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  {\Huge\textbf{The History of Statistics}}


  {\Huge\textbf{A Select Bibliography}}


  {\Huge\textbf{(2nd edition)}}




  {\LARGE\textbf{Peter M Lee}}


  {\large\textbf{\textit{{University of York 1995}}}}






Encyclopedia Holdings \dotfill                         \pageref{encylopedias}


Books \dotfill                                         \pageref{books}


Collected Works \dotfill                               \pageref{collectedworks}


Periodical Holdings \dotfill                           \pageref{periodicals}


Articles in Journals \dotfill                          \pageref{articles}


Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability \dotfill \pageref{studiesI}


The Probabilistic Revolution \dotfill                       \pageref{probrev}


American Contributions to Mathematical Statistics \dotfill  \pageref{american}


The Population Controversy \dotfill             \pageref{populationcontroversy}


The Development of Population Statistics \dotfill \pageref{populationstatistics}


F Galton,  [Selected Papers] \dotfill                  \pageref{galton}


F Y Edgeworth,  [Selected Statistical Papers] \dotfill \pageref{edgeworth}



Almost all the books listed can be found in the J B Morrell Library in
the University of York. Collected works are listed in the general list
of books as well as in the separate list of collected works.
Encyclopedia holdings and periodical holdings refer solely to the J B
Morrell Library. Articles in journals, etc., and    portraits of
statisticians are not necessarily to be found in the J B Morrell







\hi \textit{Dictionary of National Biography}, Oxford: University Press
1885-- (including the volume on Missing Persons) (REF Q 20.042 DIC).

\hi C C Gillispie (ed.), \textit{Dictionary of Scientific Biography} (18
vols inc. Supplements), New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons 1970--1980
(REF R 9.2 DIC).

\hi S Kotz and N L Johnson (ed.), \textit{Encyclopedia of Statistical
Science} (9 vols plus Supplement), New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience
1982--1989 (REF SF 0.3 ENC).

\hi W H Kruskal and J M Tanur (ed.), \textit{International Encyclopedia
of Statistics} (2 vols), New York, NY: Free Press 1978 (REF SF 0.3 KRU).

\hi D L Sills (ed.), \textit{International Encyclopedia of the Social
Sciences} (18 vols), New York, NY: Macmillan and Free Press (REF D 3






\hi Anonymous, \textit{R\'efutation de Quelques Erreurs Singulieres de Mr.
D'Alembert sur les Principes du Calcul de Probabilit\'es, et Solution
d'un Probl\`eme connu sur le nom de Probl\`eme de P\'etersbourg sur le Jeu
de Croix et Pile que Personne n'avoit R\'esolu Jusqu'\`a Present et que
Mr. D'Alembert a Jug\'e Insoluble}, 1801, repr.\ Ann Arbor, MI:
University Microfilms International 1973 (S 9 ALE).

\hi Anonymous review of \textit{On Man and the Developement of his
Faculties}, \&c.\ [\textit{Sur l'homme et le d\'eveloppement de ses
Facult\'es}, \&c.], \textit{Athene\ae um} 8 August 1835, 593--596, 15
August, 611--613, and 29 August 1835, 658--661 (QUARTO S 0.92 QUE).

\hi D Abbutt (ed.), \textit{The Biographical Dictionary of Scientists:
Mathematicians}, London: Blond Educational 1985 (REF S 0.92 ABB).

\hi W J Adams, \textit{The Life and Times of the Central Limit Theorem},
New York, NY: Kaedmon 1974 (S 9 ADA).

\hi R J Adrain, Research concerning the probabilities of the errors
which happen in making observations, etc., \textit{The Analyst; or
Mathematical Museum} \textbf{1} (4) (1808), 93--109; repr.\ in in Vol.\
1 of S M Stigler and I M Cohen (ed.), \textit{American Contributions to
Mathematical Statistics in the Nineteenth Century} (2 vols), New York,
NY: Arno Publishing Company 1980 (SF STI).

\hi J Affichard \& F Bedarida (ed.), \textit{Pour une Histoire de la
Statistique}, Tome 1: \textit{Contributions}, Tome 2:
\textit{Mat\'eriaux}, Paris: INSEE/Economica 1987 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.9

\hi G B Airy, \textit{On the Algebraic and Numerical Theory of Errors of
Observation and the Combination of Observations}, Cambridge: Macmillan
1861 (S 9.6 AIR).

\hi J Arbuthnot, An argument for Divine Providence, taken from the
constant regularity observ'd in the births of both sexes, \textit{Phil.\
Trans.\ Roy.\ Soc.}\ \textbf{27} (1710), 186--190, repr.\ in M G Kendall
and R L Plackett (ed.), \textit{Studies in the History of Statistics and
Probability}, Vol.\ II, London: Griffin 1977, 30--34 (QUARTO SF 0.9

\hi A Arnaud and P Nicole, \textit{The Art of Thinking: Port--Royal
Logic}, Paris: Savreux 1662; (6th edn) Amsterdam 1685, trans.\ J Dickoff
and P James, Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs--Merrill 1964 (A 60 ARN).

\hi A C Atkinson and S E Fienberg (ed.), \textit{A Celebration of
Statistics: The ISI Centenary Volume}, Berlin: Springer 1985 (SF 0.4

\hi J Aubrey, \textit{Aubrey's Brief Lives}, ed.\ O L Dick, esp.\ John
Graunt, Edmund Halley, and Sir William Petty, London: Secker and Warburg
1949 (MA 129.2).

\hi C Babbage, \textit{The Works of Charles Babbage} (11 vols), London:
Pickering 1989 (NORTH ROOM SK 8 BAB).

\hi K M Baker, \textit{Condorcet From Natural Philosophy to Social
Mathematics}, Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press 1975 (AJ 4.7 BAK).

\hi R G Barnwell, \textit{A Sketch of the Life and Times of John de
Witt, Grand Pensionary oh Holland, to which is added his treatise in
life annuities}, New York, NY: Pudney \& Russell 1856, repr.\ York: P M
Lee 1990 (QUARTO Q 49.204 WIT/B).

\hi M S Bartlett, \textit{Selected Papers of M S Bartlett} (3 vols),
Winnipeg: Charles Babbage Research Center 1989 (NORTH ROOM S 0.8 BAR).

\hi T Bayes, An essay towards solving a problem in the doctrine of
chances, \textit{Phil.\ Trans.\ Roy.\ Soc.}\ \textbf{53} (1764),
370--418, repr.\ E S Pearson and M G Kendall (ed.), \textit{Studies in
the History of Statistics and Probability}, London: Griffin 1970,
131--153 (QUARTO SF 0.9 STU).

\hi A E Bell, \textit{Christian Huygens and the Development of Science
in the Seventeenth Century}, London: Edward Arnold 1947 (R 9.49204

\hi E T Bell, \textit{Men of Mathematics}, New York, NY: Simon and
Schuster 1937, repr.\ in 2 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1953 (S 0.9

\hi D Bernoulli, \textit{Specimen Theoriae de Mensum Sortis}, 1730--1,
trans.\ into German and English, Farnborough: Gregg Press 1967 (S 9

\hi D Bernoulli, \textit{Dijudicatio maxime probabilis plurium
observationum discrepantium atque verisimillima inductio inde formanda}
1777, trans.\ C G Allen with Observations on the foregoing dissertation
by Bernoulli by L Euler repr.\ E S Pearson and M G Kendall (ed.),
Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability, London: Griffin
1970, 155--172 (QUARTO SF 0.9 STU).

\hi D Bernoulli, \textit{Die Werke} (esp.\ Vol.\ 2: \textit{Analysis:
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung}) (ed.\ Naturforschenden Gesselschaft in
Basel), Basel: Birkh\"auser (NORTH ROOM S 0.4 BER).

\hi Jacob Bernoulli, \textit{Ars Conjectandi, opus post-humum; accedit
tractatus de seriebus infinitis et epistola Gallice scripta de ludo
pilae reticularis}, Basile\ae: Thurnisiorum Fratrum 1713, repr.\ Bruxelles:
Culture et Civilisation 1968 (NORTH ROOM S 9 BER).

\hi Jacob Bernoulli, \textit{Ars Conjectandi}, 1713. Note that no
complete translation exists. Part I is essentially the same as Huygens'
\textit{Libellus de Ratiociniis in Ludo Aleae} (see below). Part II,
Introduction and Chapters I, II and III with a commentary occur in F
Maseres, \textit{Mr James Bernoulli's Doctrine of Permutations and
Combinations and some other useful mathematical tracts} (it is not
possible to distinguish commentary from original in this translation,
which in any case is not in the J B Morrell Library). Part II, Chap.\
III (pp.\ 95--98 only) (trans.\ J Ginsburg), Part II, Chap.\ V (trans.\
M M Taylor), and Part II, Chap.\ VIII (last part) (trans.\ J Ginsburg)
occur in D E Smith, \textit{A Source Book in Mathematics} (2 vols),
McGraw-Hill 1929, repr.\ New York, NY: Dover 1959 (S 0.8 SMI). Part IV
(trans.\ Bing Sung) appeared as Technical Report No.\ 2, Dept. of
Statistics, Harvard University 1966 (see below).

\hi Jacob Bernoulli, \textit{Ars Conjectandi Part Four}, trans.\ Bing
Sung. Technical Report No.\ 2, Dept. of Statistics, Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University 1966 (NORTH ROOM S 9 BER).

\hi Jacob Bernoulli, \textit{Die Werke} (3 vols) (ed.\ Naturforschenden
Gesselschaft in Basel), Basel: Birkh\"auser (NORTH ROOM S 0.4 BER).

\hi N Bernoulli, \textit{De usu artis in Jure}, repr.\ in Jacob
Bernoulli, Die Werke, Vol.\ 3 (NORTH ROOM S 0.4 BER).

\hi J L F Bertrand, \textit{Calcul des Probabilit\'es, Paris}:
Gauthier-Villars 1889, repr.\ Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms
International 1992 (S 9 BER)

\hi J Bibby, \textit{Notes towards a History of Teaching Statistics
(H.O.T.S.)}, Edinburgh: John Bibby (Books) 1986 (SF 0.7 BIB).

\hi J Bibby, \textit{Quotes, Damned Quotes and \dots}, Halifax: Demast
1983; (2nd edn) Edinburgh: John Bibby (Books) 1986 (SF 0.4 BIB).

\hi C P Blacker, \textit{Eugenics: Galton and After}, London: Duckworth
1952 (XN 8 GAL/B).

\hi L Bland, \textit{Banishing the Beast: English Feminism and Sexual
Morality} 1885--1914, London: Penguin 1995 (D 1.433 BLA) (contains
extensive sections on Karl Pearson).

\hi N J Block and G Dworkin, \textit{The IQ controversy: Critical
readings}, New York, NY: Pantheon Books 1976 (B 4.2 BLO).

\hi G Boole, \textit{Studies in Logic and Probability} (Vol.\ 1 of
\textit{Logical Works}), La Salle, IL: Open Court 1952 (A 64 BOO).

\hi E Borel, \textit{Th\'eorie des Probabilit\'es}, Paris: Hermann 1909
(S 9 BOR); Elements of the Theory of Probability, trans.\ J Freund,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall 1963 (S 9 BOR).

E Borel, \textit{Le Hasard}, Paris: F\'elix Alcan 1928 (S 9 BOR).

A L Bowley, \textit{Elements of Statistics}, London: P S King 1901 (SF BOW).

\hi A L Bowley, \textit{F Y Edgeworth's Contributions to Mathematical
Statistics}, London: Royal Statistical Society 1928, repr.\ Clifton, NJ:
Kelley 1972 (SF BOW).

\hi G E P Box, \textit{Collected Works} (2 vols) ed.\ G C Tiao, Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth 1985 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 BOX).

\hi J F Box, \textit{R A Fisher: The Life of a Scientist}, New York, NY:
Wiley 1978 (SF 0.92 FIS/B).

\hi J H Broome, \textit{Pascal}, New York, NY: Barnes and Noble 1965 (MJ
75.5 BRO).

\hi D Brunt, \textit{The Combination of Observations}, Cambridge:
University Press (1st edn) 1917, (2nd edn) 1931 (S 9.6 BRU).

\hi H T Buckle, \textit{History of Civilisation in England} (2 vols),
London: J W Parker 1857 (Q 01.9 BUC).

\hi W Buckley, \textit{Memorable Arithmetic}, London 1567, trans.\ J
Edmison, App.\ 1, pp.\ 179--191 of F N David, \textit{Games, Gods and
Gambling}, London: Griffin 1962 (S 9 DAV).

\hi W K B\"uhler, \textit{Gauss: A Biographical Study}, Berlin: Springer
1981 (S 0.92 GAU/B).

\hi D Brunt, \textit{The Combination of Observations}, Cambridge:
University Press 1917; 2nd ed.\ 1931 (S 9.6 BRU).

\hi W Burnside, \textit{Theory of Probability}, Cambridge: University
Press 1928, repr.\ New York, NY: Dover 1959 (S 9 BUR).

\hi D M Burton, \textit{The History of Mathematics: An Introduction},
Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon 1985 (S 0.9 BUR).

\hi G Cardano, \textit{Book on the Games of Chance}, trans.\ S H Gould,
repr.\ in O Ore, \textit{Cardano: The Gambling Scholar, with a
translation from the Latin of Cardano's Book on the Games of Chance by S
H Gould}, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 1953, repr.\ New
York, NY: Dover 1965 (R 9.4507 CAR/O).

