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This page is maintained by Peter M Lee,
e-mail: math16@york.ac.uk
Click here to see index of Russian names
- DAB Dictionary of American Biography
- DNB Dictionary of National Biography
- DSB Dictionary of Scientific Biography
- ESS Encyclopedia of Statistical Scial science
- ESSU Encyclopedia of Statistical Science Update Volumes
- IES International Encyclopedia of Statistics
- IESocSci International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
- ODNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Complementary information can be found at
From the internet at
DSB 1, 6-9; ESS 1, 2-3.
From the internet at
DSB 1, 53-54, ODNB.
From p.242 in
S M Stigler, Mathematical statistics in the early states,
Annals of Statistics 6 (1978), 239-275, reprinted in
S M Stigler and I M Cohen (ed.), American Contributions to
Mathematical Statistics in the Nineteenth Century, New York,
NY: Arno Publishing Company 1980 (SF STI).
DSB 1, 65-66; DAB 1, 109-110, ODNB.
From fig.1 in
A J Meadow, Greenwich Observatory: Volume 2: Recent History
(1836-1975), London: Taylor & Francis 1975.
DSB 1, 84-87, ODNB.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Aitchison
Another picture is in
RSS News 29 (1) (2001 September), 3.
From http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/home/department/history/history.php
Another picture forms the frontispiece from
A C Aitken, To Catch the Spirit, Dunedin: University of Otago
Press 1995.
ESSU 1, 20-22, ODNB.
From the web at
From Plate VII in
O Sheynin, Aleksandr A[leksandrovich]. Chuprov: Life, Work,
Correspondence. The Making of mathematical statistics,
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1996. This picture was
reprinted from O Anderson, Ausgehwählte Schriftern
(ed. von H Kellerer et al.), Tübingen 1963, Bd I,
gegenüber S. I.
The same picture is at
From the web at
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Wilbur_Anderson
A picture with T W Anderson (left) and TUKEY, John Wilder 1915-2000
figures as
No. 133 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
From http://www.stat.purdue.edu/contrib/anderson.html
From A conversation with Shanti Gupta, Statistical Science,
13 (1998), 291-305 at page 295 (open source
on projecteuclid.org)
From the web at
L M Beattie, John Arbuthnot, Cambridge University Press
DSB 1, 208-209; DNB 1, 534-537;
ESSU 2, 2-6, ODNB.
From http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8296/7978473915_e0814d7089_m.jpg
Another picture is the frontispiece to
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
146 (4) (1983)
Abb.4 from
H Loeffel, Blaise Pascal, Basel: Birkhäuser 1987.
DSB 1, 291-292.
From the web at http://www.druidic.isles.net/jpgs/aubreys.jpg
Charles Babbage, aged thirty-six. From a Colnaghi engraving
From opposite p. 80 of
M Moseley, Irascible Genius: A Life of Charles Babbage,
London: Hutchinson 1964.
DSB 1, 354-356, ODNB.
From the web at
From p. 1 of
J K Ghosh, S K Mitra and K R Parthasarathy (ed.),
Glimpses of India’s Statistical Heritage, New Delhi,
etc.: Wiley 1992.
This picture can also be found at http://radhakrishna.typepad.com/rks_musings/2009/01/the-lady-tasting-tea-visual-summary.html
From p.331 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DSB 1, 402-403; DNB 1, 899-904, ODNB.
From http://kielich.amu.edu.pl/Stefan_Banach/e-index.html
A similar picture is on p. 154 of
K Kuratowski, A Half Century of Polish Mathematics:
Remembrances and Reflections, Oxford, etc.: Pergamon 1980.
Was the Szkocka Café in Akamemichna in Lwow; now the
Desertniy Bar at T. Shevchenko Prospekt 27, L’viv
From p.138 in
Lviv: Sightseeing Guide, L’viv: Centre d’Europe
On the web at
Also forms frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
135 (1) (1972)
From the internet at http://www.imf.au.dk/~oebn/ole.gif
From p.334 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
See Bull. Inst. Math. Stats. 17 (1988), 278.
From http://www2.lse.ac.uk/newsletters/pressAndInformation/staffNews/2011/20111201.htm
A similar picture forms the frontispiece to
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
158 (1) (1995)
From http://www.bookyards.com/biography.html?author_id=4602&author_name=Bartlett%2C%20M.%20S.
The same picture forms the frontispiece to
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
130 (4) (1967)
Fm p. 11 of
J K Ghosh, S K Mitra and K R Parthasarathy (ed.),
Glimpses of India’s Statistical Heritage, New Delhi,
etc.: Wiley 1992.
This picture is also at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debabrata_Basu
From p.335 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
Note this portrait is of dubious authenticity - see an
article entitled The Reverend
Thomas Bayes, F.R.S. - 1701?-1761 originally from the
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and
other articles referred to below
From the web at
From p.297 in
J L Folks, Ideas of Statistics, Ames, IO: Iowa State
University Press 1981.
Showing the site of his grave. From pp.12-13 in
The Official Guide to Bunhill Fields, London: Corporation of
London 1991.
Where he “probably lodged during his time in Tunbridge
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
20 (1991), 226 (see also 17 (1988), 49,
276-278, 482-3, 19 (1990), 478-479 and 21 (1992),
D Bellhouse, A Bayesian busman’s holiday, Chance
3(4) (1990), 15-17 & 47.
DSB 1, 531-532; IES 1, 7-9; ESS Sup 14-17;
DNB (Missing Persons), 50-51, ODNB.
From the web at http://www.flickr.com/photos/15491198@N00/2361710588/
(centre) with SOBEL, Milton (left) and
GUPTA, Shanti Swarup (right)
A conversation with Shanti Gupta, Statistical Science,
13 (1998), 291-305 at page 294. (open source
on projecteuclid.org)
From the web at http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/bellhouse/
Frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
134 (1) (1971)
(with Presidential Address, The statistician and the manager,
pp. 1-13)
From the web at http://www.stat.duke.edu/~berger/icon/berger2.jpg
From the web at http://www.west.asu.edu/rlberge1/index.html
From the web at http://www.uv.es/~bernardo/Jose2b.jpg
Frontispiece of
Werke, Vol.3, Basel: Birkhäuser 1987.
DSB 2, 36-46; IES 1, 20; ESS 1, 216-217.
Adapted from the web at
Compare p. 34 of
Daniel Bernoulli 1700-1782 zum dreihundertsten Geburtstag
(ed. P Radelet-de Grave), Gygax - The digital Press, Basel 2000.
James Bernoulli in 1687, from frontispiece of
Werke, Vol.1, Basel: Birkhäuser 1989.
From Fig. 11.17 in
Eli Maor, To Infinity and Beyond: A Cultural History of the
Infinite, Basel: Birkhäuser 1986
DSB 2, 46-51; IES 1, 19; ESS 1, 215-216.
Adapted from the web at
Compare p. 34 of
Daniel Bernoulli 1700-1782 zum dreihundertsten Geburtstag
(ed. P Radelet-de Grave), Gygax - The digital Press, Basel 2000.
No known portrait appears to exist (cf. the Bernoulli family tree).
