Dept of Politics & PPE York Strengths Session

Wednesday 21 April 2021, 2.00PM to 3:00 PM
Speaker(s): York Strengths
In this session, we will introduce you to the York Strengths programme and how this award-winning initiative can help you find out more about yourself, support your development, make the most of your time at university and start preparing for your future. To get a head start please have a look at
York Strengths Online before attending.
When we understand our strengths - the things we are good at and we love to do - we feel happier, more confident, more resilient and are more effective at developing ourselves and growing as individuals. Thousands of University of York students have benefited from discovering their strengths in recent years, using the insight from the York Strengths programme to support their academic studies, access a range of relevant experiences, build their employability skills, and help them secure placements, graduate work or further study.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Admission: Free, all welcome