\hi G Cardano, \textit{The Book of My Life}, Paris 1643; trans.\ J
Stoner, New York: Dutton 1930 and New York: Dover 1962. Not in the J B
Morrell Library.

\hi G Cardano, \textit{Ars Magna or The Rules of Algebra}, transl.\ T R
Witmer (foreword by O Ore), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, repr.\ New York:
Dover 1993 (S 2 CAR).

\hi T Carlyle, \textit{Critical and Miscellaneous Essays}, Vol.\ VII:
\textit{Chartism}, Chap.\ II, London: Chapman and Hall 1872, pp.\
114--115; reprinted in \textit{Selected Writings} (ed.\ A. Shelston),
Harmondsworth: Penguin 1971 (MA 154.7).

\hi P L Chebyshev, \textit{Oeuvres} (2 vols), New York, NY: Chelsea 1961

\hi P L Chebyshev, \textit{Theorem concerning Mean Values} 1867, trans.\
H M Walker, pp.\ 582--587 of Vol.\ 2 of D E Smith (1929) (S 0.8 SMI).

\hi W K Clifford, \textit{The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences},
edited and complemented by K Pearson, London: Kegan Paul 1885, repr.\
New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf 1946 and New York, NY: Dover 1955 (S 0.1

\hi W G Cochran, \textit{Contributions to Statistics}, New York, NY:
Wiley 1982 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 COC).

\hi P Colquhoun, \textit{A Treatise on the Wealth, Power and Resources
of the British Empire \dots}, London: Joseph Mawnon 1815 (G 0.9409 COL).

\hi Condorcet, M--J--A--N Caritat, Marquis de, \textit{Essai sur
l'application de l'Analyse \`a la Probabilit\'e des D\'ecisions rendues
\`a la pluralit\'e des voix}, Paris: L'Imprimerie Royale 1785, repr.\
New York, NY: Chelsea 1972 (NORTH ROOM S 9 CON).

\hi Condorcet, M--J--A--N Caritat, Marquis de, \textit{Selected
Writings}, edited with an introduction by K M Baker, Indianapolis, IN:
Bobbs Merrill 1976 (AJ 4.7).

\hi Condorcet, M--J--A--N Caritat, Marquis de, \textit{Math\'ematique et
soci\'et\'e}, ed.\ R Rashed, Paris: Hermann 1974 (S 0.1 CON).

\hi E T Cook, \textit{Life of Florence Nightingale}, (2 vols), London:
Macmillan 1913 (Q 42.081 NIG/C).

\hi J L Coolidge, \textit{An Introduction to Mathematical Probability},
Oxford: University Press 1925, repr.\ New York, NY: Dover 1962 (S 9

\hi J L Coolidge, \textit{The Mathematics of Great Amateurs}, Oxford:
University Press 1949, repr.\ New York, NY: Dover 1963; (2nd ed.\ with J
Gray) Oxford: University Press 1990 (S 0.9 COO).

\hi E A Cornish, \textit{Published Papers: A Memorial Volume}, Adelaide:
E A Cornish Memorial Appeal 1974 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 COR).

\hi H de Coste, \textit{The Life of The Reverend Father Marin Mersenne
\dots} 1649, App.\ 3, pp.\ 196--228 of F N David, \textit{Games, Gods and
Gambling}, London: Griffin 1962 (S 9 DAV).

\hi A A Cournot, \textit{Exposition de la Th\'eorie des Chances et des
Probabilit\'es}, Paris: Hachette 1843, repr.\ as \textit{\OE uvres
Compl\`etes}: Tome I: \textit{Exposition de la Th\'eorie des Chances et
des Probabilit\'es}, ed.\ B Bru, Paris: Vrin 1984 (S 9 COU).

\hi R S Cowan, \textit{Sir Francis Galton and the Study of Heredity in
the Nineteenth Century}, New York, NY: Garland 1985 (XN 8 GAL/C).

\hi H Cram\`er, \textit{Collected Works} (2 vols), Berlin: Springer 1993

\hi P Cr\'epel, \textit{Condorcet, la th\'eorie des probabilit\'es et
les calculs financiers}, Chap.\ IV.2 of R Rashed (ed.), \textit{Sciences
a l'\'Epoque de la R\'evolution Fran\c{c}ais}, Paris: Blanchard 1988 (R
9.44 RAS).

\hi A C Crombie (ed.), \textit{Scientific Change: Historical Studies in
the intellectual, social and technical conditions for scientific
discovery and technical invention, from antiquity to the present}, New
York, NY: Basic Books 1963 (R 9 SYM).

\hi M Crosland, \textit{The Society of Arcueil}, Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press 1967 (R 6 SOC/C).

\hi M J Cullen, \textit{The Statistical Movement in Early Victorian
Britain}, Harvester1975 (Q 42.081 CUL).

\hi A Dale, \textit{A History of Inverse Probability from Thomas Bayes
to Karl Pearson}, Berlin: Springer 1991 (SF 0.9 DAL).

\hi L Daston, \textit{Classical Probability in the Enlightenment},
Princeton University Press 1988 (S 9.09 DAS).

\hi J W Dauben, \textit{The History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the
Present: A Selective Bibliography}, New York, NY: Garland 1985 (BIB S 0.9

\hi C Davenant, \textit{Discourses on the Publick Revenues and on the
Trade of England}, London: James Knapton 1698 (Special Collections G 6.1

\hi C Davenant, \textit{Discourses upon Grants and Resumptions}, London
1700 (Special Collections G 6.1 DAV).

\hi F N David, \textit{Games, Gods and Gambling}, London: Griffin 1962
(S 9 DAV).

\hi W Fellner, \textit{Probability and Profit}, Homewood, IL: Richard D
Urwin 1965 (SF 1.G FEL).

\hi E De Forest, On an unsymmetrical probability curve, \textit{The
Analyst; or Mathematical Museum} \textbf{9} (1882), 135--142 \& 161--168
and 10 (1883). 1--7 \& 67--74; repr.\ in Vol.\ 1 of S M Stigler and I M
Cohen (ed.), \textit{American Contributions to Mathematical Statistics
in the Nineteenth Century} (2 vols), New York, NY: Arno Publishing
Company 1980 (SF STI).

\hi A M Dell'Oro, \textit{Storia del Metodo Statistico}, Milano: Dott. A
Giuffr\`e 1976 (SF 0.9 DEL).

\hi A De Moivre, \textit{Approximatio ad Summam Terminorum Binomii
$\overline{a + b}\backslash^n$ in Seriem expansi} 1733; trans.\ with
some additions in De Moivre (1738) and De Moivre (1756), App.\ 5, pp.\
254--267 of F N David, \textit{Games, Gods and Gambling}, London:
Griffin 1962 (S 9 DAV); ed.\ H M Walker, pp.\ 566--575 of Vol.\ 2 of D E
Smith, \textit{A Source Book in Mathematics} (2 vols), McGraw-Hill
1929, repr.New York, NY: Dover 1959 (S 0.8 SMI).

\hi A De Moivre, De Mensura Sortis, seu, de Probabilitate Eventuum in
Ludis a Casu Fortuito Pendentibus, \textit{Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society of London} (number 329) \textbf{27} (1711), 213--264,
trans.\ A. Hald, \textit{International Statistics Review} \textbf{52}
(1984), 229--262 (SF PERIOD).

\hi A De Moivre, \textit{The Doctrine of Chances} (2nd edn) London: H
Woodfall 1738, repr.\ London: Cass 1967 (S 9 DEM).

\hi A De Moivre, \textit{The Doctrine of Chances} (3rd edn) London: A
Millar 1756, repr.\ New York, NY: Chelsea 1967 with a biographical
article from \textit{Scripta Math.}\ \textbf{2} (4) (1934 August), by H
M Walker (S 9 DEM).

\hi A De Moivre, \textit{A Treatise of Annuities upon Lives} (2nd edn).
Appended to 3rd ed.\ of \textit{The Doctrine of Chances} (S 9 DEM).

\hi A de Morgan, \textit{An Essay on Probabilities and on their
applications to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices}, London:
Longman, Orme, Brown, Green \& Longmans, 1838, repr.\ New York, NY: Arno
1981 (S 9 DEM).

\hi A de Morgan, Review of \textit{Instructions Populaires sur le Calcul
des Probabilit\'es par A. Quetelet}, \textit{Quarterly Journal of
Education} \textbf{4} (1832), 101--110, repr.\ York: P M Lee 1989

\hi A de Morgan, Review of \textit{Th\'eorie Analytique des
Probabilit\'es par M. le Marquis de Laplace, \&c.\ \&c.}, \textit{Dublin
Review} \textbf{2} (1837), 338--354 \& 3 (1838), 237--248, repr.\ York:
P M Lee 1989 (QUARTO S 9 DEM).

\hi S de Morgan, \textit{Memoir of Augustus De Morgan} (2 vols), London:
Longman, Green 1882, repr.\ Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms
International (S 0.92 DEM/D).

\hi M Diamond and M Stone, Nightingale on Quetelet, I: The Passionate
Statistician, II: The Marginalia, III: Essay in Memoriam, \textit{J.\
Roy.\ Statist.\ Soc.\ Ser.}\ \textbf{A} \textbf{144} (1981), 66--79,
176--213 \& 332--351 (SF PERIOD and SF 0.92 QUE/D).

\hi J L Dolby and J W Tukey, \textit{The Statistics CumIndex}, Los
Angeles, CF: R \& D Press 1973 (BIB SF 0.16 STA).

\hi J--J Droesbeke and P Tassi, \textit{Histoire de la Statistique (Que
sais--je?, No.\ 2527)}, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1990 (SF
0.9 DRO).

\hi J Eatwell, M Milgate and P Newman (ed.), \textit{The New Palgrave:
Time Series and Statistics}, London: Macmillan 1990 (SF 0.3 EAT).

\hi H Ebbinghaus, \textit{\"Uber das Ged\"achtnis: Untersuchungen zur
experimentallen Psychologie}, Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot 1885, trans.\
by H A Ruger and C E Bussenius as \textit{Memory}, New York, NY:
Teachers' College, Columbia University 1913; repr.\ New York, NY: Dover
1964 (B 2.4 EBB).

\hi F M Eden, \textit{The State of the poor, or, A History of the
Labouring Classes in England, from the Conquest to the Present Period
\dots with Parochial Reports \dots}, (3 vols), London: J Davis 1797;
repr.\ London: Cass 1966 (D 1.247 EDE).

\hi F M Eden, \textit{An Estimate of the Number of Inhabitants in Great
Britain and Ireland}, London 1800, repr.\ in D V Glass, \textit{The
Population Controversy}, Farnborough: Gregg 1973 (F 4.2 CEN/G).

\hi W Eden, \textit{Letter to the Earl of Carlisle} (3rd edn), London
1780, repr.\ in D V Glass, \textit{The Population Controversy}, 1973 (F
4.2 CEN/G).

\hi F Y Edgworth, \textit{Mathematical Psychics: An Essay on the
Applications of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences}, London: C Kegan Paul
1881; repr.\ New York, NY: Augustus M Kelley 1961 (G 0.182 EDG).

\hi F Y Edgworth, \textit{Papers Relating to Political Economy} (3
vols), London: Macmillan 1925 (G 0.4 EDG).

\hi F Y Edgeworth, [\textit{Selected Statistical Papers}], box file of
xerox copies of articles from various journals published 1877--1925,
with an index, assembled by P M Lee (NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 EDG).

\hi F Y Edgeworth, \textit{Edgeworth's Writings on Chance, Probability
and Statistics} (edited by Philip Mirowski), Lantham, MD: Rowman and
Littlefield 1994 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 EDG).

\hi A W F Edwards, \textit{Pascal's Arithmetical Triangle}, London:
Griffin 1987 (S 2.5 EDW).

\hi C Eisenhart, M W Hastay and W A Wallis (eds), \textit{(Selected)
Techniques of Statistical Analysis} by the Statistical Research Group of
Columbia University, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill 1947 (NORTH ROOM SF 6.5

\hi C Eisenhart, Laws of Error I: Development of the Concept and II: The
Gaussian Distribution, in S Kotz and N L Johnson (ed.),
\textit{Encyclopedia of Statistical Science} (9 vols plus Supplement),
New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience 1982--1989, Vol.\ 4, 530--547 \&
547--562 (REF SF 0.3 ENC).

\hi W P Elderton and N L Johnson, \textit{Systems of Frequency Curves},
Cambridge: University Press 1969 (revision of W P Elderton,
\textit{Frequency Curves and Correlation}, Cambridge: University Press
1906) (S 9 ELD).

\hi J M Eyler, \textit{Victorian Social Medicine: The ideas and methods
of William Farr}, Johns Hopkins Press 1979 (Y 0.942081 FAR).

\hi H J Eysenck and L Kamin, \textit{Intelligence: The Battle for the
Mind}, London: Pan 1981 (B 4.21 EYS).

\hi F Fa\`a de Bruno, \textit{Trait\'e \'El\'ementaire du Calcul des
Erreurs}, Paris: Gauthier--Villars 1869, repr.\ Ann Arbor, MI: University
Microfilms International 1992 (S 9 BER).