Title page of De Usu Artis Conjectandi in Jure
reproduced opposite p.287 in
James Bernoulli, Werke, Vol.3, Basel: Birkhäuser 1989.
DSB 2, 56-57; IES 1, 19-20; ESS 1, 216.
Adapted from the web at
Compare p. 34 of
Daniel Bernoulli 1700-1782 zum dreihundertsten Geburtstag
(ed. P Radelet-de Grave), Gygax - The digital Press, Basel 2000.
From the web at http://hp.iitp.ru/ENG/02/0231.HTM
DSB 15, 22-24; ESS 1, 221-223.
From the web at http://wwwusers.imaginet.fr/~bplanque/bertin.html
From p.277 in
A N Kolmogorov and A P Yushkevich (eds), Mathematics in the
Nineteenth Century: Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory,
Probability Theory, Boston, MA: Birkhäuser 1992.
DSB 2, 87-89.
From http://www.sustain.bris.ac.uk/JulianBesag/
Another picture is in
RSS News 29 (1) (2001 September), 2.
From fig.10, opp. p.321 in
A Pannekoek, A History of Astronomy, London: George Allen and
Unwin 1961.
DSB 2, 97-102.
From http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/PEEPS/bharucha-reid_a_t.html
Another picture is No. 479 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
Frontispiece from
C C Heyde and E Seneta, I.J. Bienaymé: Statistical Theory
Anticipated, New York: Springer-Verlag 1977.
IES 1, 21-22; ESS 1, 231-235.
From http://errorstatistics.com/2012/11/28/blogging-birnbaum-on-statistical-methods-in-scientific-inference/
Another picture is in
The American Statistician 31 (1977), pp. 178
From http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/PEEPS/blackwell_david.html
Another picture is in
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
From http://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2011/11/29/high-impact-science-chasing-down-the-apc-bowel-cancer-gene/
A similar picture forms the frontispiece to
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
148 (2) (1985)
From the web at http://hp.iitp.ru/ENG/38/3800.HTM
ESSU 1, 63-64.
From http://www.desy.de/f/hera/engl/chap1.html
A similar picture is at p.270 in
A N Kolmogorov and A P Yushkevich (eds), Mathematics in the
Nineteenth Century: Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory,
Probability Theory, Boston, MA: Birkhäuser 1992.
DSB 2, 260-268; ESS 1, 293-294.
From p.225 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
The same picture is at
Frontispiece from
G Boole, Collected Logical Works, Vol. I: Studies in Logic and
La Salle, IL: Open Court 1952.
DSB 2, 293-298; DNB 2, 831-833, ODNB.
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
The same picture is at
DSB 2, 302-305.
From Plate IV in
O Sheynin, Aleksandr A[leksandrovich]. Chuprov: Life, Work,
Correspondence. The Making of mathematical statistics,
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1996. This picture was
reprinted from Reichshandbuch der Deutschen Gessellschaft, Bd. I:
Handbuch der Persönlichkeiten in Wort und Bild, 1930,
S. 188.
From p.41 in
The Mathematical Intelligencer 5(1) (1983).
ESS Sup, 22-23.
The same picture is at
BOŠKOVIĆ, Ruđjer Josip, S.J.
= BOSCOVICH, Ruggiero Giuseppe
= BOSCOVICH, Roger Joseph
From frontispiece of
L L White (ed.), Roger Joseph Boscovich, S.J., F.R.S.
1711-1787, London: George Allen and Unwin 1961.
DSB 2, 326-332; ESS 1, 303-304.
Frontispiece from
A H Bowley, A Memoir of Professor Sir Arthur Bowley,
1869-1957, and his family, Petworth 1972.
The same picture is at
From p.240 in
A conversation with George Box, Statistical Science,
2 (1987), 239-258. (open source on projecteuclid.org)
The same picture is at
A conversation with Ralph A Bradley, Statistical Science,
16 (2001), 75-100 at page 88. (open source
on projecteuclid.org)
From the internet at
A conversation with Richard Olshen, Statistical Science,
16 (2001), 184-198 at page 192.
(open source on projecteuclid.org)
The same picture is at
From p.211 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DSB 2, 576-582.
From p.250 in
A N Kolmogorov and A P Yushkevich (eds), Mathematics in the
Nineteenth Century: Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory,
Probability Theory, Boston, MA: Birkhäuser 1992.
A conversation with Shanti Gupta, Statistical Science,
13 (1998), 291-305 at page 295. (open source on
The same picture is at
From p.228 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
The same picture is at
ESSU 3, 65-69.
CARCAVI, Pierre de 1600-1684
DSB 3, 63-64.
From facing p.52 in
A Wykes, Doctor Cardano: Physician Extraordinary, London:
Frederick Muller 1969.
DSB 3, 64-67.
From the web at http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/britlit/carlyle.gif
at 33 Ampton Street, King's Cross, London WC1X 0LT, from
DNB 3, 1020-1036, ODNB.
From the web at http://www.stat.ufl.edu/personnel/usrpages/casella.shtml
Cauchy as a young academician. Half-length portrait by Boilly,
From p.137 in
B Belhouse, Augustin-Louis Cauchy: A Biography,
Springer-Verlag 1991.
From p.497 in
D E Smith, A History of Mathematics, Vol. I, Boston, MA:
Ginn 1925 and New York, NY: Dover 1958.
DSB 3, 131-148; ESS 1, 384-385.
From the web at http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~freiwald/chauvenet.html
CHEBYSHEFF, Pavnutii Lvovich 1821-1894
= TCHEBYCHEFF, Pafnuty Lvovitch
= ČEBYŠEV, Pafnuty Lvovič
From facing p.70 in
W J Adams, The Life and Times of the Central Limit Theorem,
New York, NY: Kaedmon 1974.
The same picture is at
DSB 3, 222-232; ESS 1, 429-431.
From http://www.stat.harvard.edu/People/Faculty/Herman_Chernoff/Herman_Chernoff_Index.htm
A similar picture is at p.166 in
The Mathematical Intelligencer 3 (1981).
From Plate VI in
O Sheynin, Aleksandr A[leksandrovich]. Chuprov: Life, Work,
Correspondence. The Making of mathematical statistics,
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1996. This picture was
reprinted from Priroda 1974, No. 2, p. 87.
The same picture is at
From the web at
A conversation with Chin Long Chiang, Statistical Science,
14 (1999), 457-470 at page 458. (open source on
A conversation with Yuan Shih Chow,
Statistical Science,
13 (2006), 91-112 at page 108.
CHUPROV, Alexander Alexandrovich
= TSCHUPROW, Alexander Alexandrovich
= ČUPROV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič
From the web at http://hp.iitp.ru/ENG/30/3073.HTM
ESS 1, 477-479.
Frontispiece from
Contributions to Statistics, New York: Wiley 1982.
The same picture is at
DSB 17, 171-173, ESSU 1, 124-125.
- COCHRAN, William Gemmell>
CONDORCET, Marquis de 1743-1794
= CARITAT, Marie-Antoine-Jean-Nicolas
From the cover of
R Rashed (ed.), Sciences a l’Époque de la
Révolution Français, Paris: Blanchard 1988.
