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News archive 2011

Please note that these are archived news items. Links may be broken and images may not display correctly.


Cultural Equalities Now: Where next for equalities and diversity in the cultural and arts sectors?

conference poster

Friday 9th December 2011 at The Stevenson Lecture Theatre, The British Museum

IPUP conference in collaboration with The British Museum and the Diversity in Heritage Group (DHG), with additional support from Arts Council England.
Find out more on the Conference Webpage

Archaeology and the Material Past in the Public Realm

Keynote Speaker: Michael Wood, Historian and TV Presenter

Wednesday 23rd November, 1.30pm to 5.30pm, The Philip Rahtz Lecture Theatre, King's Manor, University of York
Followed by a drinks reception

Hosted by IPUP in partnership with The Department of Archaeology, University of York, this one-day conference is devoted to the relationship between the material past and the public realm. The conference highlights not only some of the depictions of archaeology and archaeologists in broadcast media, but also explores the ways in which archaeology can be a truly participatory, grass-roots activity through involving community groups with excavation projects.
Speakers include: Michael Wood, Suzie Thomas (CBA), Cath Neal (University of York), Peter Connelly and Jon Kenny (both York Archaeological Trust)
More information on the Conference webpage.

Translating Freedom Reading Group  

Monday 3rd October "Translating Freedom", 1.00pm - 3pm, Treehouse, Berrick Saul building

For readings please see:

Cultural Equalities Now - Stakeholder Meeting

Tuesday 20th September, 10am St James' Palace, London

Policy makers, practitioners and researchers welcome but please first contact IPUP to set up security clearance and entry ID.
Invitation and Programme (download pdfs)

Translating Freedom Reading Group: "Translation"

Tuesday 6th September, 1 - 3pm, Lakeside Room, Ron Cooke Hub, Heslington East

For readings please see:

Translating Freedom Reading Group: "Freedom"

Tuesday 14th July, 1 - 3pm, Lakeside Room, Ron Cooke Hub, Heslington East

For readings please see:

IPUP Media Speaker Series in collaboration with the University of York Public Lecture Series

Wednesday 29th June, 6.00pm, in the Bowland Auditorium, Berrick Saul Building

Andrew Caspari, BBC Head of Speech Radio & Interactive "Translating The Past On Radio: The Impact Of A History of the World in One Hundred Objects"

Followed by Drinks Reception in the foyer of the Humanities Research Centre

“University Sunday” at the Yorkshire Museum

Sunday 26th June, 11am - 4pm, Yorkshire Museum and Gardens

From the humorous to the horrific, IPUP’s student interns will offer food for the body and mind in interpretation sessions and trails, all designed to tempt the public to explore the past in innovative ways:

IPUP Intern Press Day

Friday 24th June

With new films about IPUP intern experiences. See our student blogs:

IPUP workshop to discuss ‘Public Engagement with the History of Science’

Thursday 9th June

Hosting IPUP partners from The Science Museum led by Chief Curator, Tim Boon, with academics from Computer Science & History at the University of York. If you wish to attend, please email ipup:

Navigating the Past Seminar

Monday 6th June, 1.15pm – 2.15pm, BS/008 in the Humanities Research Centre, Berrick Saul Building

‘Contemporary Art or Heritage? Devices for Public Engagement with the Past & the Present’ . Discussion about the recent trend to commission contemporary art in heritage spaces and results of IPUP audience research at three art installations, led by Nuala Morse (Department of Geography, Durham University), and Helen Weinstein (Director of IPUP). For further information and an introductory reading list, please go to All welcome.

IPUP hosts interdisciplinary group to discuss 'Translating Freedom' issues

Thursday 26th May, 3pm to 5pm

IPUP to host group of interdisciplinary colleagues led by Paul Gready, Director of CAHR, to discuss ‘translating freedom’ issues across history, literature, linguistics, human rights.

IPUP Director invited to join Royal Collection Advisory

Friday 20th May

IPUP Director to join The Royal Collection Advisory for discussion of public engagement with the past and the re-presentation of Windsor Castle.

Helen Weinstein invited to speak at the Jewish Historical Society of England

Monday 16th May, 8pm

Helen Weinstein is guest speaker at the Jewish Historical Society of England, ‘Presenting the Jewish Past of York: Commemorating the Dead’. For more information go to

Navigating the Past Seminar

Monday 16th May, 1.15pm – 2.15pm, BS/008 in the Humanities Research Centre, Berrick Saul Building

"Bodies of Evidence, Bodies of Memory. Memorialization and the Genocide in Rwanda". Discussion about the presentation of the past in the form of flesh and bodies, led by Zoe Norridge (English Dept) and Lars Waldorf (Centre for Applied Human Rights. For further information and an introductory reading list, please go to

Royal Wedding Report

29th April

IPUP Director, Helen Weinstein on “Reflections on the Royal Wedding Coverage and Audiences: The Monarchy and Britishness”

YMT & IPUP announce the celebration of partnership with our interns

A special day will be dedicated to our partnership: ‘University Sunday’ at the Yorkshire Museum this June 26th

IPUP-'Nutopia' Media Internships for the History Channel on the History of the World!