\hi W Farr, ``The Northampton Life Table''. From 8th Report of the
Registrar--General for England and Wales (for 1845), London 1849, repr.\
in D V Glass, \textit{The Development of Population Statistics},
Farnborough: Gregg 1973 (QUA\-RTO F 4.2 CEN/G).

\hi J Fauvel and J Gray, \textit{The History of Mathematics: A Reader},
Basingstoke: Macmillan 1987 (S 0.9 FAU).

\hi P de Fermat, Correspondence with B Pascal and P de Carcavi
1654--1660, trans.\ M Merrington, App.\ 4, pp.\ 229--253 of F N David,
\textit{Games, Gods and Gambling}, London: Griffin 1962 (S 9 DAV);
trans.\ V Sanford, pp.\ 546--565 of Vol.\ 2 of D E Smith, \textit{A
Source Book in Mathematics} (2 vols), McGraw-Hill 1929, repr.\ New
York, NY: Dover 1959 (S 0.8 SMI); trans.\ R. Scofield, pp.\ 474--487 of
B Pascal, \textit{The Provincial Letters. Pens\'ees. Scientific
treatises}. Vol.\ \textbf{33} of Great Books of the Western World,
Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. 1952 (MJ 75.5).

\hi S E Fienberg (ed.), \textit{The Evolving Role of Statistical
Assessments as Evidence in Courts}, Berlin: Springer--Verlag 1989 (SF 1.J

\hi S E Fienberg and D V Hinckley (ed.), \textit{R A Fisher: An
Appreciation (Lecture Notes in Statistics No.\ 1)}, Berlin: Springer 1980
(SF 0.92 FIS/R).

\hi M Fierz, \textit{Girolamo Cardano 1501--1576: Physician, Natural
Philosopher, Mathematician, Astrologer and Interpreter of Dreams},
Basel: Birkh\"auser 1983 (R 9.4507 CAR/F).

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Statistical Methods for Research Workers},
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd 1925; 13th ed.\ 1958 (SF FIS).

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{The Design of Experiments}, Edinburgh: Oliver and
Boyd 1935; 2nd ed.\ 1937; 3rd ed.\ 1942 (SF 6 FIS).

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Statistical Methods and Scientific Inference},
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd 1956; 2nd ed.\ 1959 (SF FIS).

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Statistical Methods, Experimental Design and
Scientific Inference}, ed.\ J H Bennett, Oxford: University Press 1990

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Natural Selection, Heredity and Eugenics:
Including selected correspondence of R A Fisher with Leonard Darwin and
others} (ed.\ J H Bennett), Oxford: University Press 1983 (SF 0.92 FIS).

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Statistical Inference and Analysis: Selected
Correspondence of R A Fisher} (ed.\ J H Bennett), Oxford: University
Press 1990 (SF 0.92 FIS/B).

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Collected Papers} (5 vols), Adelaide: Department
of Genetics of the University of Adelaide 1971--1974 (ed.\ J H Bennett)

\hi J L Folks, \textit{Ideas of Statistics}, New York, NY: Wiley 1981

\hi E G Forbes, \textit{The Birth of Navigational Science: Tobias Mayer
(Maritime Monographs and Reports No.\ 10)}, London: National Maritime
Museum 1974 (QUA\-RTO Z 23.89 FOR).

\hi D W Forrest, \textit{Francis Galton: The Life and Times of a
Victorian Genius}, London: Paul Elek 1974 (XN 8 GAL/F).

\hi K R Foster, \textit{Phantom Risk: Scientific Inference and the Law},
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 1995 (R 2.6 FOS).

\hi G Galileo, Sopra le scoperte dei dadi, c. 1613--1623, trans.\ E H
Thorne, App.\ 2, pp.\ 192--195 of F N David, \textit{Games, Gods and
Gambling}, London: Griffin 1962 (S 9 DAV).

\hi F Galton, \textit{The Art of Travel; or, Shifts and Contrivances
Available in Wild Countries}, London: John Murray 1855, 5th ed.\ 1872
(repr.\ Newton Abbot: David and Charles 1971), 7th ed.\ 1883 (N 0.9

\hi F Galton, \textit{Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into its Laws and
Consequences}, London: Macmillan (1st edn) 1869, repr.\ London: Julian
Friedman 1978 (XN 2 GAL); (2nd edn) London: Macmillan 1892; (XN 2 GAL)
[(3rd edn) 1914].

\hi F Galton, \textit{English Men of Science}, London: Macmillan 1874,
(2nd edn) London: Cass 1970 (XN 2 GAL).

\hi F Galton, G Back and R Collinson, \textit{Hints to travellers},
London: Stanford for the Royal Geographical Society 1878 (VICKERS

\hi F Galton, \textit{Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development},
London: Macmillan 1883 (XN 2 GAL).

\hi F Galton, \textit{Natural Inheritance}, London: Macmillan 1889 (XN 2

\hi F Galton, \textit{Finger-prints}, London: Macmillan 1892, repr.\ New
York, NY: Da Capo 1965 (EA 3.6 GAL).

\hi F Galton, \textit{Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development},
London: Dent (Everyman's Library No.\ 263) 1907 (XN 2 GAL).

\hi F Galton, \textit{Memories of My Life}, London: Methuen 1908 (XN 8

\hi F Galton, \textit{Essays in Eugenics}, London: Eugenics Education
Society 1909, repr.\ New York, NY: Garland 1985 (XN 8 GAR).

\hi F Galton, [\textit{Selected Papers}], box file of xerox copies of
articles from various journals published 1865--1906, with an index,
assembled by P M Lee (NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 GAL).

\hi J Gani (ed.), \textit{The Making of Statisticians}, Berlin:
Springer--Verlag 1982 (SF 0.92 GAN).

\hi J Gani (ed.), \textit{The craft of probabilistic modelling: A
collection of personal accounts}, Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1986 (S 9.2

\hi C F Gauss, \textit{Theory of the Motion of the Heavenly Bodies
Moving about the Sun in Conic Sections} (1809), trans.\ with an appendix
by C H Davis, Boston, MA: Little, Brown 1857, repr.\ New York: Dover
1963 (T 1.3 GAU).

\hi C F Gauss, \textit{Abhandlungen zur Methode der kleinsten Quadrate},
trans.\ \& ed.\ A B\"orsch \& P Simon 1887, repr.\ Vaduz: Sandig 1986

\hi C F Gauss, \textit{Work (1803--1826) on the Theory of Least Squares},
trans.\ H F Trotter, Technical Report No.5, Statistical Techniques
Research Group, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University 1957, repr.\ York: P
M Lee 1990 (QUARTO S 9.6 GAU).

\hi C F Gauss, \textit{Theory of the Combination of Observations Least
Subject to Error (Part One, Part Two, Supplement)}, trans.\ G W Stewart,
Philadelphia, PA: SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics),

\hi C F Gauss, \textit{Werke} (12 vols), G\"ottingen: K\"oniglichen
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 1863--1929, repr.\ Hildesheim: Georg
Olms 1981 (NORTH ROOM QUARTO S 0.8 GAU).

\hi R Giere and R S Westfall, \textit{Foundations of Scientific Method:
The Nineteenth Century}, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press 1973
(R 1.8 GIE).

\hi G Gigerenzer, Z Swijtink, T Porter, L Daston, J Beatty and L
Kr\"uger, \textit{The Empire of Chance: How probability changed science
and everyday life}, Cambridge: University Press 1989 (S 9 GIG).

\hi G Gigerenzer and D J Murray, \textit{Cognition as Intuitive
Statistics}, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum 1988 (B 1.2 GIG).

\hi C C Gillispie et al., Laplace, Pierre--Simon, Marquis de,
\textit{Dictionary of Scientific Biography}, Vol.\ 15, pp.\ 273--403,
New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons 1978 (REF R 9.2 DIC).

\hi D V Glass, \textit{The Development of Population Statistics},
Farnborough: Gregg 1973 (QUARTO F 4.2 CEN/G).

\hi D V Glass, \textit{The Population Controversy}, Farnborough: Gregg
1973 (F 4.2 CEN/G).

\hi D V Glass, \textit{Numbering the People}, Farnborough: D C Heath
1973 (F 4.2 CEN/G).

\hi H H Goldstine, \textit{A History of Numerical Analysis from the
Sixteenth Century through the Nineteenth Century}, Berlin:
Springer--Verlag 1977 (S 7.6 GOL).

\hi W S Gosset, \textit{Letters from W S Gosset to R A Fisher,
1915--1936. With summaries by R A Fisher and a foreword by L McMullen.
Issued for private circulation}, Dublin: Arthur Guinness Sons \& Co.
(Dublin) Ltd. (4 vols) 1962. Reissued as a single volume in 1970 with
six additional letters from Gosset to Fisher and one from Fisher to
Gosset ``inserted in the appropriate places''. The J B Morrell Library
has no copy of this, but its existence should be noted.

\hi W S Gosset, \textit{Student's Collected Papers}, Cambridge:
University Press 1951 (NORTH ROOM SF 1.X GOS).

\hi S J Gould, \textit{The Mismeasure of Man}, New York, NY: Norton 1981
and Harmondsworth: Penguin 1984 (B 4.2 GOU).

\hi A Graham and J Fauvel (ed.), \textit{Empowering Students through the
History of Statistics}, Milton Keynes: Centre for Mathematics Education,
The Open University 1995.

\hi J Graunt, \textit{Natural and Political Observations Mentioned in a
following Index, and made upon the Bills of Mortality}, London: John
Martin 1662; an extract is repr.\ from 1st ed.\ in J R Newman (ed.),
\textit{The World of Mathematics: A small library of the literature of
mathematics from A'h--mos\'e the scribe to Albert Einstein}, presented
with commentaries and notes by James R Newman, (4 vols.), New York:
Simon and Schuster 1956 and London: George Allen and Unwin 1960, Vol.\
III, pp.\ 1420--1435 (S 0.8 NEW). 5th ed.\ London: John Martin for the
Royal Society 1676. The 5th ed.\ is repr.\ in W Petty, \textit{Economic
Writings of Sir William Petty}, ed.\ C H Hull, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press 1899, repr.\ New York: Augustus M Kelley 1963--4, Vol.\
II, pp.\ 314--435 (G 0.4 PET).

\hi I Hacking, \textit{Logic of Statistical Inference}, Cambridge:
University Press 1965 (A 64 HAC).

\hi I Hacking, \textit{The Emergence of Probability}, Cambridge:
University Press 1975 (A 64 HAC).

\hi I Hacking, \textit{The Taming of Chance}, Cambridge: University
Press 1990 (A 23.3 HAC).

\hi R Hahn, \textit{Laplace as a Newtonian scientist}, Los Angeles, CF:
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library 1967 (R 9.4404 LAP/H).

\hi A Hald, \textit{A History of Probability and Statistics and their
applications before 1750}, New York, NY: Wiley 1990 (S 9.09 HAL).

\hi T Hall, \textit{Carl Friedrich Gauss: A Biography}, Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press 1970 (S 0.92 GAU/H).

\hi E Halley, An estimate of the degrees of mortality of mankind, drawn
from curious tables of the births and funerals at the city of Breslaw,
with an attempt to ascertain the price of annuities upon lives,
\textit{Phil.\ Trans.\ Roy.\ Soc.}\ \textbf{17} (1693), 596--610, and
Some further considerations on the Breslaw Bills of Mortality. By the
same Hand, \&c.\ \textit{ibid.}\ \textbf{17} (1693), 654--656. Almost
the entire work can be found in J R Newman (ed.), \textit{The World of
Mathematics: A small library of the literature of mathematics from
A'h--mos\'e the scribe to Albert Einstein}, presented with commentaries
and notes by James R Newman, (4 vols.), New York: Simon and Schuster
1956 and London: George Allen and Unwin 1960, Vol.\ III, pp.\ 1436--1446
(S 0.8 NEW). A xerox of a complete reprint entitled Degrees of Mortality
of Mankind, ed.\ L.J. Reed, Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Press 1942,
is to be found bound with G King, \textit{Two Tracts by Gregory King
\dots} (F 4.2 KIN).

\hi F H Hankins, \textit{Adolphe Quetelet as Statistician}, New York,
NY: Columbia University Press 1908, repr.\ New York, NY: AMS Press 1968
(SF 0.92 QUE/H).

\hi R Harr\'e (ed.), \textit{Some Nineteenth Century British
Scientists}, Oxford: Pergamon 1969.

\hi M Haushoffer, \textit{Lehr- and Handbuch der Statistik}, Wien:
Wilhelm Braum\"uller 1882 (NORTH ROOM SF HAU).

\hi M Heidelberger and L Kr\"uger (ed.), \textit{Probability and
Conceptual Change in Scientific Thought}, (Report Wissenschaftsforschung
No.\ 22), Bielefeld: B. Kleine Verlag 1982 (S 9.09 BIE).

\hi M Heidelberger, L Kr\"uger and R Rheinwald (ed.),
\textit{Probability Since 1800: Interdisciplinary studies of scientific
development}, (Report Wissenschaftsforschung No.\ 25), Bielefeld: B.
Kleine Verlag 1983 (S 9.09 BIE).

\hi F Hendriks, Contributions to the history of insurance and of life
contingencies, \textit{Assurance Magazine} \textbf{2} (1852), 121--150
and 222--258, and \textbf{3} (1853), 93--120 (QUARTO SF 0.9 HEN).

