General principles

A number of general principles apply to all reports under the Dignity at Work and Study Policy and supporting procedures.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

The procedure applies where the individual who is the subject of a report – referred to as the reported staff member - is a member of University staff.  The Director of Human Resources or nominee will have oversight of all cases, and will take the lead as appropriate in liaising with other parts of the University.

Both parties to a report (the reported staff member and the reporting party) should be kept updated by a nominated person, for example, the investigating officer, at appropriate intervals throughout the course of the investigation.

At any stage in the procedure, appropriate interventions such as mediation, fact-finding or non-adversarial discussions, with the aim of facilitating resolution of the issue, may be undertaken; these informal approaches are encouraged where appropriate.

There is an expectation that – in the interests of ongoing and effective working/studying relationships – every effort will be made by the parties involved to resolve reports of harassment, bullying and hate incidents through informal procedures where appropriate.

All parties may seek support.

If a report falls within more than one University procedure (whether apparent at the outset or becoming apparent during the investigation) the University will decide how best it can be dealt with, fairly and proportionately.  It may be appropriate for there to be either parallel or sequential investigations to avoid duplication or potentially conflicting decisions. Those involved will be informed of the reasons for the movement between procedures.

The University is required to inform the Wellcome Trust when a formal investigation has been opened into an allegation of bullying or harassment involving any member of University staff who is associated with:

  • a grant application under consideration (either as a lead applicant, sponsor or supervisor)
  • a Wellcome grant
  • a Wellcome advisory committee.

The University is also required to contact Wellcome Trust’s Director of Grants again when the investigation has been completed and any final appeal has been heard in order to confirm:

  • if the allegation was upheld
  • the findings of the investigation
  • if any sanctions are being imposed.

The process of informing the Wellcome Trust will be jointly managed between Human Resources, Research Support Policy Office and the relevant academic department involved in the grant application.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680