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Health Economics MSc students in CHE will present on the topic of their placement

Wednesday 18 September 2013, 12.00PM to 1.30pm


  • 12:00-12:05 Introduction
  • 12:05-12:20 James Koh, Estimating the social distribution of health in England
  • 12:20-12:35 Victoria Hurtado Meneses, Use of individual patient level and aggregate data to cost interventions for the treatment of chronic pain in osteoarthritis of the knee (OAK)
  • 12:35-12:50 Shuyun Liu, How does the cost-effectiveness of an intervention based on observational data compare with the
    results of the corresponding within-RCT evaluation?
  • 12:50-13:05 Daniel Pollard, Incorporating patient preferences in cost-effectiveness analyses
  • 13:05-13:20 Jonathan White, Hospital admissions for severe mental illness in England: changes in equity of access at the small
    area level between 2006 and 2010

Each student will present for ten minutes and then have time for questions and feedback.  Please feel free to bring along your lunch.

Location: Alcuin A Block A019/020

Who to contact

For more information on these seminars, contact:

Economic evaluation seminar dates

  • Thursday 8 December
    Ana Duarte, University of York