DSB 3, 383-388.
RSS News 33 (3) (2005 November), 7
The same picture is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Len_Cook
From the web at
From the web at
From the web at http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/fame.html
Frontispiece from
Cornish Granite: Extracts from the Writings and Speeches of
Lord Courtney of Penrith, London: Leonard Parsons 1925.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Cox_(statistician)
Another picture forms the frontispiece to
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
144 (3) (1981)
Left to Right: Sir David (Roxbee) Cox, Nancy Reid, Donald A S
Fraser, John Ashworth Nelder
From the web at:
From http://apprendre-math.info/anglais/historyDetail.htm?id=Cox
The same picture is on p.75 in
S Stinnett et al., Women in Statistics: Sesquicentennial
Activities, American Statistician 44(2) (1990),
ESSU 1, 167-168.
CRAIG, Allen T ????-1978
From the web at
From http://apprendre-math.info/anglais/historyDetail.htm?id=Cramer_Harald
From p.56 in
A conversation with C.R. Rao, Statistical Science,
2 (1987), 53-67. (open source on projecteuclid.org)
The same picture is at
ESS Sup 36-37.
From the web following links from http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/
From the web at
Frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
139 (1) (1976)
This picture is also at http://www.causeweb.org/resources/fun/db.php?id=317
From Fig. 13.8, p.201 in
J Stillwell, Mathematics and its History, Berlin: Springer
DSB 1, 110-117
From p. 92 in
Cuthbert Daniel: Industrial Statistician
American Statistician 52 (2) (1998), 89-92
Available online at http://amstat.tandfonline.com/toc/utas20/52/2
Frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
138 (1) (1975)
The same picture is at http://www.article.wn.com
From http://news.stanford.edu/news/2006/june7/memldant-060706.html
Another picture is at p.61 in
D J Albers, G L Alexanderson and C Reid, More Mathematical
People, Boston, MA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1990
From http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/PictDisplay/Darmois.html
The same picture is at p.166 in
D J Albers, G L Alexanderson and C Reid, More Mathematical
People, Boston, MA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1990
F N David in her office at the Forestry Division at Berkeley,
circa 1977,
from p.236 in
A conversation with F.N. David, Statistical Science
4 (1989), 235-246. (open source on projecteuclid.org)
ESSU 2, 176-178.
The same picture is at
From p.252 in
A N Kolmogorov and A P Yushkevich (eds), Mathematics in the
Nineteenth Century: Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory,
Probability Theory, Boston, MA: Birkhäuser 1992.
DSB 3, 591-592.
The same picture is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Davidov
Sent by E-mail from Charles W Dunnett.
From http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~apd/
Another picture is in
RSS News 29 (1) (2001 September), 8.
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
ESSU 1, 181-185.
The same picture is at
Abraham De Moivre painted by Jos. Highmore, 1736
from Plate 9 (facing p.160) in
F N David, Games, Gods and Gambling, London: Griffin 1962.
DSB 9, 452-455; IES 1, 601-604; ESS 2, 300-302;
DNB 13, 563-564, ODNB.
From p.345 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
From p.36 of
N Harte and J North, The World of University College London,
London: University College London 1978.
DSB 4, 35-37; DNB 5, 780-784, ODNB.
From http://www.vigyanprasar.gov.in/comcom/kichammi%5Cvamboos07.htm
Another picture is at p.320 in
A conversation with Persi Diaconis, Statistical Science
1 (1986), 319-334. (open source on projecteuclid.org)
From the web at
From the web at
From the web at
From the web at http://www.bmj.com/collections/century/data/doll.htm
From http://www.ox.ac.uk/media/news_stories/2008/080502.html
Another picture is in
M Atkins and N Gilbert, Faces of Mathematics,
Panoptika 2001.
From http://www.math.uiuc.edu/People/doob_obit.html
Another picture is in
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Dunnell
Another picture is on p. 175 of
Inside National Statistics, Significance 2
(2005), 174-176.
From the web at
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Durbin
Another picture forms the frontispiece to
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
150 (3) (1987)
From frontispiece of
Zeitschrift für Psychologie 51 (1909); also
reprinted on p.239 of
S M Stigler, The History of Statistics: The Measurment of
Uncertainty Before 1900, Belknap (Harvard) 1986.
From facing p.238 in
Annals of the Royal Statistical Society 1834-1934,
London: Royal Statistical Society 1934.
ESS Sup 54-55, ODNB.
From the web at
From Royal Statistical Society StatsLife bulletin 10-07-14
From the web at
From http://museum.nist.gov/exhibits/apparel/eisenhart.htm
Another picture is at p.513 in
A conversation with Churchill Eisenhart, Statistical Science,
7 (1992), 512-530. (open source on projecteuclid.org)
From p. 181 in
K Nordström, The life and works of Gustav Elfving,
Statistical Science 14 (2) (1999), 174-196
(open source on projecteuclid.org)
Another picture is at p.96 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
Johann Encke, Director of the Berlin Observatory, from p.47 in
M Littman, Planets Beyond: Discovering the Solar System,
New York: Wiley 1978.
DSB 4, 369-370.
From p.280 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
ESSU 2, 200-202.
Tore Olaus Engset with his wife Marie Amelie from the web at
From p. 223 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From p. 328 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From the web at
From Fig. 9.3, p.133 in
J Stillwell, Mathematics and its History, Berlin: Springer
DSB 4, 467-484
Facing p.60 in
Annals of the Royal Statistical Society 1834-1934,
London: Royal Statistical Society 1934.
DNB 6, 1090-1091, ODNB.
From the web at
Frontispiece from
G E Fechner, Elements of Psychophysics, ed. D.H. Howles and
E.G. Boring, New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1966.
DSB 4, 556-559.
A conversation with Walter T Federer, Statistical Science,
20 (2005), 302-315 at page 303. (open source on
The same picture is at
FELLER, William 1906-1970
= FELLER, Vilim = FELLER, Vilibald Srecko
From http://www.math.cornell.edu/~probability/Feller.jpg
Another picture is in
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
DSB 17, 287-289; ESSU 2, 247-250.
From p.450 of
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
26 (5) (1997 Sep/Oct)
The same picture is at
Abb.45 from
H Loeffel, Blaise Pascal, Basel: Birkhäuser 1987.
DSB 4, 566-576.
From frontispiece of
P K Goel and A Zellner (ed.), Bayesian Inference and Decision:
Essays in Honor of Bruno de Finetti, Amsterdam: North-Holland
The same picture is at
ESS Sup, 46-47.
From p.298 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DNB 7, 27-29.
Frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
137 (1) (1974)
The same picture is at
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Fisher
Another picture is at p. 268 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
Photograph (supplied by Fisher Memorial Committee) by Antony
Barrington-Brown, as reproduced as frontispiece of
R A Fisher, Collected Papers, Vol.5, Adelaide: Department of
Genetics of the University of Adelaide; and also as frontispiece of
J F Box, R.A. Fisher: The Life of a Scientist, New York:
Wiley 1978.
There is a blue plaque at Inverforth House, North End Way,
Hampstead, London NW3 7EU
DSB 5, 7-11; IES 1, 352-358; ESS 3, 103-111;
DNB (1961-70), 361-362, ODNB.