IPUP partnering media production company ‘Nutopia’ for next venture for IPUP interns to work on a new project for the History Channel on the History of the World! To apply, go to

CMODS conference on Walter Benjamin

Highly recommended. IPUP’s Helen Weinstein to Chair afternoon session. For more information go to

IPUP Interns to work on Jewish History of York podcast

30th March

IPUP interns to work with John Oxley, the City Archaeologist on Jewish History of York trail and podcast. To support interns on this project, please find directions for using Express Scribe on the ipup interns resources page

British Museum to Partner IPUP for autumn 2011 conference

IPUP in partnership with the British Museum are planning a conference for autumn 2011, to discuss the Equalities Agenda & Audiences for the Museum Sector and Heritage Institutions .

Marathon IPUP workshops for IPUP interns

16th March

IPUP interns working on Museum Gardens project

Minster Intern Research Challenge

IPUP Director to participate in HLF Policy Group

New Sound Installation Project

IPUP Director to partner David Howard at The Ron Cooke Hub

IPUP to partner Fairfax House to offer internships

Fairfax House develop IPUP partnership, interns projects on St George's Cinema and "Keeping a Georgian Christmas at Fairfax House"

Communicating Your Research To A Lay Audience

March 8th and March 15th

Helen Weinstein to assist young career researchers to test out best methods to communicate academic research to lay audiences. If you want to participate, be in touch with Jennifer Chubb, Research Innovation Officer, & sign up for the course

Navigating the Past Seminar

Monday 28th February, 1.15pm – 2.15pm

To be followed by a free visit to Clifford’s Tower from 2.45pm to 3.45pm

David Thomas, Interpretation Officer (North), English Heritage, will give a talk entitled “Walking on the Dead: Marketing and Interpreting Traumatic History The Case of Clifford’s Tower”. More details on the Navigating the Past Seminar Pages.

YMT youth film event

Wednesday 23rd February

Hosted by IPUP Director, with a screening of ‘Severus and the City: York’s Roman Legacy’ at 7pm in The Tempest Anderson Hall at the Yorkshire Museum. All welcome.

History of York Website - IPUP Internships

IPUP interns at The Yorkshire Museum to complete their fantastic work on the History of York website. See

IPUP to work with City Archaeologist to offer internships

Ambassador Event with John Oxley, City Archaeologist

IPUP Director joins Science Advisory Panel

Wednesday 16th February

IPUP Director, Helen Weinstein, joins Science Museum Advisory Panel with the new Director, Ian Blatchford, for the proposed new history of science galleries ‘The Making of Modern Science’

IPUP Director elected as Fellow of the Royal Historical Society

8th February

Helen Weinstein elected to the honour of Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Hurrah !For more information about the RHS go to

Simon Schama at IPUP

“The History Man Prepares for Battle” - featured interview in University Magazine and on University Homepage

And IPUP’s Schama Conference report on ‘Televisualizing the Past’

Communicating the Past for the Media

4th & 11th February, 2pm, King's Manor K/155

Helen Weinstein leads training sessions at Archaeology Department. Session One is for students to practice how to pitch their Ph D research for a documentary or news package for a TV or Radio Show. Session Two is for students to learn how to handle the Press and to draft a Press Release to interest journalists in an aspect of their PhD Research. Contact Steve Roskams (Archaeology) or Helen Weinstein at IPUP if you want to participate.

Sensory Stories Handling Objects Workshop

2nd February 1pm to 5.30pm

IPUP Director, Helen Weinstein leads Sensory Stories Handling Workshop with YMT’s Head of Research, Martin Watts at the Yorkshire Museum, humanities postgraduate students will be learning to develop a sensory story for a specific object in the collection. See flickr stream at

IPUP & Yorkshire Museum ‘Heritage Museum’ Interpretation Workshop

Wednesday 2nd February 2011, 2pm - 4pm, at the Yorkshire Museum

IPUP Seminar and intern programme Interpretation Workshop led by Helen Weinstein and YMT Chief Curator, Andrew Morrison in the Yorkshire Museum’s Medieval Galleries. See fab photos of our 45 IPUP interns at work in the
Yorkshire Museum .
For anyone new to York who wishes to join us and has not yet found the Yorkshire Museum, please follow these directions.

