pp. 228-52.

Nicholas Eymerich: Nicolau Eymerich and Francisco Peña, Le manuel des inquisiteurs, ed and transl L. Sala-Molins (Paris and The Hague, 1973).

– Eymerich wrote his manual, Directorium inquisitorum, in 1376, and this acquired a legal commentary from Peña in the sixteenth century, translated here from an edition of 1578. This small book translates only a very tiny fraction (on pp. 47-249) only a small fraction of this very long book.

– The reader needs to look out for the Roman numerals XVI, which signals the appearance of a passage from the 16th century commentator Peña. When the next Arabic numeral appears, the translation is leaving Peña and moving back to the 14th century inquisitor Eymerich.

A. Pales-Gobilliard, ed., L'inquisiteur Geoffroi d'Ablis et les Cathares du comté du Foix (1308-1309) (Paris, 1984). Parallel Latin and French.

Saint-Félix: F. Šanjek, ed., 'Le rassemblement hérétique de Saint-Félix-de-Caraman (1167) et les églises cathares au xiie siècle', Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique 67 (1972), 767-799. Parallel Latin and French. See Brooke no. 14, Peters no. 19.

— M. Zerner, ‘Traduction de la charte de Niquinta’, in L’histoire du Catharisme en discussion: Le 'Concile' de Saint-Félix (1167), ed. M. Zerner (Nice, 2001), pp. 19-21.

Thomas de Cantimpré, Les exemples du Livre des abeilles, ed. H. Platelle (Turnhout, 1997), nos. 10, 153, 238

C. Thouzellier, ed., Livre des deux principes, Sources Chrétiennes 198 (Paris, 1973). Parallel Latin and French.

C. Thouzellier, ed., Rituel Cathare, Sources Chrétiennes 236 (Paris, 1977). Parallel Latin and French.

C. Thouzellier, ed., Une somme anti-Cathare. Le Liber contra Manicheos de Durand de Huesca (Louvain, 1964), pp. 67-85 (Prologue only).