Coastal Shell Middens and Agricultural Origins in Atlantic Europe
Coastal Shell Middens and Agricultural Origins in Atlantic Europe    


Project Publications

  • Milner, N., Craig, O.E, Bailey, G.N., Pedersen, K. & Andersen S.H. (2004) 'Something fishy in the Neolithic? A re-evaluation of stable isotope analysis of Mesolithic and Neolithic coastal populations', Antiquity. 78: 9-22.
  • Surge, D. and Milner, N. (2003) Oyster shells as history books of environmental change and harvesting strategies of ancient peoples. Shellfish News, no. 16, 5-7.
  • Bailey, G.N. & Milner, N. (in press) The marine molluscs from the Norsminde shell midden. In Søren H. Andersen (ed.) Stone Age Settlement of the Norsminde Fjord, Jutland, Denmark.
  • Craig, O.E., (in press) Organic analysis of “food crusts” from sites in the Schelde valley, Belgium: a preliminary evaluation. Notae Prehistorica
  • Craig, O.E., Ross, R., Milner, N. (forthcoming) FOCUS: Sulphur isotope variation in prehistoric marine fauna from Northern Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science
  • Craig, O.E., Forster, M., Andersen S.H, Koch, E., Crombé, P., Bailey, G.N (forthcoming) Molecular Demonstration of Marine and Freshwater Products in Prehistoric Pottery from Northern Europe. Archaeometry
  • Dürrwächter, C., Craig, O.E., Collins, M.J., Burger, J., Alt, K.W. (submitted) Beyond the Grave: Variability in Neolithic diets in Southern Germany? Journal of Archaeological Science
  • Milner, N., & Surge, D. (submitted) Sclerochronology and geochemical analyses on Ostrea edulis: a comparison of methods for determining seasonality on European shell midden sites. The Holocene
  • Milner, N. (forthcoming) The seasonality of oyster gathering. In L. Zapata Peña (ed.) Excavations at Pico Ramos, a Chalcolithic cave site, Oxford: Archaeopress, British Archaeological Reports, International series.
  • Milner, N. (in press) Mesolithic middens and marine molluscs: procurement and consumption of shellfish at the site of Sand. Scottish Archaeology Internet Publications
  • Milner, N. (in press) A study of the marine molluscs from the Scotland’s First Settlers test pit sites, Scottish Archaeology Internet Publications
  • Milner, N. (in press) Consumption of crabs in the Mesolithic: side stepping the evidence? Scottish Archaeology Internet Publications.
  • Milner, N., Welsh, J. & Barrett, J. (forthcoming) Marine resource intensification in Viking Age Europe: the mollusc evidence from Quoygrew, Orkney. To be submitted to Journal of Archaeological Science.
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