expectations network


Utrecht 2003

Background paper: Nik Brown, Harro van Lente and Arie Rip - Expectations in and about science and technology

Expectations in Science & Technology
Utrecht, 13th-14th June 2003

Friday 13 June

List of Participants

13.30 - Opening: Arie Rip

14.00 - What can we learn from case studies of earlier expectation dynamics?

Kornelia Konrad - The 'electronic superhighway' in Germany - plus prepared comment by Arie Rip, followed by general discussion.

15.30 Hype-disappointment cycles as a general phenomenon? What does this tell us about the social, cultural and material context of future orientation? Is it possible to formulate a more constructive approach to expectations?

Nik Brown - Introduction , prepared comments by Barend van der Meulen.

17.00 Perspectives on Expectations introduced by Harro van Lente, followed by Expectation dynamics in contextual domains part I.

Paul Martin, Mirian Voss, Dirk Stemerding
- Expectations in genomics and biotech
Arie Rip, Malcolm Eames - Expectations in Nanotechnology
Discussant: Philippe Laredo - followed by general discussion

21.00 informal discussions

Saturday 14 June

9.00 Expectation dynamics in contextual domains part II.

Frank Geels - Transport and energy fuel cells -
Jan-Willem Stoelhorst, Mads Borup, Kornelia Konrad - Electronics and ICTs
Discussant: Barend van der Meulen - followed by general discussion

10.30 Quality control of expectations and the politics (and political economy) of expectations. Concrete issues and background understanding. Role play with a "practitioner" and a "scholar"?

12.00 Items for further research. To create a research agenda, and to identify interesting projects.

14.00 What have we learned? Next steps?

15.00 Close