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Jess Morgan

Senior research Fellow, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, Department of Health Sciences

Research Database

Jess Morgan is a part-time (40%) senior research fellow in paediatric oncology at CRD. She is also a part-time (60%) paediatric oncology trainee at Leeds Children’s Hospital. Her research interests are in the supportive care of children and young people with cancer, using systematic reviews, qualitative research and clinical trials. Within this, her particular interests are in febrile neutropenia, and in acute off-treatment follow-up after treatment for childhood cancer. Jess is also working on the REFoRMS project, which includes a systematic review of early phase trials for children and young people with relapsed and refractory rhabdomyosarcoma. Jess lectures on child health to undergraduates and teaches research methods to postgraduate paediatric trainees in Yorkshire. Jess is involved in a clinical twinning project between the Leeds paediatric oncology team and a health board in Cameroon, supported by World Child Cancer. The team are working together to develop a strong programme of childhood cancer research in Cameroon, to support their clinical twinning work.

Contact us

Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre
01904 323716
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK

Jess Morgan
01904 32 1082

Jess Morgan
01904 32 1082

Contact us

Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre
01904 323716
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK

Jess Morgan
01904 32 1082