Keeping in touch

Please let us know your e-mail address so that we can quickly keep in touch with you. Please send an e-mail to with your current e-mail address and we will update your records.


We are continuing to issue payslips (where relevant) as normal.

You should also have received a letter with details of how to sign up to a new service being offered by the Fund that will allow you to view your payslips and P60's online. If you didn't receive yours, or require a further copy, please get in touch with us.

Pensions increase

An increase will be applied to pensions in payment effective from 1 April 2024. For members who have been receiving their pension for more than one year at that date, and for all dependant's pensions, an increase of 6.70% (in excess of the Guaranteed Minimum Pension - GMP) will be paid.

For pension built up on or after 1 April 2023, the rate of increase awarded is capped at 5% for this part of your pension only.

For those in receipt of their pensions for less than one year, a partial increase will be applied.

We will write to members in January 2025 to let them know if an increase will be applied in April 2025.


Retired Member's Annual Report