



Note that this web site is accurate at the end of August 2016 but will not thereafter be updated.

York, long been associated with books, through printing, publishing and selling, makes a natural base for a society initiated by, and dedicated to those who love books. Meetings other than the New Year Supper will take place in the Lecture Room of the York Medical Society at 23 Stonegate, York YO1 8AW. The Society combines information and scholarship with entertainment and sociability.

Authors and illustrators, designers and publishers, booksellers and collecters feature in programmes of five winter lectures supplemented by summer visits to memorable libraries.

All who have an interest in books are welcome to join this active group of booklovers. Visitors may attend meetings on payment of a small charge.

Further information about the Society may be obtained from:

Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer
Janet Fearnehough Rodney Troubridge
59 Meadowfields Drive 53 St Denys Road
Huntington Road
York YO31 9HW York YO10  9QD
telephone (01904) 658805         telephone (07816) 989529

or by e-mail to RTroubridge@mac.com.

says you are visitor number since 1 November 2006. [This counter is attached to the old www-users.york.ac.uk/~pml1/ site. When the site was moved to www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/pml1/ on 5 June 2017, it stopped counting. SPE 2017/07/18]

This page was prepared by Peter M Lee, e-mail math16@york.ac.uk

Revised 25 August 2016 [Struck through to make it clearer that this is out of date SPE 2020/10/06]