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A European Union 6th Framework funded project with €2.5 million funding over 3 years


Ethical Research

Ethical issues related to biomedical research demand consideration through recognition and obligation to the moral status of involved entities. The ethical evaluation and review of the research will be independent and comprehensive and will examine the moral status of the entities relevant to the proposed research and how, following the completion of the work programme, our research has contributed to the ethical debate.


Initially it would appear that three aspects of the proposed work are of principle concern:


First, two pre-existing human embryonic stem cell lines will be used. This raises issues such as whether, and if so, how, the use of this contentious source of stem cells can be justified.


Second, human tissue samples, namely umbilical cord blood and bone marrow, will be used. This raises issues such as whether ethically sound procedures for the procurement of human tissue have been followed.


Third, small laboratory animals will be used during the in vivo studies. This raises issues such as whether the number and condition of the animals utilised by the work are justified.


Apart from these three central ethical concerns, the independent evaluation and review will address more generic research ethics issues that are less specific to this work. For example, issues of good research governance - including whether the research follows relevant codes of conduct and guidelines - will be addressed. We will take into consideration those who will be affected by the use of stem cell-based therapies and how the potential benefits may be weighed against ethical concerns. There will be an appreciation of different, pan-European legislative and public attitudes towards stem cell research.


Our findings will be reported in the form of two reports; the first will outline the ethical issues raised by the research; the second will be produced for the end of the project outlining the ethical issues addressed by the research.


Throughout, there will be a continual ethical monitoring and appraisal of the work, via the co-ordinator and the Ethical Committee.


BTR working in the fume hood