In the Department of Statistics, University of North Carolina;
frontispiece from
Biometrika 50 (1963).
This picture is also at http://my.ilstu.edu/~gcramsey/Fisher.html
Oscar Kempthorne (left in photo; from his personal collection)
with R.A. Fisher during a short visit to Ames, Iowa in 1952.
From p.29 in
G A Barnard, Fisher: A Retrospective, Chance 3 (1)
(1990), 22-32.
This picture is also at
From the web at http://www.senns.demon.co.uk/FisherWeb.html
From p. 137 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From the web at:
Left to Right: Sir David (Roxbee) Cox, Nancy Reid, Donald A S
Fraser, John Ashworth Nelder
From the web at:
From p. 331 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
The same picture is at
From G Goodall, News and Notes, Teaching Statistics 27
(1) (2005), 32.
From the web at http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/fame.html
Facing p.188 in
D E Smith, A History of Mathematics, Vol. I, Boston, MA:
Ginn 1925 and New York, NY: Dover 1958.
DSB 5, 237-249.
Francis Galton, aged 66, from Plate VIII of
D W Forrest, Francis Galton: The Life and Work of a Victorian
Genius, London: Paul Elek 1974.
DSB 5, 265-267; IES 1, 359-364; ESS 3, 274-276;
DNB (1901-1911), 70-72.
Link to web at http://www.mugu.com/galton/photos/
at 42 Rutland Gate, Knightsbridge, London SW7 1PD, from
From http://science.org.au/scientists/interviews/g/gani.html
From opp. p.42 in
W J Adams, The Life and Times of the Central Limit Theorem,
New York, NY: Kaedmon 1974.
DSB 5, 298-315; IES 1, 378-386;
ESS 3, 305-309.
From p. 459 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From p.50 in
Die Mathematik war eing Halt und eine Freude: Hilda
Geiringer zum 100 Geburtstag, Koruphyäe
15 (1994 May), 50-51.
The same picture is at
From the web at
From the web at
From p. 459 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
ESSU 2, 277-281.
The same picture is at
From http://www.prlog.org/10302713-niss-2009-jerome-sacks-award-and-distinguished-awards-presented-at-jsm.html
A picture of him interviewing John Tukey at Bellcore in 1993 is in
A conversation with Ramanathan Gnanadesikan, Statistical
Science, 16 (2001), 295-309 at page 302.
From p.244 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
The same picture is at
ESSU 2, 281-282.
From the web at
From p.341 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DSB 5, 466.
From http://spec.lib.vt.edu/imagebase/vtarchive/thumbnail/VTA0003.gif
A similar picture is in
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
16(3) (1987), 106.
From the web at
A similar portrait forms the frontispiece to
E S Pearson, ‘Student’: A Statistical Biography of
William Sealy Gosset, edited and augmented by R L Plackett with
the assistance of G A Barnard, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1990.
Reprinted from
Annals of Eugenics 9 (1939)
DSB 5, 409-413; IES 1, 409-413; ESS 1, 461-463;
DNB (1931-1940), 353-354, ODNB.
Plaque erected on Saint Patrick’s Boys National (Primary)
School, Holly Park, Blackrock, County Dublin on October 16, 2013,
(the 75th anniversary of his death) to commemorate the fact that
W S Gosset (‘Student’) had lived in Hollyville Park
between 1913 and 1935 when he was employed at the Guinness brewery.
The dwelling house, which had stood on the site of the school,
was demolished in the early 1960s. The erection of the plaque
was a joint venture between the Irish Statistical Association
and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, the local authority.
From RSS News 41 (1) (2013 February), 10 (available
From http://www.harvardsquarelibrary.org/speakout/images/gould2.jpg
A similar picture forms the frontispiece to
S J Gould, The Individual in Darwin’s World,
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 1990.
From the web at
ESSU 2, 282-284.
From p.147 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DSB 5, 506-508; IES 1, 435-437;
DNB 8, 427-428, ODNB.
From the internet at
DSB 5, 509-511; ESSU 2, 617-619.
From http://www.bris.ac.uk/news/2006/937.html/2006-09-11.9983319621/image
A similar picture is in
RSS News 29 (1) (2001 September), 5.
From the web at http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/fame.html
From http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/edd/uni-archiv/gumbel.htm
Another picture is at p. 406 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From p.14 in
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
31 (3) (2002).
From p.112 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
The same picture is at
From the web at http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/fame.html
From the web at http://www.julianhaight.com/fah/local_obit.html
From the web at http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/fame.html
From the web at http://www.genarians.com/1913.html
From http://www.stephenjaygould.org/people/john_haldane.html
A picture of J B S Haldane with his second wife, Dr Helen Spurway,
in June 1956 is opposite p.208 in
R Clark, J.B.S.: The Life and Work of J.B.S. Haldane,
London: Hodder and Stoughton 1968.
DSB 5, 21-23; DNB (1961-70), 473-475.
Edmond Halley as a naval officer, after a portrait by Sir Geoffrey
Plate 2 from
A Armitage, Edmond Halley, London: Nelson 1966
DSB 6, 67-72; DNB 8, 988-994, ODNB.
From http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/pls/portallive/docs/1/51526.JPG
A similar picture is at p. 7 in
RSS News, 30 (1) (2002).
From frontispiece of
Essays in Time Series and Allied Processes: papers in Honour of
E.J. Hannan, ed. J Gani and M B Priestley,
Journal of Applied Probability 23A (1986).
The same picture is at
ESSU 1, 306-310.
From http://cmi2.yale.edu/rewind/images/johnh.jpg
Another picture is in A conversation with John Hartigan,
Statistical Science,
13 (2005), 418-430 at page 430. (open source on
From http://mason.gmu.edu/~jgentle/images/hartley2.jpg
A similar picture is at p.197 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
From p.194 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
From the web at http://www.math.wisc.edu/~apache/photos/kurtz.gif
DSB 6, 239-241; ESS 3, 605-606.
From http://owpdb.mfo.de/photoNormal?id=14929
Another picture is in A conversation with Chris Heyde,
Statistical Science,
13 (2006), 286-298 at page 297. (open source on
From p.363 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DNB 9, 778.
From http://sph.bu.edu/otlt/lamorte/EP713/Web_Pages/EP713_Causality/EP713_Causality3.html
The same picture forms the frontispiece to
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
140 (2) (1977)
From http://image1.findagrave.com/photos250/photos/2009/297/43536381_125652877708.jpg
Another picture is at
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
From http://www.math.uconn.edu/General/Pictures/Mathematicians160x214/Wassily_Hoeffding.jpg
Another picture is at p.118 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
From p.412 of
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
29 (4) (2000 Jul/Aug)
See http://bulletin.imstat.org/archive/
From the web at
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
The same picture is at
ESS 3, 668-669.
From p.131 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DNB 10, 132-133, ODNB.
Third Erich L Lehmann Symposium. Chance encounter with a former
Ph.D. Student Emery Brown, Professor of Computational Neurology,
MIT/Harvard [Huber on the right]. From
A conversation with Peter Huber, Statistical Science
23 (1) (2008), 120-135 at p. 135 (open source on
HUDDE, Johannes 1628 or 1629-1769
= HUDDE, Jan
From p.131 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DSB 6, 536-538.