\hi R J Hernstein and C A Murray, \textit{The Bell Curve: Intelligence
and Class Structure in American Life}, New York: Free Press 1994 (B 4.21

\hi J W F Herschel, \textit{Essays from the Edinburgh and Quarterly
Reviews}, London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts 1857,
repr.\ New York, NY: Arno Press 1981 (R 4 HER).

\hi C C Heyde and E Seneta, I J Bienaym\'e: \textit{Statistical Theory
Anticipated}, Berlin: Springer 1977 (SF 0.9 HEY).

\hi E Higgs, \textit{Making Sense of the Census: The Manuscript Returns
for England and Wales, 1801--1901}, London: Her Majesty's Stationery
Office 1989 (F 4.2 CEN/H).

\hi V L Hilts, \textit{Statist and Statistician}, New York, NY: Arno
Press 1981 (SF 0.9 HIL).

\hi L Hogben, \textit{Dangerous Thoughts}, including Chapter 5 on 'Sir
William Petty and Political Arithmetic', London: George Allen \& Unwin
1939 (A 04 HOG).

\hi C Huygens, \textit{De Rationiis in Ludo Ale\ae}, Leiden: Johanis
Elseviri 1657, trans.\ by W. Browne as \textit{Libellus de Ratiociniis
in Ludo Aleae or the Value of all Chances in Games of Fortune, Cards,
Dice, Wagers, Lotteries, \&c.\ Mathematically Demonstrated}, London: S
Keimer 1714, repr.\ York: P M Lee 1989 together with A de Morgan, Review
of \textit{Instructions Populaires \dots}, etc. (QUARTO S 9 DEM).

\hi J Irvine (ed.), \textit{Demystifying Social Statistics}, London:
Pluto Press 1979 (SF 1.D IRV).

\hi H Jeffreys, \textit{Collected Papers on Geophysics and Other
Sciences}, New York, NY: Gordon and Breach 1977 (6 vols; Volume 6 only,
which is the one containing papers on mathematics, probability and
statistics, at WA 1.092 JEF).

\hi N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), \textit{Leading Personalities in
Statistical Sciences: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present}, New
York: Wiley 1997.

\hi W S Jevons, \textit{The Principles of Science: A Treatise of Logic
and Scientific Method} (2 vols), London: Macmillan 1877, repr.\ New York,
NY: Dover 1958 (A 60 JEV).

\hi K Jordan, \textit{Chapters on the Classical Calculus of Probability},
Budapest: Akad\-\'emiai Kiad\'o 1972 (S 9 JOR).

\hi M Kac, \textit{Enigmas of Chance: An Autobiography}, New York, NY:
Harper and Row 1985 (S 0.92 KAC).

\hi M Kac, G--C Rota and J T Schwartz, \textit{Discrete Thoughts: Essays
on Mathematics, Science and Philosophy}, Basel: Birkh\"auser 1986 (S 0.4

\hi M G Kendall, \textit{Statistics: Theory and Practice: Selected
Papers 1907--1983}, ed.\ A Stuart, High Wycome: Griffin 1984 (NORTH ROOm
SF 0.4 KEN).

\hi M G Kendall and A Doig, \textit{Bibliography of Statistical
Literature} (3 vols: \textit{Pre-1940}, \textit{1940--1949}.
\textit{1950--1958}), Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd 1962--8 (BIB SF 0.16

\hi M G Kendall and R L Plackett (ed.), \textit{Studies in the History
of Statistics and Probability}, Vol.\ II, London: Griffin 1977 (QUARTO SF
0.9 STU).

\hi D J Kevles, \textit{In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses
of Human Heredity}, Alfred A. Knopf 1985 and Harmondsworth: Penguin 1986
(XN 8 KEV).

\hi J M Keynes, \textit{A Treatise on Probability}, London: Macmillan
1957 (A 64 KEY).

\hi J M Keynes, \textit{Essays in Biography}, London: Rupert Hart--Davis
(1st edn) 1933; (2nd edn) 1951 (Q 20.042 KEY).

\hi M Keynes (ed.), \textit{Sir Francis Galton, FRS: The Legacy of His
Ideas. Proceedings of the twenty--eighth annual symposium of the Galton
Institute}, London 1991, London: Macmillan in association with the
Galton Institute 1993 (XN 8 GAL/K).

\hi J C Kiefer, \textit{Collected Papers} (3 vols plus supplementary
volume) (ed.\ L D Brown, I Olkin, J Sacks and H P Wynn), Berlin:
Springer--Verlag 1985 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 KIE).

\hi G King, \textit{Two Tracts by Gregory King (a) Natural and Political
Observations and Conclusions upon the State and Condition of England,
(b) Of the Naval Trade of England A$^{\textit{o}}$ 1688 and the National
Profit arising thereby}, ed.\ with an introduction by G E Barnett,
Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Press 1936 (original publication of (a)
in 1696; (b) repr.\ from MS) (xerox copy) (F 4.2 KIN).

\hi A N Kolmogorov, \textit{Foundations of the Theory of Probability}
(trans.\ ed.\ N Morrison, intro. by A T Bharucha--Reid), New York, NY:
Chelsea 1956 (German ed.\ 1933) (S 9 KOL).

\hi A N Kolmogorov, \textit{Selected Works} (3 vols), Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic 1991--1993 (NORTH ROOM S 0.8 KOL).

\hi A N Kolmogorov and A P Yushkevich, \textit{Mathematics of the
Nineteenth Century: Mathematical Logic, Number Theory, Probability},
Basel: Birkh\"auser 1992 (S 0.9 KOL).

\hi J Koren (ed.), \textit{The History of Statistics}, New York, NY:
Macmillan 1918, repr.\ New York, NY: Burt Franklin 1970 (SF 0.9 KOR).

\hi S Kotz and N L Johnson, \textit{Breakthroughs in Statistics} (2
vols.), Berlin: Springer 1992 (SF KOT).

\hi A Krailsheimer, \textit{Pascal}, Oxford: University Press 1980 (MJ
75.5 KRA).

\hi L Kr\"uger, L J Daston and M Heidelberger (ed.), \textit{The
Probabilistic Revolution}, Vol.\ 1: \textit{Ideas in History},
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 1987 (S 9 KRU).

\hi L Kr\"uger, G Gigerenzer and M S Morgan (ed.), \textit{The
Probabilistic Revolution}, Vol.\ 2: \textit{Ideas in the Sciences},
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 1987 (S 9 KRU).

\hi H H Ku (ed.), \textit{Precision Measurement and Calibration: Papers
on Statistical Concepts and Procedures}, Washington, DC: National Bureau
of Standards 1969, pp.\ 265--274 (SF KUH).

\hi H E Kyburg and H E Smokler, \textit{Studies in Subjective
Probability}, (1st edn) New York, NY: Wiley; (2nd ed.---much altered)
Huntington, NY: Krieger, 1980 (A 64 KYB).

\hi H O Lancaster, \textit{Bibliography of Statistical Bibliographies},
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd 1968 (BIB SF 0.16 LAN) (continued irregularly
in \textit{International Statistics Review} until 1987 and thereafter in
The Mathematical Scientist 13 (1988), 66--74, and 14 (1989), 62--72).

\hi P S Laplace, \textit{Essai Philosophique sur les Probabilit\'es},
Paris: Courcier (1st ed.\ published as intro. to 2nd ed.\ of
\textit{Th\'eorie Analytique des Probabilit\'es}, 1814), inc. as intro.
to \textit{Th\'eorie Analytique des Probabilit\'es}, (3rd edn) Paris:
Courcier 1821, repr.\ in 2 vols. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms
International 1991 (S 9 LAP). The 6th ed.\ was translated as \textit{A
Philosophical Essay on the Theory of Probabilities}, trans.\ by F W
Truscott and F L Emory; intro. by E T Bell, New York, NY: Wiley 1902,
repr.\ New York, NY: Dover 1951 (S 9 LAP); the 5th ed.\ (1825) was
trans.\ as \textit{Philosophical Essay on Probabilities} by A Dale with
notes by the translator, Springer--Verlag 1995 (S 9 LAP).

\hi P S Laplace, M\'emoire sur la probabilit\'e des causes par les
\'ev\`enemens, \textit{M\'emoires de math\'ematique et de physique
present\'es \`a l'Acad\'emie royale des sciences, par divers savans, \&
l\^us dans ses assembl\'ees}\ \textbf{6} (1774), 621--656 (repr.\ in
Laplace's Oeuvres compl\`etes 8, 5--24), translated with an introduction
by S M Stigler, \textit{Statistical Science} \textbf{1} (1986), 359--378

\hi P S Laplace, \textit{Th\'eorie Analytique des Probabilit\'es}, (1st
ed.) Paris: Courcier 1812, repr.\ Bruxelles: Culture et Civilisation
1967 (S 9 LAP).

\hi P S Laplace, \textit{Th\'eorie Analytique des Probabilit\'es}, (3rd
ed.) Paris: Courcier 1821, repr.\ in 2 vols. Ann Arbor, MI: University
Microfilms International 1991 (S 9 LAP).

\hi P S Laplace, On the probability of the errors in the mean result of
a great number of observations and of the most advantageous mean result,
Book 2, Chapter 4 of \textit{Th\'eorie Analytique}, cf.\ Todhunter
(1865), art.\ 1001--1009, trans.\ J L C A G\"ys, in Vol.\ 2, pp.\
588--604 of D E Smith, A Source Book in Mathematics (2 vols),
McGraw-Hill 1929, repr.\ New York, NY: Dover 1959 (S 0.8 SMI).

\hi P S Laplace, \textit{Celestial Mechanics} (5 vols, first 4 trans.\ N
Bowditch, the last not translated), Boston, Mass. 1829--1839; repr.\ New
York, NY: Chelsea 1966 (U 0.4 LAP).

\hi P S Laplace, \textit{Exposition du Syst\'eme du Monde}, Paris:
Cercle Social IV (= 1796), several further eds., repr.\ Paris: Fayard
1984 (T 1.1 LAP), trans.\ H E Harte as \textit{The System of the World}
(2 vols), Dublin: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green 1830. There is
no copy of this translation in the J B Morrell Library, but it is
mentioned because the existence of the translation is not widely known.

\hi P Laslett, \textit{The World We Have Lost}, London: Methuen [1st
ed.\ 1965], (2nd edn) 1971; \textit{The World We Have Lost---further
explored} (3rd edn) 1983 (Q 42.06 LAS).

\hi A--M Legendre, On the Method of Least Squares, from Nouvelles
m\'ethodes pour la d\'etermination des orbites des com\`etes, Paris
1805, trans.\ H A Ruger and H M Walker, pp.\ 576--579 of Vol.\ 2 of D E
Smith, \textit{A Source Book in Mathematics} (2 vols), McGraw-Hill 1929,
repr.\ New York, NY: Dover 1959 (S 0.8 SMI).

\hi H Loeffel, \textit{Blaise Pascal, 1623--1662}, Basel: Birkh\"auser
1987 (MJ 75.5 LOE).

\hi D A Mackenzie, \textit{Statistics in Britain 1865--1930: The Social
Construction of Scientific Knowledge}, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University
Press 1981 (SF 0.94 MAC).

\hi D MacHale, \textit{George Boole: His Life and Work}, Dublin: Boole
Press 1985 (S 0.92 BOO/M).

\hi M S Mahoney, \textit{The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat},
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 1973 (S 0.92 FER/M).

\hi L E Maistrov, \textit{Probability Theory: A Historical Sketch}, New
York, NY: Academic Press 1974 (S 9 MAI).

\hi T Malthus, \textit{An Essay on the Principles of Population: or, a
View of its Past Effects on Human Happiness; with an Inquiry into our
Prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which
it occasions}, (3 vols) (5th edn) London: John Murray 1817 (D 1.3201

\hi K O May, \textit{Bibliography and Research Material for the History
of Mathematics},Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1973 (BIB S 0.9

\hi P A Mazumdar, \textit{Eugenics, Human Genetics and Human Failings:
The Eugenics Society and its Critics in Britain}, London: Routledge 1991
(XN 8 MAZ).

\hi A Meitzen, \textit{History, Theory and Techniques of Statistics}
(translated by R P Faulkner), Annals of the American Academy of Political
and Social Sciences, Supplement to Vol.\ 1 (1891) (photocopy) (NORTH

\hi U C Merzbach, \textit{C F Gauss: A Bibliography}, Washington, DC:
Scholarly Resources Inc. 1984 (BIB S 0.92 GAU/M).

\hi P Mirowski (ed.), \textit{Edgeworth on Chance, Economic Hazard and
Statistics}, Lan\-tham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield 1994.

\hi R von Mises, \textit{Selected Papers} (2 vols), Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1963/4, repr.Ann Arnbor, MI: University
Microfilms International 1991 (NORTH ROOM S 0.4 MIS).

\hi R Mitchison, \textit{Agricultural Sir John. The Life of Sir John
Sinclair of Ulbster. 1754--1835}, London: Geoffrey Bless 1962 (Q 41.07

\hi P R de Montmort, \textit{Essay d'Analyse sur les Jeux de Hazard} (2nd
ed.), Paris: Jacques Quillau 1713, repr.\ New York, NY: Chelsea 1980

\hi G M Morant, \textit{Bibliography of Karl Pearson's Statistical and
Other Writings}, Cambridge: University Press 1939 (BIB S 0.9 PEA/M).

