Unlike our other leadership programmes, this focuses on collaborative leadership and is aimed at Academic Management Teams who will engage with the programme together.

The intention with our collaborative leadership programme is to build the capability and confidence of the management teams in academic departments so they can face the challenges and changes of the new higher education environment.

Objectives of the programme

  • To define what excellent academic department leadership involves
  • To carry out a current state analysis of how the leadership team is performing
  • To identify areas where improvement is needed/desirable
  • To identify and assess areas of knowledge/skills they need to develop as a Management Team and as individuals with a leadership role
  • To plan improvement and identify how they will know it has been achieved
  • To run workshops/action learning groups or 1:1 coaching to support the development of skills identified
  • To share good practice and learning with the two other departments participating Additional bespoke activities as identified

How to apply

This programme is by invitation only. For further information please email leadership-development@york.ac.uk