From the web at
From http://theresilientearth.com/?q=content/orbital-climate-cycles-reaffirmed-classical-statistics-denied
Another picture is at p. 335 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
Abb.47 from
H Loeffel, Blaise Pascal, Basel: Birkhäuser 1987.
DSB 6, 597-613.
From http://stats.unipune.ernet.in/vsh.html
Another picture is at p. 25 of
J K Ghosh, S K Mitra and K R Parthasarathy (ed.),
Glimpses of India’s Statistical Heritage, New Delhi,
etc.: Wiley 1992.
Frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
126 (3) (1963)
(with Preidential Address, The place of mathematics in medical
and biological statistics, pp. 1-45)
From http://www.ucl.ac.uk/statistics/people/valerieisham
Another picture is in
M Atkins and N Gilbert, Faces of Mathematics,
Panoptika 2001.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Jeffreys
Another picture is opposite p.303. in
A Cook, "Sir Harold Jeffreys", Biographical Memoirs of Fellows
of the Royal Society 36 (1990), 303-333.
From p.21 in
A N Kolmogorov and A P Yushkevich (eds), Mathematics in the
Nineteenth Century: Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory,
Probability Theory, Boston, MA: Birkhäuser 1992.
From http://mta.hu/data/cikk/12/80/18/cikk_128018/Jordan_Karoly.jpg
Another picture is on the dustjacket of
K Jordan, Chapters from the Classical Theory of Probability,
Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó 1972.
From http://dynkincollection.library.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/kacmark1.jpg R
Another picture is No. 470 in
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
From http://stat-or.unc.edu/people/emeritus/gopinath-kallianpur/photo_small
Another picture is on p. 45 of
J K Ghosh, S K Mitra and K R Parthasarathy (ed.),
Glimpses of India’s Statistical Heritage, New Delhi,
etc.: Wiley 1992.
From the web at http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/fame.html
From http://news.stanford.edu/news/2008/january9/karlin-010908.html
Another picture is in
London Mathematical Society Newsletter 301
(2002 February).
From the internet at
From http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~frank/
Another picture is in
M Atkins and N Gilbert, Faces of Mathematics,
Panoptika 2001.
A conversation with Johannes H B Kemperman,
Statistical Science,
15 (2000), 396-408 at page 399. (open source on
From the web at
with FISHER, Sir Ronald Aylmer 1890-1962
Oscar Kempthorne (left in photo; from his personal collection)
with R.A. Fisher during a short visit to Ames, Iowa in 1952.
From p.29 in
G A Barnard, Fisher: A Retrospective, Chance 3 (1)
(1990), 22-32.
This picture is also at
London Mathematical Society Newsletter 201
(1993 January).
This picture is also at
Frontispiece from
Sir Maurice Kendall, Statistics: Theory and Practice,
London: Griffin 1984.
This picture is also at
ESSU 1, 343-345, ODNB.
From the web at http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/fame.html
at 46 Gordon Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1H 0PD, from
KHINCHIN, Aleksandr Yakovlevich
= KHINTCHINE, Aleksandr Jakovlevich
= HINCHIN, Aleksandr Yakovlevich
From p.39 in
S Zdravkovska and P L Duren (eds), Golden Years of Moscow
Mathematics, Providence, RI: American Mathematical
Society/London Mathematical Society 1993
This picture is also at
DSB 7, 351-352.
From p. 208 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
ESS Sup, 78.
Frontispiece from
Collected Papers, Volume III, New York: Springer-Verlag
This picture is also at
Frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
152 (3) (1989)
This picture is also at
From Plate IV in
O Sheynin, Aleksandr A[leksandrovich]. Chuprov: Life, Work,
Correspondence. The Making of mathematical statistics,
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1996. This picture was
reprinted from 150 Jahre Promotion an der
Wirtshcaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität
Tübingen (ed von I Eberl and H Marcon), Stuttgart 1984,
S. 771, Bild Nr. 62.
From p. 257 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From the web at
From http://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/08/10408-004-0BCEF6E8.jpg
Another picture is the rontispiece to
Russian Mathematical Surveys 43 (1) (1988)
ESS Sup, 78-80.
From the web at http://www.ruc.su/association/histor/
ESSU 2, 353-355.
From the web at http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/fame.html
Frontispiece from
N L Johnson and N Balakrishnan (ed.), Advances in the
Theory and Practice of Statistics: A Volume in Honor of
Samuel Kotz, Wiley 1997.
This picture is also at
KRAVCHUK, Mikhailo Pylypovich
= KRAWTCHOUK, Mikhailo Pylypovich
= KRAVČUK, Myxajlo Pylypovič
From http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CK%5CR%5CKravchukMykhailo.htm
Another picture is at p. 425 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
with H Drygas, J Müller, C Rao, and C Parisetti
From the web at
ESSU 2, 355-356.
From http://s08.middlebury.edu/MATH0318A/Kruskal%20II_files/image007.png
Another picture is at p.182 in
The Mathematical Intelligencer 4 (1982).
From the web at
From the web at
From the web at http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/profiles/kuznets.htm
From p.38 in
B Belhouse, Augustin-Louis Cauchy: A Biography,
Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1991.
DSB 7, 559-573.
From http://insaindia.org/IN-180/page6.htm
Another picture is at p. 67 of
J K Ghosh, S K Mitra and K R Parthasarathy (ed.),
Glimpses of India’s Statistical Heritage, New Delhi,
etc.: Wiley 1992.
From the web at
From http://sydney.edu.au/science/images/content/about_us/about_fame_lancaster.gif
Another picture is at p.16 in
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
31 (2) (2002).
From the internet at
DSB 8, 9-14; ESS 4, 468-469.
Laplace in his robes as Chancellor of the Senate, from Plate 6 in
M Crosland, The Society of Arcueil, Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press 1967.
DSB 15, 273-403 (sic); IES 1, 493-9;
ESS 4, 469-473.
From the internet at
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
This picture is also at
DSB 8, 110-112.
From http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/rice/LeCam/lecam.jpg
Another picture is in
A conversation with Lucien Le Cam, Statistical Science,
14 (1999), 223-241 at page 230. (open source on
From the web at
Note that, as remarked on this web site, a very widely reproduced
picture of Legendre is not a true likeness
DSB 8, 135-143.
From http://universityofcalifornia.edu/senate/inmemoriam/erichlehmann.html
A picture with his daughter Barbara is in
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
From http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/252/55870.jpg
Another picture is No. 606 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
From the web at
DSB 8, 176-179.
From opp. p.300 in
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 7 (1973).
The same picture is at
ESS 4, 617-618.
From p.221 of
S M Stigler, The History of Statistics: The Measurment of
Uncertainty Before 1900, Cambridge, MA: Belknap (Harvard) 1986;
reproduced from
Illustrirte Zeitung (Leipzig), 143 (1914), 394.
IES 1, 507-512; ESS 4, 625-627.