\hi R Morgan, Sir Francis Galton (1822--1910), in R Harr\'e (ed.),
\textit{Some Nineteenth Century British Scientists}, Oxford: Pergamon

\hi H Morley, \textit{The Life of Girolamo Cardano of Milan, Physician},
London: Chapman and Hall 1854, repr.\ Ann Arbor, MI: University
Microfilms International (S 9 RAB).

\hi D E Morrison and D E Henkel, \textit{The Significance Test
Controversy}, Chicago, IL: Aldine 1970 (D 0.18 MOR)

\hi S Newcomb, \textit{The Reminiscences of an Astronomer}, Boston:
Houghton Mifflin 1903, repr.\ in Vol.\ 2 of S M Stigler and I M Cohen
(ed.), \textit{American Contributions to Mathematical Statistics in the
Nineteenth Century} (2 vols), New York, NY: Arno Publishing Company 1980

\hi J R Newman (ed.), \textit{The World of Mathematics: A small library
of the literature of mathematics from A'h-mos\'e the scribe to Albert
Einstein, presented with commentaries and notes by James R Newman}, (4
vols.), New York, NY: Simon and Schuster 1956 and London: George Allen
and Unwin 1960 (S 0.8 NEW).

\hi J Neyman, \textit{Early Statistical Papers}, Cambridge: University
Press 1967 (NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 NEY).

\hi J Neyman and E S Pearson, \textit{Joint Statistical Papers},
Cambridge: University Press 1967 (NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 NEY).

\hi M Nissel, \textit{People Count: The history of the General Register
Office}, London: HMSO 1987 (HA 2.37 NIS).

\hi T O'Donnell, \textit{History of Life Insurance in its Formative
Years}, Chicago: American Conservation Company 1904. There is no copy of
this book in the J.B. Morrell Library, but attention is drawn to it as a
source of portraits of statisticians.

\hi Kh O Ondar (ed.), \textit{The Correspondence between A A Markov and
A A Chuprov on the Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics},
Berlin: Springer 1981 (S 9 MAR).

\hi O Ore, \textit{Cardano: The Gambling Scholar}, with a translation
from the Latin of Cardano's \textit{Book on the Games of Chance} by S H
Gould, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 1953, repr.\ New York,
NY: Dover 1965 (R 9.4507 CAR/O).

\hi D B Owen (ed.), \textit{On the History of Statistics and
Probability}, New York, NY: Dekker 1976 (SF 0.9 OWE).

\hi B Pascal, \textit{The Provincial Letters. Pens\'ees. Scientific
treatises}. Vol.\ \textbf{33} of Great Books of the Western World,
Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. 1952 (MJ 75.5).

\hi B Pascal, Pascal's Wager [Infini. Rien], para.\ 233, pp.\ 213--216
in B Pascal, \textit{The Provincial Letters. Pens\'ees. Scientific
treatises}. Vol.\ \textbf{33} of Great Books of the Western World,
Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. 1952 (MJ 75.5).

\hi B Pascal, Correspondence with P de Fermat and P de Carcavi
1654--1660, trans.\ M Merrington, App.\ 4, pp.\ 229--253 of F N David,
\textit{Games, Gods and Gambling}, London: Griffin 1962 (S 9 DAV);
trans.\ V Sanford, pp.\ 546--565 of Vol.\ 2 of D E Smith, \textit{A
Source Book in Mathematics} (2 vols), McGraw-Hill 1929, repr.\ New
York, NY: Dover 1959 (S 0.8 SMI); trans.\ R Scofield, pp.\ 474--487 of B
Pascal, \textit{The Provincial Letters. Pens\'ees. Scientific
treatises}. Vol.\ \textbf{33} of Great Books of the Western World,
Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. 1952 (MJ 75.5).

\hi B Pascal, Trait\'e sur la Triangle Arithm\'etique, Paris: Duprez
1665, transl. as Treatise on the arithmetical triangle by R Scofield,
pp.\ 447--473 of B Pascal, \textit{The Provincial Letters. Pens\'ees.
Scientific treatises}. Vol.\ \textbf{33} of Great Books of the Western
World, Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. 1952 (MJ 75.5).

\hi M Paty, D'Alembert et les probabilit\'es, Chap.\ IV.1 of R Rashed
(ed.), \textit{Sciences a l'\'Epoque de la R\'evolution Fran\c{c}ais},
Paris: Blanchard 1988 (R 9.44 RAS).

\hi E S Pearson, \textit{Karl Pearson: An Appreciation of Some Aspects
of His Life and Work}, Cambridge: University Press 1938 (QUARTO S 0.92

\hi E S Pearson, \textit{Selected Papers}, Cambridge: University Press

\hi E S Pearson, \textit{`Student': A Statistical Biography of William
Sealy Gosset}, ed.\ R L Plackett and G A Barnard, Oxford: University
Press 1990 (SF 0.92 GOS/P).

\hi E S Pearson and M G Kendall (ed.), \textit{Studies in the History of
Statistics and Probability}, London: Griffin 1970 (QUARTO SF 0.9 STU).

\hi E S Pearson and J Neyman, \textit{Joint Statistical Papers},
Cambridge: University Press 1967 (NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 NEY).

\hi K Pearson, Francis Galton 16 February 1822--17 January 1911,
\textit{Nature} \textbf{85} (1911 February 2), 440--445, repr.\ York: P
M Lee 1992 (XN 8 GAL/P).

\hi K Pearson, \textit{The Grammar of Science} (Everyman's Library No.\
939), London: Dent 1937 (R 2 PEA).

\hi K Pearson, On skew probability curves, \textit{Nature} \textbf{52}
(1895), 317; repr.\ in in Vol.\ 2 of S M Stigler and I M Cohen (ed.),
\textit{American Contributions to Mathematical Statistics in the
Nineteenth Century} (2 vols), New York, NY: Arno Publishing Company 1980

\hi K Pearson, \textit{The Ethic of Freethought and Other Addresses and
Essays} (2nd edn), London: Adam and Charles Black 1901 (C 11.44 PEA).

\hi K Pearson et al., \textit{Questions of the Day and of the Fray},
London: Dulau 1910--1914, repr.\ New York: Garland 1984 (XN 8 FRA).

\hi K Pearson, \textit{Karl Pearson's Early Statistical Papers},
Cambridge: University Press 1948. There is no copy of this book in the J
B Morrell library, but its existence should be noted.

\hi K Pearson, \textit{The History of Statistics in the 17th and 18th
Centuries against the changing background of intellectual, scientific
and religious thought}. Lectures by Karl Pearson given at University
College London during the academic sessions 1921--1933. Edited by E S
Pearson. London: Griffin, 1978 (SF 0.8 PEA).

\hi C S Peirce, \textit{Collected Papers}, Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press 1931--1958 (AK 2.7).

\hi W S Peters, \textit{Counting for Something: Statistical Principles
and Personalities}, Berlin: Springer--Verlag 1987 (SF PET).

\hi W Petty, \textit{Economic Writings of Sir William Petty}, ed.\ C H
Hull, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1899, repr.\ New York:
Augustus M Kelley 1963--4.  The most important work included (apart from
John Graunt's \textit{Natural and Political Observations}) is
\textit{Political Arithmetick}, originally published by London: Robert
Clavel and Hen. Mortlock 1690 (G 0.4 PET).

\hi W Petty, \textit{The Petty Papers: Some unpublished writings from
Sir William Petty}. Edited from the Bowood papers by the Marquis of
Lansdowne (2 vols). London: Constable 1927; repr.\ in 1 Vol.\ New York:
Kelley 1967 (G 0.94206 PET).

\hi H Poincar\'e, \textit{Calcul des Probabilit\'es}, ed.\ A Quiquet,
Paris: Gauthier--Villars 1912, repr.\ 1923 (S 9 POI).

\hi S-D Poisson, \textit{Recherches sur la Probabilit\'e des Jugements
en Mati\`ere Criminelle et en Mati\`ere Civile prec\'ed\'es des r\`egles
g\'en\'erales du calcul des probabilit\'es}, Paris: Bachelier 1837 repr.\
Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International (S 9 POI).

\hi T M Porter, \textit{The Rise of Statistical Thinking 1820--1900},
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 1986 (SF 0.9 POR).

\hi R Price, \textit{An Essay on the Population of England, from the
Revolution to the Present Time}, London 1860, repr.\ in D V Glass,
\textit{The Population Controversy}, Farnborough: Gregg 1973 (F 4.2

\hi \textit{Proceedings of the Symposium to Honour Jerzy Neyman},
Warszawa: PWN 1977 (NORTH ROOM SF SYM).

\hi A Quetelet, \textit{Popular instructions on the Calculation of
Probabilities}, trans.\ with notes by R Beamish, London: Weale 1839,
repr.\ Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International 1990 (S 9

\hi A Quetelet. \textit{A Treatise on Man and the Development of his
Faculties}, Edinburgh: William and Robert Chambers 1842 (SF 0.92 QUE).

\hi A Quetelet, \textit{Letters addressed to H.R.H.\ the Grand Duke of
Saxe Coburg and Gotha, on the Theory of Probabilities as applied to the
Moral and Political Sciences}, translated from the French by O G Downes,
London: Charles and Edwin Layton 1849, repr.\ New York, NY: Arno 1981 (S
9 QUE).

\hi N Rabinovitch, \textit{Probability and Statistical Inference in
Ancient and Medieval Jewish Literature}, Toronto: University of Toronto
Press 1973, repr.\ Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International (S
9 RAB).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{The Foundations of Mathematics and Other Logical
Essays}, ed.\ R.B. Braithwaite, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1931 (A
64 RAM).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{Foundations: Essays in Philosophy, Logic,
Mathematics and Economics}, ed.\ A Mellor, London: Routledge and Kegan
Paul 1978 (A 64 RAM).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{Notes on Philosophy, Probability and
Mathematics}, Naples: Bibliopolis 1991 (S 0.1 RAM).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{On Truth}: Original manuscript materials from the
Ramsey collection at the University of Pittsburgh, Dordrecht: Kluwer
1990 (A 64 RAM).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{Philosophical Papers}, ed.\ A Mellor, Cambridge:
University Press 1990 (A 64 RAM).

\hi R Rashed (ed.), \textit{Sciences a l'\'Epoque de la R\'evolution
Fran\c{c}ais}, Paris: Blanchard 1988 (R 9.44 RAS).

C Reid, \textit{Neyman from Life}, Berlin: Springer 1982 (SF 0.92 NEY/R).

\hi A R\'enyi, \textit{Letters on Probability}, Detroit, MI: Wayne State
University Press 1972 (S 9 REN).

\hi J Rickman, \textit{Observations on the Results of the Population
Act, 41 Geo.\ III}, \textit{Parliamentary Papers VI (1801)}, p.\ 4,
repr.\ in D V Glass, \textit{The Development of Population Statistics},
1973 (QUARTO F 4.2 CEN/G).

\hi H Robbins, \textit{Selected Papers} (ed.\ T L Lai and D Siegmund),
Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1985 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 ROB).

\hi Royal Statistical Society, \textit{Annals 1834--1934}, London: Royal
Statistical Society 1934 (SF 0.6 ROY).

\hi Royal Statistical Society, \textit{Jubilee Volume of the Journal of
the Royal Statistical Society}, 1885 (SF PERIOD).

\hi Royal Statistical Society, \textit{Catalogue of the Library}, London:
Royal Statistical Society 1908 (BIB SF 0.16 ROY).

\hi Royal Statistical Society, \textit{150th Anniversary Conference:
4--6 April 1984}, London: Royal Statistical Society 1984 (NORTH ROOM

\hi G Sarton, \textit{The Study of the History of Mathematics and The
Study of the History of Science}, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
1936 repr.\ New York, NY: Dover 1957 (S 0.9 SAR).

\hi L J Savage, \textit{The Writings of L Jimmie Savage: A Memorial
Selection}, Washington, DC: American Statistical Association/ Institute
of Mathematical Statistics 1981 (SF SAV).

\hi J P Say, \textit{A Treatise on Political Economy: or, the
Production, Distribution and Consumption of Wealth}, trans.\ 4th ed.\ by
C R Prinsep and trans.\ intro. by C C Biddle, Philadelphia, PA: John
Grigg 1830 (G 0.153 SAY).

\hi E Schuster, D Heron, E M Elderton, A Barrington and K Pearson,
\textit{Selected Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs}, New York: Garland 1985
(XN 8 FRA).

\hi T Seidenfeld, \textit{Philosophical Problems of Statistical
Inference: Learning from R A Fisher}, Dordrecht: D. Reidel (SF 2 SEI).

\hi T Simpson, An Attempt to Shew the advantage arising by taking the
Mean of a Number of observations, in Practical Astronomy (pp.\ 64--75
from \textit{Miscellaneous Tracts on Some Curious and very interesting
subjects in Mechanics, Physical-Astronomy and Speculative Mathematics
\dots}, London: J Nourse 1757, repr.\ York: P M Lee 1989 together with A
de Morgan, \textit{Review of Instructions Populaires \dots}, etc.

\hi T Simpson, \textit{The Nature and Laws of Chance \dots}, London: F
Wingrave 1792, repr.\ Ann Arnbor, MI: University Microfilms
International 1990 (S 9 SIM).

\hi J Sinclair, \textit{The Statistical Account of Scotland drawn up
from the communications of the Ministers of the Different Parishes} (21
vols), Edinburgh: William Creech 1791--1799; repr.\ Wakefield: EP
1973--1983 (G 0.94107 STA).

