1. Introduction

  1. Following the removal of the default retirement age with effect from 1 October 2011, the University does not assume that employees will retire at any specific age and consequently line managers will need to talk to employees to understand their intentions.
  2. An employee who decides to retire is required to resign from their post, in writing, providing the notice specified in their contract of employment in the normal way.
  3. The University will continue to discuss with all employees irrespective of age their short, medium and longer term career aspirations.
  4. We would like employees to engage in open and transparent discussions with their appropriate line manager, specifically in relation to plans for retirement, as early as possible in their career planning process.
  5. It is acknowledged that individual intentions to retire can change due to a variety of personal circumstances and any informal discussions will only be progressed formally once notice to resign has been given.

2. Options prior to retirement

  1. It is recognised that employees, at whatever stage of their working life, may wish to change their working pattern to suit their individual circumstances. It may therefore be possible to agree a flexible working approach whether or not this is intended to lead directly towards a full retirement.
  2. Should an employee wish to work more flexibly (e.g. reduced hours) then that request would be considered as a flexible working request. See our Flexible Working Guidelines for more information.
  3. A meeting to discuss retirement could however include a discussion around flexible working as it may be helpful to consider the different options available and how appropriate these might be to the department and the individual at the same time.
  4. Individuals may wish to consider the option of Flexible Retirement which is a form of flexible working that allows employees to receive some or all of their retirement benefits while continuing to work for the University.

3. Working after retirement

  1. Further information available in Working after retirement.

4. Pensions

  1. Employees approaching retirement may wish to investigate how certain options may affect their retirement benefits. Employees can find information about how to obtain retirement benefit illustrations on the pensions webpages.
  2. You should discuss your intention to retire with your manager as early as possible in your deliberations. Once you have made your decision to retire, you should send a letter outlining your intention to retire to your line manager, giving your contractual period of notice. You and your line manager should then complete the Leaver Form. This will begin the process of your retirement.
  3. If it is your intention to draw your retirement benefits upon ceasing employment with the University you will need to ensure that you give the reason for leaving on the Leaver Form as Retirement. Once the Leaver Form has been submitted you will receive confirmation of your retirement from HR. This notification will also be sent to the Pensions Team who will notify the relevant pension scheme of your retirement.

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  • Last reviewed and updated: 3 June 2020