From http://www.kcl.ac.uk/ImportedImages/Schools/SSPP/Schoolstaff/DLievesley1.jpg F
Another picture is the frontispiece to:
The Statistician 50 (4) (2001).
From p. 318 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From Fig. 1.5, opp. p.7
The archetypal progressive: Volvo, Guardian and green
P R Freeman and A F M Smith (ed.), Aspects of Uncertainty:
A Tribute to D V Lindley, New York: Wiley 1994.
This picture is also at
From the web at
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Lo%C3%A8ve
Another picture is in
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Lukacs
Another picture is at p.13 in
J Gani (ed.), The Making of Statisticians, Berlin: Springer
From p. 308 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
The same picture is at
From the web at:
From opp. p.94 in
W J Adams, The Life and Times of the Central Limit Theorem,
New York, NY: Kaedmon 1974.
DSB 8, 559-563; ESS 4, 625-627.
From the web at:
From p.336 in
J L Folks, Ideas in Statistics, Ames, IO: Iowa State
University Press 1981.
Ther same picture is at
IES 1, 571-576; ESS 5, 175-176.
From facing p.4 in
Annals of the Royal Statistical Society 1834-1934,
London: Royal Statistical Society 1934.
The same picture is at
DNB 9, 67-71; ESS 5, 189-190, ODNB.
No. 150 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
The same picture is at
From http://www1.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~sta6kvm/
From A conversation with Kenti Mardia, Statistical Science,
17 (2002), 113-148 at page 120. (open source on
From opp. p.80 in
W J Adams, The Life and Times of the Central Limit Theorem,
New York, NY: Kaedmon 1974.
DSB 9, 124-130; ESS 5, 247-249.
From p. 83 of
J K Ghosh, S K Mitra and K R Parthasarathy (ed.),
Glimpses of India’s Statistical Heritage, New Delhi,
etc.: Wiley 1992.
From p.278 in
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DSB 9, 158-159; DNB 12, 1292-1294.
From the web at
M Goldman, The Demon in the Aether, Edinburgh: Harris 1983.
at http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/discover/blue-plaques/search/maxwell-james-clerk-1831-1879
DSB 9, 198-230; DNB 13, 118-121, ODNB.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Tobias_Mayer
Another picture is opposite contents page (and on title page) of
E G Forbes, The Birth of Navigational Science: Tobias Mayer,
Maritime Monographs and Reports No. 10, London: National Maritime
Museum 1974.
DSB 9, 232-235.
Another picture is at p. 219 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From the web at
From p. 323 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
The same picture is at
From the web at
Mendel in 1862. Opposite p.49 in
R Olby, Origins of Mendelism, Chicago, IL: University of
Chicago Press 1966.
DSB 9, 277-283.
From the web at
From the web at:
Abb.4 from
H Loeffel, Blaise Pascal, Basel: Birkhäuser 1987.
DSB 9, 316-322.
From p. 148 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
Frontispiece from
Garrett Birkhoff, Gustav Kuerti and Gabor Szegö,
Studies in Mathematics and Mechanics Presented to Richard von
Mises by Friends, Colleagues and Pupils,
New York: Academic Press 1954.
The same picture is at
DSB 9, 419-420; ESS 6, 502-505.
From p.10 in
IMS Bulletin 33 (2004), 10.
From http://gbiomed.kuleuven.be/nl/onderzoek/50000687/onderzoekseenheid-biomedische-kwaliteitszorg/docenten1.html
Another picture is at p. 7 in
RSS News, 30 (1) (2002).
MONTMORT, Pierre Raymond de 1678-1719
DSB 9, 499-500; ESS 5, 618-620.
According to
no portrait is known
Frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
153 (3) (1990)
From the web at
Frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
143 (1) (1980)
The same picture is at
A conversation with Lincoln E Moses, Statistical Science,
14 (1999), 338-354 at page 353. (open source on
The same picture is at
From p.241 in
D J Albers, G L Alexanderson and C Reid, More Mathematical
People, Boston, MA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1990
The same picture is at
From p. 101 of
J K Ghosh, S K Mitra and K R Parthasarathy (ed.),
Glimpses of India’s Statistical Heritage, New Delhi,
etc.: Wiley 1992.
The same picture is at
From http://www2.imperial.ac.uk/blog/reporter/files/2010/08/john1.jpg
Another picture is the frontispiece to
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
149 (2) (1986)
Left to Right: Sir David (Roxbee) Cox, Nancy Reid, Donald A S
Fraser, John Ashworth Nelder
From the web at:
From the web at http://hp.iitp.ru/ENG/19/1986.HTM
ESSU 3, 521-522.
From p. 29 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
Frontispiece from
Reminiscences of an Astronomer, London:
Harper & Bros. 1903.
DSB 10, 33-36; DAB 7, 452-455.
Frontispiece from
Early Statistical Papers, Cambridge University Press 1967.
The same picture is at
DSB 18, 669-675; IESocSci 18 (Biog. Supp.), 587-590;
ESS 6, 215-223.
A picture with SCOTT, Elizabeth 1917-1988 is in
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
A portrait taken immediately after her return from the Crimea
Frontispiece from
D Erskine Muir, Florence Nightingale, London: Blackie 1946
ESS 6, 246-249, ODNB.
at 10 South Street, Mayfair, London W1K 1DE, from
From the web at http://www.shef.ac.uk/~st1ao/aoh.gif
From http://www.miscarea.net/octav-onicescu2.jpg
Another picture is at p. 415 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From http://ote4estvo.ru/uploads/posts/2011-06/1314088799_49050396_ostrogradskiy_.jpg
The same picture is (poorly reproduced) on p.124 in
B Belhouse, Augustin-Louis Cauchy: A Biography,
Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1991.
DSB 10, 247-252.
PACIOLI, Fra Luca 1445-1509
= PACCIOLI, Fra Luca
= PACIOLO, Fra Luca
From the painting ‘Fra Luca Pacioli and Pupil’ by J. de
Barbari (1440/50-1516) in the Capodimonte Museum, Naples.
Reproduced at http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:Pacioli.jpg
Also on the front cover of R Lawlor, Sacred Geometry:
Philosophy and Practice, London: Thames and Hudson 1982. Also
reproduced on p.108 of the same book and as Plate 8 (opp. p.25) of
F N David, Games, Gods and Gambling, London: Griffin 1962.
DSB 10, 269-272.
From p. 232 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From http://www.science.tamu.edu/articles/030917_STAT_ParzenEmanuel.jpg
Another picture is No. 401 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
Frontispiece from
H Loeffel, Blaise Pascal, Basel: Birkhäuser 1987.
DSB 10, 330-342; ESS 6, 626-628.
From the internet at
Frontispiece from
E S Pearson, Selected Papers, Cambridge University Press 1966.
This picture is also at
IESocSci 18 (Biog. Supp.), 630-632; ESS 6, 650-653,
Frontispiece from
E S Pearson, Karl Pearson: An Appreciation of some aspects of
his life and works, Cambridge University Press 1938.