\hi W M Smart, \textit{Combination of Observations}, Cambridge:
University Press 1958 (S 9.6 SMA).

\hi D E Smith, \textit{A Source Book in Mathematics} (2 vols),
McGraw-Hill 1929, repr.New York, NY: Dover 1959 (S 0.8 SMI).

\hi K Smith, \textit{The Malthusian Controversy}, London: Routledge and
Kegan 1951 (D 1.3201 SMI).

\hi O Spiess, \textit{Die Mathematiker Bernoulli}, Basel: Helbing \&
Lichtenhahn 1948 (S 0.92 BER/S).

\hi S M Stigler, \textit{The History of Statistics: The Measurement of
Uncertainty before 1900}, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press 1986 (SF 0.9 STI).

\hi S M Stigler and I M Cohen (ed.), \textit{American Contributions to
Mathematical Statistics in the Nineteenth Century}, New York, NY: Arno
Publishing Company 1980 (SF STI).

\hi ``Student'' (see W S Gosset).

\hi F J Swetz, \textit{Capitalism and Arithmetic: The new Math of the
15th Century including the full text of the Treviso Arithmetic of 1478
translated by D E Smith}, La Salle, IL: Open Court 1987 (S 1.8 ART).

\hi J W Tankard, \textit{The Statistical Pioneers}, Cambridge, MA:
Schenkman 1984 (SF 0.92 TAN)

\hi R Thatcher et al., \textit{William Farr 1807--1883}, London: Office
of Population Censuses and Surveys 1985 (QUARTO DA 2.1069 FAR/W).

\hi I Todhunter, \textit{A History of the Mathematical Theory of
Probability from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace}, London:
Macmillan 1865, repr.\ New York, NY: Chelsea 1949 and 1965 (S 9 TOD).

\hi B E Trumbo (ed.), \textit{Cumulative Index to IMS Scientific
Journals 1960--89} (\textit{Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
\textit{Annals of Probability}, \textit{Annals of Statistics},
\textit{Statistical Science}, \textit{Institute of Mathematical
Statistics Bulletin}), Hayward, CA: Institute of Mathematical Statistics

\hi E R Tufte, \textit{The Visual Display of Quantitative Information},
Cheshire, CO: Graphics Press 1983 (QUA\-RTO SF 0.84 TUF).

\hi E R Tufte, \textit{Envisaging Information}, Cheshire, CO: Graphics
Press 1990 (QUARTO SF 0.84 TUF).
\hi J W Tukey (ed.), \textit{Index to Statistics and Probability}, Los
Angeles, CF: R \& D Press 1973-- (BIB SF 0.16 IND).

\hi J W Tukey, \textit{Collected Works} (8 vols) (ed.\ D R Brillinger, L
V Jones, W S Cleveland and C L Mallows), Pacific Grove, CF: Wadsworth \&
Brooks/Cole 1984--1990 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 TUK).

\hi I Tweddle, \textit{James Stirling: `This about series and such
things'}, Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press 1988 (S 0.92 STI/T).

\hi J V Uspensky, \textit{Introduction to Mathematical Probability}, New
York, NY: Mc\-Graw-Hill 1937 (NORTH ROOM S 9 USP).

\hi J Venn, \textit{The Logic of Chance} (1st edn) 1866; (2nd edn) 1876;
(3rd edn) 1888; London: Macmillan, repr.\ New York, NY: Chelsea 1962 (A
64 VEN).

\hi H M Walker, \textit{Studies in the History of Statistical Methods
with Special Reference to Certain Educational Problems}, Baltimore:
Williams and Wilkins, 1929 (photocopy) (SF 0.9 WAL).

\hi H Westergaard, \textit{Contributions to the History of Statistics},
London: P S King 1932, repr.\ The Hague: Mouton 1969 (SF 0.9 WES).

\hi E T Whittaker and G Robinson, \textit{The Calculus of Observations}
(3rd edn), London: Blackie 1924. (S 7.6 WHI).

\hi W A Whitworth, \textit{Choice and Chance with One Thousand
Exercises}, Cambridge: University Press [1st ed.\ 1867], (4th edn) 1901,
repr.\ New York, NY: Hafner 1959 (S 9 WHI).

\hi L L Whyte (ed.), \textit{Roger Joseph Boscovich, FRS: Studies of his
Life and Work on the 250th Anniversary of his Birth}, London: Allen and
Unwin 1961 (S 0.92 BOS/W).

\hi C B Williams, \textit{Style and Vocabulary: Numerical Studies},
London: Griffin 1970 (SF 1.M WIL).

\hi J de Witt, \textit{Waerdye van Lif-renten}, 1671, repr.\ in J
Bernoulli, \textit{Die Werke}, Vol.\ 3 (NORTH ROOM S 9 BER). trans.\ by
F Hendriks in F Hendriks, Contributions to the history of insurance and
of life contingencies, \textit{Assurance Magazine} \textbf{2} (1852),
121--150 and 222--258, and \textbf{3} (1853), 93--120 (QUARTO SF 0.9
HEN). The same translation is to be found in R G Barnwell, \textit{A
Sketch of the Life and Times of John de Witt, Grand Pensionary of
Holland, to which is added his treatise in life annuities}, New York,
NY: Pudney \& Russell 1856, repr.\ York: P M Lee 1990 (QUARTO Q 49.204

\hi H Woolf (ed.), \textit{Quantification---A History of the Meaning of
Measurement in the Natural and Social Sciences}, Indianapolis, IN:
Bobbs--Merrill 1961 (QUARTO R 9 WOO).

\hi A Wykes, \textit{Doctor Cardano: Physician Extraordinary}, London:
Frederick Muller 1969 (R 9.4507 CAR/W).

\hi F Yates, Foreword to R A Fisher, \textit{Statistical Methods,
Experimental Design and Scientific Inference}, ed.\ J H Bennett, Oxford:
University Press 1990 (SF FIS).

\hi F Yates, \textit{Experimental Design: Selected Papers}, London:
Griffin 1970 (SF 5 YAT).

\hi G U Yule, \textit{Statistical Papers}, ed.\ A Stuart and M G
Kendall, London: Griffin 1971 (SF 0.4 YUL).

\hi G U Yule and M G Kendall, \textit{An Introduction to the Theory of
Statistics}, London: Griffin 1911; 13th ed.\ 1944 (NORTH ROOM SF YUL).






\hi C Babbage, \textit{The Works of Charles Babbage} (11 vols), London:
Pickering 1989 (NORTH ROOM SK 8 BAB).

\hi M S Bartlett, \textit{Selected Papers of M S Bartlett} (3 vols),
Winnipeg: Charles Babbage Research Center 1989 (NORTH ROOM S 0.8 BAR).

\hi D Bernoulli, \textit{Die Werke} (esp.\ Vol.\ 2: \textit{Analysis:
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung}) (ed.\ Naturforschenden Gesselschaft in
Basel), Basel: Birkh\"auser (NORTH ROOM S 0.4 BER).

\hi J Bernoulli, \textit{Die Werke} (3 vols) (ed.\ Naturforschenden
Gesselschaft in Basel), Basel: Birkh\"auser (NORTH ROOM S 0.4 BER).

\hi N Bernoulli, \textit{De usu artis in Jure}, repr.\ in J Bernoulli,
\textit{Die Werke}, Vol.\ 3 (NORTH ROOM S 0.4 BER).

\hi G Boole, \textit{Studies in Logic and Probability} (Vol.\ 1 of
\textit{Logical Works}), La Salle, IL: Open Court 1952 (A 64 BOO).

\hi G E P Box, \textit{Collected Works} (2 vols) ed.\ G C Tiao, Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth 1985 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 BOX).

\hi P L Chebyshev, \textit{Oeuvres} (2 vols), New York, NY: Chelsea 1961

\hi W G Cochran, \textit{Contributions to Statistics}, New York, NY:
Wiley 1982 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 COC).

\hi Condorcet, M--J--A--N Caritat, Marquis de, \textit{Selected
Writings}, edited with an introduction by K M Baker, Indianapolis, IN:
Bobbs Merrill 1976 (AJ 4.7).

\hi E A Cornish, \textit{Published Papers: A Memorial Volume}, Adelaide:
E A Cornish Memorial Appeal 1974 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 COR).

\hi A A Cournot, \textit{\OE uvres Compl\`etes}: Tome I:
\textit{Exposition de la Th\'eorie des Chances et des Probabilit\'es},
ed.\ B Bru, Paris: Vrin 1984 (S 9 COU).

\hi H Cram\`er, \textit{Collected Works} (2 vols), Berlin: Springer 1993

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Statistical Methods, Experimental Design and
Scientific Inference}, ed.\ J H Bennett, Oxford: University Press 1990

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Natural Selection, Heredity and Eugenics:
Including selected correspondence of R A Fisher with Leonard Darwin and
others} (ed.\ J H Bennett), Oxford: University Press 1983 (SF 0.92 FIS).

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Statistical Inference and Analysis: Selected
Correspondence of R A Fisher} (ed.\ J H Bennett), Oxford: University
Press 1990 (SF 0.92 FIS/B).

\hi R A Fisher, \textit{Collected Papers} (5 vols), Adelaide: Department
of Genetics of the University of Adelaide 1971--1974 (ed.\ J H Bennett)

\hi F Galton, [\textit{Selected Papers}], box file of xerox copies of
articles from various journals published 1865--1906, with an index,
assemled by P M Lee (NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 GAL).

\hi C F Gauss, \textit{Werke} (12 vols), G\"ottingen: K\"oniglichen
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 1863--1929, repr.\ Hildesheim: Georg
Olms 1981 (NORTH ROOM QUARTO S 0.8 GAU).

\hi W S Gosset, \textit{Student's Collected Papers}, Cambridge:
University Press 1951 (NORTH ROOM SF 1.X GOS).

\hi H Jeffreys, \textit{Collected Papers on Geophysics and Other
Sciences}, New York, NY: Gordon and Breach 1977 (6 vols; Volume 6 only,
which is the one containing papers on mathematics, probability and
statistics is at WA 1.092 JEF).

\hi M G Kendall, \textit{Statistics: Theory and Practice: Selected
Papers 1907--1983}, ed.\ A Stuart, High Wycome: Griffin 1984 (NORTH ROOM
SF 0.4 KEN).

\hi J C Kiefer, \textit{Collected Papers} (3 vols plus supplementary
volume) (ed.\ L D Brown, I Olkin, J Sacks and H P Wynn), Berlin:
Springer--Verlag 1985 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 KIE).

\hi A N Kolmogorov, \textit{Selected Works} (3 vols), Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic 1991--1993 (NORTH ROOM S 0.8 KOL).

\hi R von Mises, \textit{Selected Papers} (2 vols), Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society 1963/4, repr.\ Ann Arnbor, MI: University
Microfilms International 1991 (NORTH ROOM S 0.4 MIS).

\hi J Neyman, \textit{Early Statistical Papers}, Cambridge: University
Press 1967 (NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 NEY).

\hi J Neyman and E S Pearson, \textit{Joint Statistical Papers},
Cambridge: University Press 1967 (NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 NEY).

\hi B Pascal, \textit{The Provincial Letters. Pens\'ees. Scientific
treatises}. Vol.\ \textbf{33} of Great Books of the Western World,
Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. 1952 (MJ 75.5).

\hi E S Pearson, \textit{Selected Papers}, Cambridge: University Press

\hi E S Pearson and J Neyman, \textit{Joint Statistical Papers},
Cambridge: University Press 1967 (NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 NEY).

\hi K Pearson, \textit{Karl Pearson's Early Statistical Papers},
Cambridge: University Press 1948. There is no copy of this book in the J
B Morrell library, but its existence should be noted.

\hi C S Peirce, \textit{Collected Papers}, Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press 1931--1958 (AK 2.7).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{The Foundations of Mathematics and Other Logical
Essays}, ed.\ R.B. Braithwaite, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1931 (A
64 RAM).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{Foundations: Essays in Philosophy, Logic,
Mathematics and Economics}, ed.\ A Mellor, London: Routledge and Kegan
Paul 1978 (A 64 RAM).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{Notes on Philosophy, Probability and
Mathematics}, Naples: Bibliopolis 1991 (S 0.1 RAM).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{On Truth}: Original manuscript materials from the
Ramsey collection at the University of Pittsburgh, Dordrecht: Kluwer
1990 (A 64 RAM).

\hi F P Ramsey, \textit{Philosophical Papers}, ed.\ A Mellor, Cambridge:
University Press 1990 (A 64 RAM).

\hi H Robbins, \textit{Selected Papers} (ed.\ T L Lai and D Siegmund),
Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1985 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 ROB).

\hi L J Savage, \textit{The Writings of L Jimmie Savage: A Memorial
Selection}, Washington, DC: American Statistical Association/ Institute
of Mathematical Statistics 1981 (SF SAV).

\hi ``Student'' (see W S Gosset).

\hi J W Tukey, \textit{Collected Works} (8 vols) (ed.\ D R Brillinger, D
R Cox, L V Jones, W S Cleveland and C L Mallows), Pacific Grove, CF:
Wadsworth \& Brooks/Cole 1984--1990 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 TUK).

