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Evidence and Warrant

Wednesday 13 November 2019, 4.00PM to 5.30pm

Speaker(s): Dr Mona Simion, University of Glasgow

I develop a novel view on evidence and epistemic warrant, and how the two fit together. On this view, one's evidence consists of one's indicators of knowledge. In turn, facts that are knowledge indicators are inputs to properly functioning belief formation processes that have generating knowledge as their etiological function.
The view is argued to enjoy several advantages over extant competition among which, most importantly, that it explains what is wrong with epistemic resistance, i.e. failing to take up easily available evidence.


For further information about the work and research of Dr Simion please visit the web pages at the University of Glasgow.

Location: Department of Philosophy, Sally Baldwin Building Block A, Room I/A009

Admission: Departmental colloquium members and postgraduate students