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A European Union 6th Framework funded project with €2.5 million funding over 3 years


European Legislation





EU Member States

No specific legislation regarding human embryo research

Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal

Allowing for the creation of human embryos for stem cell procurement by law

Belgium, United Kingdom

Prohibition of the procurement of embryonic stem cells from human embryos

Austria, Spain, France, Ireland

Prohibition of the procurement of embryonic stem cells from human embryos but allowing by law for the importation of human embryonic stem cell lines


Allowing for the procurement of human embryonic stem cells from supernumerary embryos by law

Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom

Prohibition of the creation of human embryos for research purposes and for the procurement of stem cells by law or by ratification of the Convention of the Council of Europe on Human Rights and Biomedicine signed in Oviedo on April 4, 1997

Austria, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal




BTR working in the fume hood