This picture is also at
DSB 10, 447-473; IES 2, 691-698; ESS 6, 653-655;
ESSU 3, 572-576; DNB (1931-1940), 681-684, ODNB.
at 7 Well Road, Hampstead, London NW3 1LH, from
From p.663 in
C B Boyer and U C Merzbach, A History of Mathematics
(2nd ed.), London: Wiley 1989 (1st ed. by Boyer alone, 1968).
DSB 10, 478-488; IES 2, 698-702.
From a portrait by Closterman at Bowood; frontispiece of
The Petty-Southwood correpondence 1676-1687, edited from
the Bowood papers by the Marquis of Lansdowne, London: Constable
DSB 10, 564-565; IES 2, 702-704; DNB 15,
999-1005, ODNB.
From the internet at
From the internet at
ESS 6, 729-731.
From the internet at
From p.52 in
B Belhouse, Augustin-Louis Cauchy: A Biography,
Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1991.
DSB 15, 480-490; IES 2, 704-6; ESS 7, 41-43.
From p.159 in
I J Good, Some statistical applications of Poisson’s work,
Statistical Science 1 (1986), 704-6.
(open source on projecteuclid.org)
DSB 15, 480-490; IES 2, 704-6; ESS 7, 41-43.
From p. 429 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
The same picture is at
From the web at
From an engraving by Holloway in the National Museum of Wales
after an original painting by Sir Benjamin West now in the
possession of the Royal Society; frontispiece from
R Thomas, Richard Price: Philosopher and Apostle of Liberty,
Oxford University Press 1924; also reproduced as Plate 8, opp. p.81
M E Ogborn, Equitable Assurances, London: George Allen and
Unwin 1962.
by James Gilray (1757-1815) of Price with Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)
DNB 16, 334-7.
IMS Bulletin 35 (2006), 4-5.
The same picture is at
From facing p.40 in
H M Walker, Studies in the History of Statistical Method,
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins 1931.
DSB 11, 236-238; IES 2, 824-834;
ESS 7, 481-483.
A conversation with Howard Raiffa, Statistical Science
23 (1) (2009), 136-149 at p. 137 (open source on
The same picture is at
Frontispiece from
D H Mellor (ed.), Prospects for Pragmatism: Essays in Memory of
F.P. Ramsey, Cambridge University Press 1980.
The same picture is at
DSB 11, 285-286, ODNB.
From http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/BigPictures/Rao_4.jpeg
with CRAMÉR, Harald
From p.56 in
A conversation with C.R. Rao, Statistical Science, 2
(1987), 53-67. (open source on projecteuclid.org)
The same picture is at
From http://www.zalafilms.com/films/jrbackground.html
Another picture is No. 585 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
Left to Right: Sir David (Roxbee) Cox, Nancy Reid, Donald A S
Fraser, John Ashworth Nelder
From the web at:
Frontispiece from
A Rényi, Probability Theory, Amsterdam: North-Holland
The same picture is at
DSB 18, 732-734.
From http://www.ae-info.org/attach/User/R%C3%A9v%C3%A9sz_P%C3%A1l/revesz_pal_small.jpg
Another picture is No. 340 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
From p.73 in
C A Ronan, Galileo, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1974.
DSB 11, 405-406.
From the web at
From http://magazine.amstat.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Stuart-Rice.png
Another picture is at p. 386 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From the web at
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Robbins
Another picture is in
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
M Atkins and N Gilbert, Faces of Mathematics,
Panoptika 2001.
The same picture is at
From the web at
DSB 11, 486-491.
From Plate V in
O Sheynin, Aleksandr A[leksandrovich]. Chuprov: Life, Work,
Correspondence. The Making of mathematical statistics,
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht 1996. This picture was
reprinted from Uspekhi Matematicheski Nauk 10 (1)
(1955), facing p. 79.
The same picture is at
S Hogarth and V Wallace (eds), Yorkshire People and Places:
A millenium celebration, York: Yorkshire Philosohpical Society
2001, p. 132.
The same picture is at
Obituary: Gian-Carlo Rota, The Mathematical Scientist
25 (2000), 61-62.
The same picture is at
From p.17 in
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
31 (2) (2002).
See http://bulletin.imstat.org/archive/
No. 342 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
From http://www.yale.edu/opa/arc-ybc/v32.n32/story28.jpg
Another picture is No. 22 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
From frontispiece of
The Writings of Leonard Jimmie Savage: A Memorial Selection,
Washington, DC: American Statistical Association/ Institute of
Mathematical Statistics 1981.
The same picture is at
IESocSci 18 (Biog. Supp.), 691-694; ESS 8, 265-267.
From the web at
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life,
New York: Springer-Verlag 1982
The same picture is at
DSB 18, 783-784.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Scott_(mathematician)
A picture with NEYMAN, Jerzy (Spława-) 1894-1981 is in
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
with NEYMAN, Jerzy (Spława) 1894-1981
From the web at http://www.stat.unc.edu/faculty/sen.html
From p.155 in
P R Masani, Norbert Wiener 1894-1964, Basel: Birkhäuser
The same picture is at
From http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A9%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0,_%D0%A4%D1%91%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
Another picture is at p. 239 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From the internet at http://www.lucent.dk/museum/1924scc.html
DSB 18, 816-819.
From http://insaindia.org/detail.php?id=N63-0759
Another picture is at p. 215 of
J K Ghosh, S K Mitra and K R Parthasarathy (ed.),
Glimpses of India’s Statistical Heritage, New Delhi,
etc.: Wiley 1992.
From the web at
From the web at
From p.209 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
DSB 12, 443-445; DNB 18, 279, ODNB.
Thomas Bayes, F.R.S.: A biography to celebrate the
tercentenary of his birth (with discussion), by D R Bellhouse,
Statistical Science, 19 (2000), 3-43 at p.20.
(open source on projecteuclid.org)
Raeburn’s portrait of Sir John Sinclair (National Galleries of
Scotland), opp. p.179 in
J C Gower, Statistics in Agriculture, Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society Series A, 151 (1988),
DNB 18, 301-305, ODNB.
From the internet at
DSB 12, 461; ESS 8, 512-515.
From the internet at
ESSU 1, 500-502.
From http://www.m-a.org.uk/upload/big/professoradriansmith.jpg
Another picture is the frontispiece to
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
159 (3) (1996)
From p. 299 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From p.258 in
J L Folks, Ideas in Statistics, Ames, IO: Iowa State
University Press 1981.
The same picture is at
ESS 8, 526-528.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Laurie_Snell
Another picture is at p.118 in
The Mathematical Intelligencer 4 (1982).
From a portrait in the possession of R G Snow on the internet at
DSB 12, 502-503; DNB 18, 615-617, ODNB.
Sobel at the Bell Telephone Labs, 1959
A conversation with Nitis Mukhopadhyay, Statistical Science,
15 (2000), 168-190 at p.178. (open source on
(left) with BECHHOFER, Robert (centre)
and GUPTA, Shanti S (right)
A conversation with Shanti Gupta, Statistical Science,
13 (1998), 291-305 at page 294. (open source on
From p.328 in
J L Folks, Ideas in Statistics, Ames, IO: Iowa State
University Press 1981.
