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About the Equality and Diversity (E&D) Office team

Our role:

  • Act as a centre for advice and guidance on equality, diversity and inclusion matters
  • Provide advice to faculties and departments, services and committees
  • Provide publicity, promotion, engagement and events for staff networks and forums

The team

Head of Equality and Diversity

Maria and Anna’s shared role is to drive the development and implementation of the University's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, with overall management of the Equality and Diversity Office. Together they represent the team on key University Committees ensuring equality issues are an integral part of the University's vision and values. Maria and Anna also drive the University’s agenda via the Race Equality Coordination Group, Disability Inclusion Framework and Athena Swan Steering Group.

Maria Ayaz

Maria Ayaz

Usual working pattern: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Pronouns: she/her

+44 (0)1904 324696 

Anna Reader

Usual working pattern: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Pronouns: she/her

+44 (0)1904 324681 


Anna Reader

Equality and Diversity Manager

Jonny Lovell

Jonny Lovell

Jonny supports a range of equality and diversity projects, in particular the network of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champions, the network of Dignity Contacts, and the development of EDI policy, training, and guidance. He came to the University in 2011 after a 15 year career in the voluntary sector and FE teaching, first as a mature MA and PhD student, then working from 2016 as a researcher and lecturer in Social Policy and Social Work. Jonny was a College Manager for four years prior to joining the Equality and Diversity team in 2021.

Usual working pattern: Tuesday to Friday
Pronouns: he/his

+44 (0)1904 32 4570


Equality and Diversity Officer

Chris Brunt

Chris joined the Equality and Diversity Office in June 2013. He is the team contact for the Disability Inclusion Framework, INCLUDE network, liaises with other Professional and Support Services about access issues on campus and provides advice and guidance to staff and students on a range of disability equality matters. Chris also develops EDI guidance and resources, looks after our Office communications and publicity, and leads on the development of our EDI events and celebrations.

Usual working pattern: Monday to Friday
Pronouns: he/his

+44 (0)1904 324680 and

Equality and Diversity Coordinator (Race)

Kai E. Tsao

Kai provides advice on race, ethnicity and intersectional issues; and supports the University’s anti-racist agenda including the work of the Race Equality Coordination Group. Prior to joining the E&D Office in July 2021, Kai worked in the Centre for Women’s Studies focusing on inclusive teaching and learning, gender equality and intersectionality.

Usual working pattern: Monday to Friday
Pronouns: they/them

+44 (0)1904 323476