IPUP Steering

31 st January 2011

IPUP Steering Committee in IPUP BS/120, Chaired by Mark Ormrod, Co-ordinator for the Humanities.

Exhibition - Holocaust Memorial event

28th January 2011

Holocaust Memorial Day Exhibition opens at School House Gallery 'I Am Human'. Discussion with colleagues from CAHR, The Centre for Applied Human Rights. 6pm, all welcome.

IPUP Director to join City Council to mark Holocaust Memorial Day

27th January

IPUP Director to join City Council marking of Holocaust Memorial Day, 6.30pm at Clifford’s Tower followed by ‘Untold Stories’. See

IPUP Interns' Induction

26th January 2.30pm to 4.30pm

IPUP Intern Induction in the Treehouse - Helen Weinstein will lead interns for workshop on ‘Writing for the Web’ and assign tasks for the History of York web page subjects. There are resources to help interns with writing for the public. See ‘Top Tips on Writing for the Web’ at

Helen Weinstein joins Simon Schama for Anne Frank lecture

25th January

Commemoration and Toleration. Helen Weinstein to join Simon Schama for the Anne Frank lecture on “The Fate of the Idea of Toleration”. To listen to a free podcast of the lecture go to

YMT - IPUP meeting re Film Festival 2011

25th January

York Museums Trust meeting for Helen Weinstein to adjudicate and MC the film products for The Yorkshire Museum’s 'Severus and the City of York's Roman Legacy' exhibition and film festival for Feb 2011


24th January

EU Funding Deadline: Helen Weinstein for IPUP contributes Workpackage 14 on ‘The Public Engagement with Knowledge’ for Eurostat Training Network on ‘History, Archaeology and the Genetics of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade’ led by Archaeology colleague Matt Collins with Tom Gilbert, Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2011

24th January

Commemorating 1190 & Holocaust Memorial Day. IPUP meeting with Barry Perks and Ross Georgeson of NGO, International Service, York.

Helen Weinstein to be adjudicator on Commissioning Panel for AHRC

20th January

Helen Weinstein to adjudicate on Commissioning Panel for AHRC’s first funding round for Impact Follow-On Funding. For more info go to

IPUP Director to Chair Humanities & Social Sciences Ethics Committee

19th January

Helen Weinstein to Chair Humanities & Social Sciences Ethics Committee, University of York. Deadline for applications is 10th January. Go to

IPUP works with 'Sensory' student group

17th January

Sensory Students Opportunity with IPUP - Helen Weinstein is facilitating a series of object handling training sessions at York Museums Trust starting on Wednesday 2nd February and an opportunity to test out what you have learnt on the public using objects of your selection at The Yorkshire Museum on Sunday 26th June. To sign up, please be in touch with History Postgraduate, Tiffany Gast, who is the Project Manager for this Sensory Stories Opportunity.

Making Sense of Public Engagement: Sensory Stories Training Day

Saturday 15th January at HRC, Berrick Saul

Helen Weinstein to contribute session at 2.15pm on ‘Communicating with the Media’. If you are a registered PhD student you are eligible to apply for a free place on this Training Day, so for more information please go to

York's bid for UNESCO World Heritage status

14th January

Ambassadors Get Behind York UNESCO World Heritage Bid. IPUP Director to join VC Brian Cantor as Ambassador for York’s World Heritage Status Bid at the Guildhall, York. For more information about the World Heritage Presentation for the City of York’s application go to

IPUP Intern Programme induction meetings

12th January 2011. 3.30pm

Lled by IPUP Director, Helen Weinstein, and Minster Curator, Vicky Harrison. All PhD and MA students welcome from History, Art History, Archaeology. If you want to register for the IPUP intern programme please fill in the first page of the Intern Evaluation form and write a one page letter stating why you want the intern experience. Send these two documents to register your interest giving your name & MA degree name & Dept to

IPUP Lunch to discuss new MA in Public History

12th January 2011, 1.15pm, BS/120

IPUP Director will host lunch to discuss new Public History MA and the Core Course teaching. All History Colleagues Welcome. Sandwiches & Fruit provided.

Helen Weinstein reviewer for British Library exhibition

11th January

Helen Weinstein to review British Library exhibition exploring the English Language in the context of national and international diversity, ‘Evolving English: One Language, Many Voices’. Have a go at mapping your voice at

IPUP Director joins AHRC Ipact Panel

10th January

Helen Weinstein to join AHRC Impact Panel with Beyond Text Colleagues for discussion of the Programme Legacy. For more information go to