Accessibility statement

Maha Khan
PhD Student



Maha is a PhD Student in the Department of Economics and Related Studies, supervised by Professor Cheti Nicoletti. Her research interests lie in the fields of applied microeconometrics, development, labour, family, and health economics. Her current research is concerned with understanding determinants of early child development with a focus on parental inputs, gender discrimination, transmission of disadvantage across generations, early life shocks, and policy interventions.

Maha holds a BSc (Hons) in Economics and Finance and an MPhil in Economics from Lahore School of Economics. Prior to joining the University of York, she worked as a Research and Teaching Fellow at the Centre for Research in Economics and Business (CREB).



 Applied microeconometrics, development, labour, family, and health economics.


  • “Multi-Generational Effects of Adverse In-Utero Shocks on Health and Cognitive Outcomes." Job Market Paper.
  • “Parental investment responses to child’s health: Are there gender-differences in Andhra Pradesh, India?"
  • “Do inheritance rights empower women and affect their offspring’s health?"

Research group(s)

  • Applied Microeconometrics Cluster (AME)
  • Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG)



Thesis Advisory Panel (TAP) members:



Selected publications

  • "Son‐biased fertility stopping, birth spacing, and child nutritional status in Pakistan," (with Theresa Thompson Chaudhry and Azka Mir), Review of Development Economics, Feb. 2021.
  • "Gender Gaps in Child Nutritional Status in Punjab, Pakistan," (with Theresa Thompson Chaudhry and Azka Mir), Pakistan Development Review, 59(2), Nov. 2020.
  • "Effects of birth order and son preference on utilization of pre- and post-natal health inputs in Punjab," (with Theresa Thompson Chaudhry), Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, Jan. 2020.
  • “Diversification and technological sophistication of large-scale manufacturing in Pakistan,” (with Uzma Afzal) The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2016.
  • “Pakistan: A Case of Premature Deindustrialization,” (with Naved Hamid), The Lahore Journal of Economics, Special Edition, Sept. 2015.
  • “Fertility levels in relation to education in Pakistan”, (with Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry, Asha Gul, Shaheer Ellahi Khan and Nida Khan), The Professional Medical Journal, 21(6): 1103-1112, 2014.

Contact details

Ms Maha Khan
PhD Student
Department of Economics and Related Studies