\hi J de Witt, \textit{Waerdye van Lif-renten}, 1671, repr.\ in J
Bernoulli, \textit{Die Werke}, Vol.\ 3 (NORTH ROOM S 9 BER). trans.\ by
F Hendriks in in F Hendriks, Contributions to the history of insurance
and of life contingencies, \textit{Assurance Magazine} \textbf{2}
(1852), 121--150 and 222--258, and \textbf{3} (1853), 93--120 (QUARTO SF
0.9 HEN). The same translation is to be found in R G Barnwell, \textit{A
Sketch of the Life and Times of John de Witt \dots to which is added his
treatise in life annuities}, New York, NY: Pudney \& Russell, repr.\
York: P M Lee 1990 (QUARTO Q 49.204 WIT/B).

\hi F Yates, \textit{Experimental Design: Selected Papers}, London:
Griffin 1970 (SF 5 YAT).

\hi G U Yule, \textit{Statistical Papers}, ed.\ A Stuart and M G
Kendall, London: Griffin 1971 (NORTH ROOM SF 0.4 YUL).






\textit{American Statistician} \textbf{22} (1968)---  (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Annals of Mathematical Statistics} \textbf{1} (1930),
\textbf{2} (1, 3, 4) (1931), \textbf{3} (1, 4) (1932), \textbf{4} (1, 3,
4) (1933), \textbf{5} (3, 4) (1934), \textbf{6} (1935), \textbf{7} (1)
(1936), \textbf{8} (1, 3, 4) (1937), \textbf{9} (1938), \textbf{10}
(1939), \textbf{11} (1, 2, 4) (1940), \textbf{12} (1, 4) (1941),
\textbf{13} (1942), \textbf{14} (1, 3, 4) (1943), \textbf{15} (1944),
\textbf{16} (1945), \textbf{17} (1, 3, 4) (1946), \textbf{18} (1, 2, 3)
(1947), \textbf{19} (1948)--\textbf{43} (1972) (NORTH ROOM SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Annals of Probability} \textbf{1} (1973)---  (S PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Annals of Statistics} \textbf{1} (1973)---  (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Applied Statistics} \textbf{1} (1952)--\textbf{5} (1956),
\textbf{11} (1962)---  (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society}
\textbf{1} (1955)--\textbf{18} (1972), \textbf{20} (1974)--\textbf{23}
(1977), \textbf{25} (1979)--\textbf{28} (1982), \textbf{32} (1986)---

\hi \textit{Biometrics} \textbf{16} (1960)---  (X PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Biometrika} \textbf{1} (1901)---  (X PERIOD)

\hi \textit{British Journal of Mathematical \& Statistical Psychology}
\textbf{18} (1965)--\textbf{45} (1992) (B PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Canadian Journal of Statistics} \textbf{1}
(1973)--\textbf{2} (1974) (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Cumulative Index to IMS Scientific Journals 1960--89}
(\textit{Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, \textit{Annals of
Probability}, \textit{Annals of Statistics}, \textit{Statistical
Science}, \textit{Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin}) (ed.\
B E Trumbo) (BIB SF PERIOD).

\hi \textit{Current Index to Statistics: Applications, Method, Theory}
\textbf{1} (1975)---  (BIB SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Historia Mathematica} \textbf{1} (1974)--\textbf{9} (1982)

\hi \textit{Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin} \textbf{1}
(1972)---  (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{International Statistics Review} \textbf{40} (1972)---  (SF

\hi \textit{Journal of the American Statistical Association} \textbf{57}
(297) (1962)---  (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Journal of Applied Probability} \textbf{1} (1975)---  (S

\hi \textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{37}
(1873), \textbf{37} (1 2) (1874), \textbf{41} (1) (1878), \textbf{45}
(1882), \textit{Jubilee Volume} (1885), \textbf{49} (1886), \textbf{54}
(1891)  \textbf{87} (1924), \textbf{89} (1926)--\textbf{107} (1944) (SF

\hi \textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series} \textbf{A}
\textbf{112} (1949), \textbf{113} (1 2) (1950), \textbf{114} (1949)--- 

\hi \textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series} \textbf{B}
\textbf{24} (1962)---  (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Mathematical Reviews} \textbf{1} (1940)---  (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Mathematical Reviews Indexes} 1940--1959, 1973--1979 and 
1980--1984 (BIB S PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Mathematical Reviews Probability Theory Subject Indexes}
1940 1984 (BIB S PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Mathematical Reviews Statistics Subject Indexes} 1940--1984

\hi \textit{New Journal of Statistics and Operations Research}
\textbf{1} (1961)--\textbf{7} (1971) (NORTH ROOM SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Publications of the American Statistical Association}
\textbf{1} (1) (1888)--\textbf{6} (48) (1898 9) (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Revue de l'Institut International de Statistique}
\textbf{14} (1946)--\textbf{39} (1971) (NORTH ROOM SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Statistical News: Developments in Official Statistics}
\textbf{1} (1968)---  (G PERIOD)

\textit{Statistical Science} \textbf{1} (1986)---  (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Statistical Theory and Methods Abstracts} \textbf{16} (1975)---

\hi \textit{The Statistician} \textbf{17} (1, 2) (1977), \textbf{18}
(1978)--\textbf{21} (2) (1972), \textbf{27} (3/4) (1978) (SF PERIOD)

\hi \textit{Teaching Statistics} \textbf{1} (1979)--\textbf{10} (1988)

\hi \textit{Technometrics} \textbf{17} (1975)  (SF PERIOD)






\noindent \textit{NOTE}:\quad The bibliography below does not include
all the articles in the following collections:


\hi M G Kendall and R L Plackett (ed.), \textit{Studies in the History
of Statistics and Probability}, Vol.\ II, London: Griffin 1977 (QUARTO SF
0.9 STU).

\hi E S Pearson and M G Kendall (ed.), \textit{Studies in the History of
Statistics and Probability}, London: Griffin 1970 (QUARTO SF 0.9 STU).

\hi S M Stigler and I M Cohen (ed.), \textit{American Contributions to
Mathematical Statistics in the Nineteenth Century} (2 vols), New York,
NY: Arno Publishing Company 1980 (SF STI).

\hi D V Glass, \textit{The Development of Population Statistics},
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History of Statistics and Probability}, London: Griffin 1970.

\hi O B Sheynin, On the history of some statistical laws of
distribution, \textit{Biometrika} \textbf{58} (1971), 234--236, repr.\
on pp.\ 328--330 of M G Kendall and R L Plackett (ed.), \textit{Studies
in the History of Statistics and Probability II}, London: Griffin 1977.

\hi O B Sheynin, I. Newton and the classical theory of probability,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{7} (1971),

\hi O B Sheynin, II. J.H. Lambert's work on probability, \textit{Archive
for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{7} (1971), 244--256.

\hi O B Sheynin, III. On the mathematical treatment of observations by
L. Euler, \textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{9}
(1972), 45--56.

\hi O B Sheynin, IV. Finite random sums, \textit{Archive for History of
Exact Sciences} \textbf{9} (1973), 275--305.

\hi O B Sheynin, V. R.J. Boscovich's work on probability, \textit{Archive for
History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{9} (1973), 306--324.

\hi O B Sheynin, VI. Mathematical treatment of astronomical observations
(a historical essay), \textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences}
\textbf{11} (1973), 97--126.

\hi O B Sheynin, VII. On the prehistory of the theory of probability,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{12} (1974),

\hi O B Sheynin, VIII. P.S. Laplace's work on probability,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{16} (1976),

\hi O B Sheynin, IX. Laplace's theory of errors, \textit{Archive for
History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{17} (1977), 1--61.

\hi O B Sheynin, X. Early history of the theory of probability,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{17} (1977),

\hi O B Sheynin, XI. S D Poisson's work in probability, \textit{Archive
for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{18} (1978), 245--300.

\hi O B Sheynin, XII. C F Gauss and the theory of errors,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{20} (1979),

\hi O B Sheynin, XIII. On the history of statistical method in biology,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{22} (1980),

\hi O B Sheynin, XIV. On the history of medical statistics,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{26} (1982),

\hi O B Sheynin, XV. Corrections and short notes on my papers,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{28} (1983),

\hi O B Sheynin, XVI. On the history of statistical method in astronomy,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{29} (1984),

\hi O B Sheynin, XVII. On the history of statistical method in
meteorology, \textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{31}
(1984/5), 53--95.

\hi O B Sheynin, XVIII. On the history of statistical method in physics,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{33} (1985),

\hi O B Sheynin, XIX. Quetelet as a statistician, \textit{Archive for
History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{36} (1986), 281--325.

\hi O B Sheynin, XX. A A Markov's work on probability, \textit{Archive
for History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{39} (1988/89), 337--377 and
\textbf{40} (1989), 387.

\hi O B Sheynin, Chuprov, Slutsky and Chetverikov: Some comments,
\textit{Historia Mathematics} \textbf{20} (1993), 247--254.

\hi O B Sheynin, The treatment of observations in early astronomy,
\textit{Archive for History of Exact Sciiences} \textbf{46} (1993),

\hi O B Sheynin, C F Gauss and geodetic observations, \textit{Archive for
History of Exact Sciences} \textbf{46} (1994), 253--283.

\hi O B Sheynin, Letter to the editor about `David, H A (1995), ``First
(?) occurrence of common terms in mathematical statistics'',
\textit{American Statistician} \textbf{49}, 121--133', \textit{American
Statistician} \textbf{51} (1997), 210.

\hi M F Shlessinger, Fractal time in condensed matter, \textit{Annual
Review of Physical Chemistry} \textbf{39} (1988), 269--290.

\hi T Simpson, An Attempt to Shew the advantage arising by taking the
Mean of a Number of observations, in Practical Astronomy (pp.\ 64--75
from \textit{Miscellaneous Tracts on Some Curious and very interesting
subjects in Mechanics, Physical-Astronomy and Speculative Mathematics
\dots}, London: J Nourse 1757, repr.\ York: P M Lee 1989.

\hi A F M Smith, A conversation with Dennis Lindley, \textit{Statistical
Science} \textbf{10} (1996), 305--319.

  \hi C Spearman, ``General intelligence'' objectively determined and
measured, \textit{American Journal of Psychology} \textbf{15} (1904),

\hi D A Sprott, Gauss's contributions to statistics, \textit{Historia
Mathematica} \textbf{5} (1978), 183--203.

\hi G Stander, Makers of modern mathematics: Pafnuty Liwowich Chebyshev,
\textit{Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications}
\textbf{26} (1990), 18--19.

\hi F F Stephan, History of the uses of modern sampling procedures,
\textit{Journal of the American Statistical Association} \textbf{43}
(1948), 12--39.

\hi S M Stigler, Cauchy and the witch of Agnesi: An historical note on
the Cauchy distribution, \textit{Biometrika} \textbf{61} (1974),

\hi S M Stigler, Mathematical statistics in the early states,
\textit{Annals of Statistics} \textbf{6} (1978), 239--265, repr.\ S M
Stigler and I M Cohen (eds.), \textit{American Contributions to
Mathematical Statistics in the Nineteenth Century}, New York, NY: Arno

\hi S M Stigler, Laplace's early work: Chronology and citations,
\textit{Isis} \textbf{79} (1978), 234--254.

\hi S M Stigler, Stigler's law of eponomy, \textit{Transactions of the
New York Academy of Sciences} (2) \textbf{39} (1980), 147--157.

\hi S M Stigler, Poisson on the Poisson distribution, \textit{Statistics
and Probability Letters} \textbf{1} (1982), 33--35.

\hi S M Stigler, Thomas Bayes's Bayesian inference, \textit{Journal of
the Royal Statistical Society Series} \textbf{A} \textbf{145} (1982),

\hi S M Stigler, Who discovered Bayes's theorem, \textit{American
Statistician} \textbf{37} (1983), 290--296.

\hi S M Stigler, Laplace's 1774 memoir on inverse probability [P S
Laplace, M\'emoire sur la probabilit\'e des causes par les
\'ev\`enemens, \textit{M\'emoires de math\'ematique et de physique
present\'es \`a l'Acad\'emie royale des sciences, par divers savans, \&
l\^us dans ses assembl\'ees} \textbf{6} (1774), 621--656 (repr.\ in
Laplace's \textit{Oeuvres compl\`etes} \textbf{8}, 5--24)], translated
with an introduction by S M Stigler, \textit{Statistical Science}
\textbf{1} (1986), 359--378.

\hi S M Stigler, John Craig and the probability of history: from the
death ofChrist to the birth of Laplace, \textit{Journal of the American
Statistical Association} \textbf{89} (1986), 879--887.

\hi S M Stigler, Francis Galton's account of the invention of
correlation, \textit{Statistical Science} \textbf{4} (1989), 73--86.

\hi S Stinnett et al., Women in statistics: Sesquicentennial activities,
\textit{American Statistician} \textbf{44} (1990), 774--80.

\hi A Stirling, James Stirling: The Venetian, pp.\ 80--83 from
\textit{Gang Forward}, Melbourne: Hawthorne Press 1972.

\hi I Sutherland, John Graunt: A tercentenary tribute, \textit{Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society Series} \textbf{A} \textbf{126} (1963),

\hi L Tak\`acs, The problem of coincidences, \textit{Archive for History
of Exact Sciences} \textbf{21} (1980), 229--244.

