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Rachel Headings
PhD Student



Rach is an Environment and Politics PhD student, co-supervised by Tony Heron in the Department of Politics and Jon Ensor in SEI York. Her research explores resilience within community food systems in the context of climate change, Brexit and COVID-19. With a background in non-profits, community organisations and local government, Rach’s research interests centre around social and environmental justice, food poverty, inequality and the impacts of power and governance in agricultural communities.

Rach holds a B.A. in public relations and sustainability from Northern Michigan University and an MSc in food policy from the Centre for Food Policy at City University of London. Her past academic work includes a three-year research project on sustainability policies within higher education and a dissertation on right-to-food policy analysis. Professionally, she has experience working on and marketing regenerative farms, serving on a food policy council, coordinating local food strategies and facilitating engagement for a prescription food programme. Separate to her research interests, Rach has completed training through Interdisciplinary Food Systems Teaching and Learning (IFSTAL) and Ellen McArthur’s ‘From Linear to Circular’ programme and has volunteered with multiple social movements advocating for farmers’ rights, food citizenship, clean water and ecological agriculture.

Contact details

Rachel Headings
PhD Student
Department of Environment & Geography Stockholm Environment Institute
University of York
YO10 5NG