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Dr Antonios Roumpakis

  • Senior Lecturer in Comparative Social Policy
  • Head of Social Policy

Visit Dr Antonios Roumpakis' profile on the York Research Database to see a full list of publications and browse his research related activities.


Areas of expertise

  • Comparative historical research methods
  • Debt, indebtedness and housing
  • Households, families and social reproduction
  • Familistic welfare regimes
  • Pension reforms & governance of pension funds
  • Political economy of welfare
  • Power approaches to welfare

Academic biography

Before joining the University of York in 2012, I taught at the Department of Social & Policy Sciences (University of Bath) and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Nordic Centre of Excellence in Welfare Research (NORDwel) at the University of Helsinki. My research agenda, that is mainly focusing on the comparative political economy of welfare, transcends policy areas and brings together work from housing, pensions, family policy, labour relations, regulation and governance of welfare, including informal work, care and private indebtedness. My research has been published in journals such as Critical Social Policy, International Labour Review, Journal of Comparative and International Social Policy, Social Policy and Administration and Social Policy and Society.

Professional activities

Chair of the Board of Studies
Member of Social Policy & Society Editorial Board
Member of Social Policy Association Executive Committee



My main teaching is on the following modules:

  • Comparative Social Policy;
  • Comparative research methods;
  • Historical approaches to welfare;
  • Political economy of welfare


Research Associate Fellow of Social Policy East Asia Exchange (SPEAX), Centre for Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy (CRCG).



Current research interests:

Comparative and International social policy

Employment and pension policy

Family, market and state Informal welfare regimes (China, East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia)

Public Service Markets Welfare responses to austerity, covid and inflation


Current Research and Scholarship projects (funded)

Geographies of exclusion and inclusion: A comparative investigation of families' abilities to provide emotional support to young people

Social Welfare for Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia: People, Processes and Institutions (funded by British Academy)


Research team members

Associate Fellow of Social Policy East Asia Exchange (SPEAX), Centre for Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy (CRCG).

Research labels

Social research methods
Comparative and International social policy
Family, market and state
Employment and pension policy

PhD supervision interests

Comparative welfare states and political economy of welfare; Pension policy analysis; Labour mobility and rights; Especially welcome interests in: comparative historical (& institutionalism) analysis; governance of pension funds; power approaches to welfare; familistic welfare regimes and household debt in East Asia, Southeast Asia and Europe.

PhD students

Dimitrina Ivanova (2021 - now)
Jieun Lee (awarded)
Hyungyung Moon (awarded)
Gregory Neocleous (awarded)
Dongyoung Sohn (2019 - now)
Jiaxin Liu (2018 - now)
Shimeng Yin (2017 - now)
Xinide (2018 - now)


Ferrero, J. P., Centeno, R. I. and Roumpakis, A. (2022) ‘Transitions and non-transitions from neoliberalism in Latin America and Southern Europe’, Politics. 

Roumpakis, A. And Pleace, N. (2021) Preventing Family Homelessness: Evidence from Service Provision in Greece’, Social Policy (Greek Journal of), 14, 129-148.
Moreira, A., Léon, M., Coda Moscarola, F., Roumpakis, A. (2021) In the eye of the storm…again! Social policy responses to COVID19 in Southern Europe, Social Policy Adminstration, 55, 2, 1-19.

Roumpakis, A. (2020) ‘Revisiting Global Welfare Regime Classifications’, Social Policy and Society, 19 (4), 589-612.

Roumpakis, A. (2020) ‘ Revisiting Global Welfare Regimes: Gender, (In)formal Employment and Care’, Social Policy and Society, 19 (4), 677-689.

Roumpakis, A. and Sumarto, M. (2020) 'Introduction: Global Welfare Regime Revisited', Social Policy and Society, 19 (4).

Roumpakis, A. and Sumarto, M. (2020) Some Useful Sources, Social Policy and Society, 19 (4), 691-693.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2020) ’Southern Europe’ in N. Ellison and T. Haux (eds.), Handbook on Society and Social Policy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 182-195.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2019) ‘Family as a Socio-economic Actor in the Political Economy of Welfare’, in Heins E., Rees J. and Needham C. (eds.) Social Policy Review No 31, Bristol: Policy Press, pp 243-66.

Papadopoulos T. and Roumpakis, A. (2018) 'Rattling Europe’s ordoliberal ‘iron cage’: the contestation of austerity in Southern Europe', Critical Social Policy, 3 (38), 505-526.

Roumpakis, A. and Papadopoulos, A. (2017) 'From social regulation of competition to competition as social regulation: transformations in the sociο-economic governance of the European Union', in Horsfall, D. & Hudson, J. (eds.) Social Policy in an Era of Global Competition: Comparative, International and Local Perspectives. The Policy Press, pp. 53-69.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2017) 'Family as a Socio-economic Actor in the Political Economies of East and South-East Asian Welfare Capitalisms’, Social Policy & Administration, Vol.51, 6, 857-875.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2017) 'The Erosion of Southern Europe's Middle Classes:Debt, insecurity and the political economy of austerity’, Sociologia e politiche sociali, Vol.20,  67-89.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2015) ‘Democracy, Austerity and Crisis: Southern Europe and the decline of the European Social model’ in Romano, S. & Punziano, G. (eds.) The European Social Model Adrift Europe, Social Cohesion and the Economic Crisis. Ashgate, pp.189-211.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2013) 'The meta-regulation of European industrial relations: Power shifts, institutional dynamics and the emergence of regulatory competition', International Labour Review, Vol. 152, No. 2, pp. 255-274.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2013) 'Familistic welfare capitalism in crisis: social reproduction and anti-social policy in Greece', Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, Vol. 29, No. 3, 204–224.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2013) 'From anti-social policy to generalised insecurity: The Greek crisis meets the decline of the European Social Model', (Greek Review of) Social Policy, Issue 1.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2012) 'The Greek welfare state in the age of austerity', Social Policy Review, Issue 24, pp. 205-230.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2012) 'Re-embedding the labour-capital relation in Europe: the ECJ rulings and the process of European Integration', T. Sakellaropoulos (ed) Posted workers in Europe: policies, experiences, best practices. Athens: Dionikos.

Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A. (2011) 'Nordic social risk management and the challenge of EU regulation: labour market parity at risk', in V-P. Sorsa (ed) Rethinking social risks in the Nordics, Brussels: Foundation of European Progressive Studies, pp. 199-224.

Sorsa, V-P. and Roumpakis, A. (2011) 'Contingency in Risk Management: the case of pension funds in Sweden and Finland', in V-P. Sorsa (ed) Rethinking social risks in the Nordics, Brussels: Foundation of European Progressive Studies, pp. 169-198.

Professional Activities Co-editor of the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy (from January 2023) Honorary Treasurer of the Social Policy Association

Supervision Interests 

Comparative welfare states and political economy of welfare; Pension policy analysis; Labour mobility and rights; Especially welcome interests in: comparative historical (& institutionalism) analysis; governance of pension funds; power approaches to welfare; familistic welfare regimes and household debt in East Asia, Southeast Asia and Europe.



Dr Antonios Roumpakis

Contact details

Dr Antonios Roumpakis
Senior Lecturer in Comparative Social Policy Head of Social Policy
School for Business and Society

Tel: 01904 32 1298