source("hdr.txt") priormean <- 300 priorsd <- 160 nu0 <- 2*priormean^2/priorsd^2+4 nu0 <- round(nu0) S0 <- priormean*(nu0-2) theta0 <- 110 n0 <- 15 x=c(141,102,73,171,137,91,81,157,146,69,121,134) n <- length(x) xbar <- mean(x) S <- sum((x-xbar)^2) s <- sd(x) nu1 <- nu0+n n1 <- n0+n theta1 <- (n0*theta0+n*xbar)/n1 S1 <- S0 + S + (n0^(-1)+n^(-1))^(-1)*(theta0-xbar)^2 s <- sqrt(S1/nu1) tvalues <- ht(0.95,nu1) cat("Interval for mu ", (s/sqrt(n1))*tvalues+theta1,"\n") cat("Posterior mean of phi ", S1/(nu1-2),"\n") cat("Values of chi^2 corresponding to HDR for log chi^2", hchisq(0.95,nu1),"\n") cat("Interval for phi ", sort(S1/hchisq(0.95,19)),"\n")