1. Introduction

1.1 We aim to recruit academic staff who are, or have the potential to become, international leaders in their disciplines. To ensure we are able to attract and retain the very best academics internationally, we operate a tuition fee discount for the children of staff who would have overseas/international status for the purpose of charging tuition fees.

2. Policy statement

2.1 Eligible children are entitled to a tuition fee reduction for full-time undergraduate programmes subject to the conditions detailed in this policy. The student would be treated for fee purposes as a Home student. The tuition fee reduction applies where the student would, in the absence of this policy, incur the overseas charge rate. The tuition fee will be reduced from the Overseas tuition fee rate to the UK rate. Information on Undergraduate fees may be found at: http://www.york.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/fees-funding.

3. Criteria to assess eligibility of application

3.1 This policy applies to both academic and support staff of all grades.

3.2 The tuition fee reduction is available for staff employed on permanent (open) contracts as well as fixed term contracts of a minimum of two years duration. It is not available to individuals engaged on a casual basis paid on the fees payroll, or individuals who hold an honorary contract with the University.

4. Duration of the fee reduction

4.1 If a member of staff ceases employment at the University the tuition fee reduction will not be renewed for the next academic year, and the student will be expected to pay the overseas tuition fee rate.

4.2 At the start of each academic year the member of staff will be required to apply for the student tuition fee reduction for their child by completion of the Undergraduate student tuition fee reduction application form.

5. Student recruitment

5.1 The recruitment of the student is subject to the normal entry and course-specific requirements and operates independently of the tuition fee reduction policy. This policy does not exempt the student from the normal UKVI requirements for obtaining a Student visa and ATAS approval, if applicable.

6. General conditions

6.1 The member of staff has legal parental responsibility for the student. Evidence of a birth certificate, official court documentation or similar certification must be produced. Failure to provide this information will result in the tuition fee reduction policy not being applied.

6.2 Children must be under 25 years of age on the 1st September immediately prior to the academic year in which their studies commence.

6.3 The tuition fee reduction is available to an unlimited number of eligible children.

6.4 The tuition fee reduction applies to the first registration only for an Undergraduate course, but students may be permitted to undertake an internal course transfer whilst at the University during the same period of study.

6.5 The tuition fee reduction does not apply to students who are enrolled on a programme at an equivalent level to a completed qualification they already hold.

6.6 The value of any external sponsorship or other external support will be deducted from the tuition fees in order to determine the personal liability for fees against which the tuition fee reduction is given.

6.7 The member of staff must be employed before or within the years in which the tuition fee reduction is applied. No reimbursement or reduction will be applied until the member of staff has begun employment.

6.8 The tuition fee reduction is available for a maximum of 5 years of undergraduate study.

7. Allocating the cost

7.1 The department where the student is enrolled will receive a tuition fee equal to the prevailing Home student for the programme in question.

8. Authorisation of application

8.1 Individuals should complete the initial section of the Undergraduate student tuition fee reduction application form and submit it to hr-enquiries@york.ac.uk.

8.2 HR Services will check an individual's eligibility under this policy and forward the application to the Head of Department/School. If there are any concerns that the tuition fee reduction should not be supported/approved, the Head of Department/School should discuss this with the Faculty Dean/ Chief Operating Officer.

8.3 If supported by the HoD, the application will then be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty in which the staff member is employed for authorisation by completion of Section E of the form. In the case of a staff member in Professional Services the application, if supported by the HoD, will then need to be submitted to the Chief Operating Officer for authorisation.

8.4 The completed form including authorisation should be sent to HR Services at hr-enquiries@york.ac.uk, who will place a copy on file and forward to either Student Recruitment and Admissions or Student Services.

9. Monitoring, reporting and review

9.1 The application of the tuition fee reduction policy will be monitored by Finance and HR and reported to the Remuneration Committee annually in line with the reporting of benefits in kind.

9.2 This policy will usually be reviewed as a minimum every three years or in response to revised legislation and applicable standards and guidelines, whichever is sooner, to ensure that this policy still meets the University's needs.

10. Documents

Application form for undergraduate tuition fee reduction for staff with children who have overseas/ international status

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  • Last reviewed: 1 February 2024