The same picture is at http://sabrinamessenger.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/spearman-and-intelligence.html
From the web at
From the web at
From http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~ckirby/charles/Stein_fromMargaret.jpg
Another picture is Charles Stein in 1984, from p.462 in
A conversation with Charles Stein, Statistical Science
1 (1986), 454-462. (open source on projecteuclid.org)
From http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/8/2011/07/stephenstigler.jpg
Another picture is on the dust-jacket of
S M Stigler, The History of Statistics: The Measurement of
Uncertainty before 1900, Cambridge, MA: Belknap (Harvard)
No known portrait appears to exist.
The illustration shows the arms of Stirling of Garden
From p.90 in
William Fraser, The Stirlings of Keir and their Family Papers,
Edinburgh: Privately Printed 1858.
DSB 13, 443-445; DNB 18, 1266-1267, ODNB.
From http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2536/3982881945_596a318225_z.jpg?zz=1
Another picture is on p.6 in
The Independent, 1998 July 25.
From http://www.math.iitb.ac.in/pvs/pvs2.html
Anothwer picture is on p. 11 of
J K Ghosh, S K Mitra and K R Parthasarathy (ed.),
Glimpses of India’s Statistical Heritage, New Delhi,
etc.: Wiley 1992.
From p. 72 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
From p.139 in
J Gani (ed.), The Craft of Probabilistic Modelling:
A Collection of Personal Accounts, Berlin: Springer 1986.
From the web at
From the web at
From facing p.117 in
A Wykes, Doctor Cardano: Physician Extraordinary,
London: Frederick Muller 1969.
DSB 13, 258-262.
From the internet at
M Atkins and N Gilbert, Faces of Mathematics,
Panoptika 2001.
The same picture is at
From p.330 of
T O’Donnell, History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Chicago: American Conservation Company 1936.
From p.161 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
From the web at
From http://www.lolblackjack.com/blackjack/professionals/edward-thorp/edward-thorp-card-counting.jpg
Another picture is No. 175 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
Frontispiece from
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A
129 (4) (1966)
Detail from frontispiece of
A Macfarlane, Lectures on Ten British Mathematicians of the
Nineteenth Century,
New York: Wiley and London: Chapman & Hall 1916.
DNB 19, 914-915, ODNB.
From http://images.businessweek.com/ss/09/06/0608_tufte/image/1_tufte_intro.jpg
Another picture is on a leaflet advertising
E R Tufte, Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence
and Narrative, Cheshire, CO: Graphics Press 1997.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Tukey
(right) with ANDERSON, Theodore Wilbur 1918-
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Wilbur_Anderson
No. 133 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
Photograph supplied by his daughter
From http://epublications.bond.edu.au/people/1012/preview.jpg
Another picture is at p.6 in
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
31 (6) (2002).
From the web at
From the web at
From frontispiece of
H D Francis, In memoriam John Venn. Privately printed,
Cambridge 1928. Reprinted from The Caian, vol. XXXI, no.3.
DSB 13, 611-613; DNB (1922-1930), 869-870, ODNB.
From the web at
From p.122 in
The Mathematical Intelligencer 4 (1982).
From http://isi.cbs.nl/Nlet/images/N89WaksbergJ.jpg
Another picture is at p. 136 in
D Morganstein and D Marker, A conversation with Joseph Waksberg,
Statistical Science 15 (2000), 299-312.
(open source on projecteuclid.org)
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
The same picture is at
DSB 14, 121-123; ESS 9, 514-517.
From p. 216 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
A connection between El Niño and Statistics,
Statistical Science,
17 (2002), at page 99. (open source on projecteuclid.org)
The same picture is at
From http://www.amstat.org/about/statisticiansinhistory/images/walker_bio.jpg
Another picture is at p.78 in
S Stinnett et al., Women in Statistics: Sesquicentennial Activities,
American Statistician 44(2) (1990), 74-80.
From Plate III of
A Cook, Edmond Halley: Charting the Heavens and the Seas,
Oxford: Clarendon Press 1998.
DSB 14, 146-155; DNB 20, 598-602, ODNB.
DSB 14, 178-179; ESSU 2, 706-709.
From the web at http://www.ra.se/ola/wargentin.htm
Constance Reid, Neyman - from Life, New York: Springer-Verlag
The same picture is at
From the web at
From p.264 of
K Pearson, Walter Frank Raphael Weldon: A Memoir, Biometrika
5 (1906), 1-52, reprinted in E S Pearson and M G Kendall
(ed.), Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability,
London: Griffin 1970, pp.264-321.
DSB 14, 251-252.
From the web at http://www.stat.duke.edu/~mw/mw.gif
From p.319 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997
The same picture is at
Frontispiece from
Norbert Wiener, Selected Papers, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
The same picture is at http://cybsoc.org/wosc/WienerPic.gif
DSB 14, 344-347; ESS 9, 605-607;
DAB Supp 7 (1961-65), 783-785.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Wilcoxon
Another picture is at p. 136 in
A R Sampson and B Spencer, A conversation with I. Richard Savage,
Statistical Science 14 (1999), 126-148.
(open source on projecteuclid.org)
ESS 9, 609-612.
From p.211 in
N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical
Sciences from the Seventeenth Century to the Present,
New York, etc.: Wiley 1997.
The same picture is at
DSB 14, 381-386.
From http://magazine.amstat.org/blog/2009/09/01/walterwillcoxsep09/
Another picture is at p. 265 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
ESS Sup, 78.
From the web at:
DSB 14, 436-438, ESSU 1, 545-546
Another picture is at p. 369 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
ESS Sup, 78.
From opp. p.1 in
E S Pearson, John Wishart 1898-1956, Biometrika
44 (1957), 1-8.
The same picture is at
Frontispiece from
A Lefevre-Pontalis, Jean de Witt, Grande Pensionnaire de
Hollande, Paris: Plon, Nourrit 1884.
DSB 14, 465-467, ESS Sup 47-50.
No. 126 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
The same picture is at
ESSU 1 546-548.
From http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/BigPictures/Wolfowitz.jpeg
Another picture is No. 402 from
Paul R Halmos, I Have a Photographic Memory, Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1987.
DSB 18, 996-997; ESS 9, 646-650.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.F._Jeff_Wu
Another picture is at p.10 in
IMS Bulletin 33 (4) (2004), 4.
From the web at http://hp.iitp.ru/ENG/33/3301.HTM
ESS 9, 658-659.
From the web at http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2007/0289/nauka01.php
ESS 9, 659.
Plate 23 from
J F Box, R.A. Fisher: The Life of a Scientist,
New York: Wiley 1978.
The same picture is at
ESSU 1 549-551, ODNB.
From p. 479 in
C C Heyde and E Seneta, Statisticians of the Centuries,
New York: Springer-Verlag 2001.
The same picture is at
ESS Sup, 78.
Fronticepiece from
Statistical Papers of George Udny Yule, London: Griffin
The same picture is at
From http://www.binghamton.edu/magazine/images/uploads/ZacksWeb.jpg
Another picture is in A conversation with Shelemyahu Zacks,
Statistical Science,
13 (2005), 89-110 at page 96. (open source on
From the web at
From the web at
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since 9 January 2003.
This page is maintained by Peter M Lee,
e-mail: math16@york.ac.uk
Revised 10 July 2014