\hi L Tak\`acs, The problem of points, \textit{The Mathematical
Scientist} \textbf{19} (1994), 113--139.N Tartaglia and G Cardano, Work
on the cubic equation, repr.\ in J Fauvel and J Gray, \textit{The
History of Mathematics: A Reader}, Basingstoke: Macmillan 1987, pp.\

\hi N Tartaglia and G Cardan, Work on the cubic equation, repr.\ in J
Fauvel and J Gray, \textit{The History of Mathematics: A Reader},
Basingstoke: Macmillan 1987, pp.\ 253--265.

\hi H Wainer, Visual revelations: A rose by another name [Florence
Nightingale], \textit{Chance} \textbf{8} (2) (1995), 46--51.

\hi H M Walker, Abraham de Moivre, \textit{Scripta Mathematica}
\textbf{2} (4) (1934), 316--333; reprinted as an Appendix to A De
Moivre, \textit{The Doctrine of Chances} (3rd edn) London: A Millar
1756, repr.\ New York, NY: Chelsea 1967.

\hi E B Wilson, Probable inference, the law of succession, and
statistical inference, \textit{Journal of the American Statistical
Association} \textbf{22} (1927), 209--212.

\hi C P Winsor, ``Das Gesetz der Kleinen Zahlen'', \textit{Human
Biology} \textbf{19} (1947), 154--161.

\hi J de Witt, Waerdye van Lif-renten, 1671. trans.\ by F Hendriks,
Contributions to the history of insurance and of life contingencies II,
\textit{Assurance Magazine} \textbf{2} (1852), 222--258. The same
translation is to be found in R G Barnwell, \textit{A Sketch of the Life
and Times of John de Witt \dots to which is added his treatise of life
annuities}, New York, NY: Pudney \& Russell 1856, repr.\ York: P M Lee

\hi F Yates, Foreword to R A Fisher, \textit{Statistical Methods,
Experimental Design and Scientific Inference}, ed.\ J H Bennett, Oxford:
University Press 1990.

\hi F Yates and K A Mather, R A Fisher 1890--1962, \textit{Biographical
Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society of London} \textbf{9} (1963),
91--120, repr.\ in R A Fisher, \textit{Collected Papers} Vol.\
\textbf{1}, Adelaide: Department of Genetics of the University of
Adelaide 1971, 23--52.

\hi G U Yule, On the significance of Bravais' formulae for regression,
\&c., in the case of skew correlation, \textit{Proceedings of the Royal
Society of London} \textbf{60} (1897), 477--489.

\hi G U Yule, Introduction of the words `Statistics' and `Statistical'
into the English Language, \textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society} \textbf{68} (1905), 391--396.





  Edited by E S Pearson and M G Kendall (QUARTO S 0.9 STU)




  \item Dicing and gaming by F N David

  \item The beginnings of probability calculus by M G Kendall

  \item A Note on playing cards by M G Kendall

  \item The Book of Fate by M G Kendall

  \item Random mechanisms in Talmudic literature by A M Hasofer

  \item Where shall the history of statistics begin? by M G Kendall

  \item Medical statistics from Graunt to Farr by M Greenwood

  \item The principle of the arithmetic mean by R L Plackett

  \item A note on the early solutions of the problem of the duration of
play by A R Thatcher

  \item An essay towards solving a problem in the doctrine of chances by
T Bayes (with a biographical note by G A Barnard)

  \item The most probable choice between several discrepant observations
and the formulation  therefrom of the most likely induction by D
Bernoulli (with observations by L Euler and  an introductiory note by M
G Kendall)

  \item A note on the history of the graphical presentation of nature by
E Royston

  \item Thomas Young on coincidences by M G Kendall

  \item Notes on the history of correlation by Karl Pearson

  \item The historical development of the Gauss linear model by H L Seal

  \item On the early history of the law of large numbers by O B Sheynin

  \item A note on the early statistical study of literary style by C B

  \item De Morgan and the statistical study of literary style by R D

  \item Isaac Todhunter's History of the Mathematical Theory of
Probability by M G Kendall

  \item Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, 1845--1926 by M G Kendall

  \item Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, 1860--1926 by Karl Pearson

  \item Some incidents in the early history of biometry and statistics
1890--94 by E S Pearson

  \item Some reflexions on continuity in the development of mathematical
statistics, 1885--1920 by E  S Pearson

  \item William Sealy Gosset, 1876--1937 (1) ``Student'' as a man by L
McMullen, (2) ``Student'' as a  statistician by E S Pearson

  \item Some early correspondence between W S Gosset, R A Fisher and
Karl Pearson with notes and  comments by E S Pearson

  \item George Udny Yule, 1871--1951 by M G Kendall

  \item Karl Pearson 1857 (1957). A centenary lecture delivered at
University College London by J B S Haldane

  \item Ronald Aylmer Fisher, 1890--1962 by M G Kendall

  \item The Neyman-Pearson story: 1926--1934. Historical sidelights on
an episode in Anglo-Polish  collaboration


APPENDIX Summary of contents of Karl Pearson's lectues on the
History of Statistics in the 17th  and 18th Centuries





  Edited by M G Kendall and R L Plackett (QUARTO S 0.9 STU)




  \item On the possible and probable in Ancient Greece by S Sambursky

  \item Probability in the Talmud by N L Rabinovitch

  \item Combinations and probabilities in rabbinic literature by N L

  \item A Budget of paradoxes by H L Seal

  \item An argument for Divine Providence, taken from the constant
regularity observ'd in the births  of both sexes by J Arbuthnot

  \item Measurement in the study of society by M G Kendall

  \item The early history of index numbers by M G Kendall

  \item Abraham De Moivre's 1733 derivation of the normal curve: a
bibliographical note by R S Daw  and E S Pearson

  \item The historical development of the use of generating functions in
probability theory by H L Seal

  \item Boscovich and the combination of observations by C Eisenhart

  \item Daniel Bernoulli on the normal law by O B Sheynin

  \item D Bernoulli's work on probability by O B Sheynin

  \item Progress in the middle of the eighteenth century. S\"ussmilch
and his contemporaries. Estimates  and enumerations of population.
Progess of theory at the close of the eighteenth century  by H

  \item Leading British statisticians of the nineteenth century by P J

  \item Notes on the history of quantification in sociology  trends,
sources and problems by P F  Lazerfeld

  \item Laplace, Fisher, and the discovery of the concept of sufficiency
by S M Stigler

  \item The discovery of the method of least squares by R L Plackett

  \item Development of the notion of statistical dependence by H O

  \item Florence Nightingale as a statistician by E W Kopf

  \item On the history of some statistical laws of distribution by O B

  \item The work of Ernst Abbe by M G Kendall

  \item Entropy, probability and information by M G Kendall

  \item A history of random processes. I. Brownian motion from Brown to
Perrin by S G Brush

  \item Branching processes since 1873 by D G Kendall

  \item The simple brancning process, a turing point test and a
fundamental inequality: a historical note  on I.J. Bienaym\'e by C C
Heyde and E Seneta

  \item Simon Newcomb, Percy Daniell, and the history of robust
estimation 1885--1920 by S M Stigler

  \item The hypothesis of elementary errors and the Scandinavian school
in statistical theory by C--E  S\"arndal

  \item On the history of certain expansions used in mathematical
statistics by H Cram\'er

  \item Historical survey of the development of sampling theories and
practice by You Poh Seng

  \item Sir Arthur Lyon Bowley (1869--1957) by W F Maunder

  \item Note on the history of sampling methods in Russia by S S \v{Z}arkovi\'c 

  \item A supplement to ``Note on the history of sampling methods in
Russia'' by S \v{Z}arkovi\'c.





\noindent The two collections Studies in the History of Statistics and
Probability, edited by E S Pearson and M G Kendall, Griffin 1970 and
Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability, Volume II, edited
by M G Kendall and R L Plackett, Griffin 1977, contain all of numbers I
to XXXII of the occasional series Studies in the History of Statistics
and Probability. There are in fact two diferent papers numbered XXI, one
by O B Sheynin and the other by M G Kendall; however, the latter,
hereafter denoted XXI bis is unique in that it first appeared in
\textit{Rev.\ Int.\ Stat.\ Inst.}\ rather than in \textit{Biometrika},
which is where all the other papers first appeared.

Numbers I to XXI appear in the first volume as papers with the following
Arabic numbers:


\noindent I -- 1; II -- 2; III -- 12; IV -- 17; V -- 3; VI -- 9; VII --
8; VIII -- 18; IX -- 10; X -- 6; XI -- 11; XII -- 4; XIII  -- 19; XIV --
22; XV -- 15; XVI -- 5; XVII -- 23; XVIII -- 13; XIX -- 20; XX -- 25;
XXI -- 16.


\noindent In addition, the first volume contains


  \item Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, 1860--1906 by Karl Pearson (1906)


  \item Notes on the History of Correlation by Karl Pearson (1920)


  \item William Sealy Gosset, 1876--1937 by L McMullen and Karl Pearson (1939)


  \item Medical Statistics from Graunt to Farr by Major Greenwood (1941--3)


  \item George Udny Yule, 1871--1951 by M G Kendall (1952).

  \item Karl Pearson, 1857 (1957). A centenary lecture by J B S Haldane

  \item Ronald Aylmer Fisher, 1890--1962 by M G Kendall (1963)

  \item The Neyman-Pearson story: 1926--34 by E S Pearson (1966). and,
as an Appendix, a summary of contents of Karl Pearson's lectures on the
History of  Statistics in the 17th and 18th Centuries.


\noindent Numbers XXI bis and XXII to XXXII appear in Volume II as
papers with the following Arabic  numbers:


\noindent XXI bis -- 7; XXII -- 2; XXIII -- 11; XXIV -- 3; XXV -- 20;
XXVI -- 21; XXVII -- 27; XXVIII -- 28;  XXIX -- 17; XXX -- 8; XXXI --
25; XXXII -- 16.


\noindent In addition, the second volume contains:


  \item An argument for Divine Providence taken from \dots by John
Arbuthnot (1710)


  \item Florence Nightingale as statistician by E W Kopf (1916)


  \item Extracts from H Westergaard Contributions to the History of
statistics (1932)


  \item The historical development of \dots of generating functions
\dots by H L Seal (1949)


  \item Historical survey of the development of sampling theories \dots
by Y P Seng (1951)


  \item A budget of paradoxes by H L Seal (1954)


  \item On the possible and probable in ancient Greece by S Sambursky (1956)


  \item Notes on the history of sampling methods in Russia by S S
\v{Z}arkovi\'c (1956)


  \item Leading British statisticians of the nineteenth century by P J
FitzPatrick (1960)


  \item Boscovich and the combination of observations by C Eisenhart


  \item A supplement to [paper 31 above] by S S \v{Z}arkovi\'c (1962)


  \item Branching processes since 1873 by D G Kendall (1966)


  \item A history of random processes by S G Brush (1968)


  \item Notes on the history of quantification in sociology \dots by P F
Lazarsfeld (1961)


  \item Measurement in the study of society by M G Kendall (1972)


  \item D. Bernoulli's work on probability by O B Sheynin (1972)


  \item Development of the notion of statistical dependence by H O
Lancaster (1972)


  \item Sir Arthur Leon Bowley (1869--1957) by W F Maunder (1972)


  \item Entropy, probability and information by M G Kendall (1973)


  \item Simon Newcomb, Percy Daniell, and the history of robust \dots by
S M Stigler (1973)




  \item Cauchy and the Witch of Agnesi: An historical note on the Cauchy
distribution by S M Stigler, \textit{Biometrika}  \textbf{61} (1974),

  \item Napoleonic statistics: The work of Laplace by S M Stigler,
\textit{Biometrika} \textbf{62} (1975), 503--517.

  \item Multiple decrements or competing risks by H L Seal,
\textit{Biometrika} \textbf{64} (1977), 429--439.

  \item Arthur Black: A forgotten pioneer of mathematical statistics by
D A MacKenzie, \textit{Biometrika} \textbf{64} (1977),  613--616.

  \item A M Turing's statistical work in World War II by I J Good,
\textit{Biometrika} \textbf{66} (1979), 393--396.

  \item R H Smith, a Victorian interested in robustness by S M Stigler,
\textit{Biometrika} \textbf{67} (1980), 217--221.

  \item Buffon's cycloid by P Holgate, \textit{Biometrika} \textbf{68}
(1981), 712--716.


  \item Further details of contacts between Boscovitch and Simpson in
June 1760 by RW Farebrother, \textit{Biometrika} \textbf{77} (1990),






(Page numbers in italics are in Volume II).

Arbuthnott, J \dotfill     \textit{30} \\
Barnard, G A \dotfill     131 \\
Bayes, T R \dotfill       131 \\
Bernoulli, D \dotfill     155 \\
Brush, S G \dotfill       \textit{347} \\
Cram\'er, H \dotfill      \textit{437} \\
David, F N \dotfill         1 \\
Daw, R H \dotfill          \textit{63} \\
Eisenhart, C \dotfill      \textit{88} \\
Euler, L \dotfill         155 \\
FitzPatrick, P J \dotfill \textit{180} \\
Greenwood, M \dotfill      47 \\
Haldane, J B S \dotfill   427 \\
Hasofer, A M \dotfill      39 \\
Heyde, C C \dotfill       \textit{406} \\
Kendall, D G \dotfill     \textit{383} \\
Kendall, M G \dotfill      19, 35, 37, 45, 155, 183, 253, 257, 419, 439, 
                         \textit{35}, \textit{51}, \textit{331}, \textit{337} \\
Kopf, E W \dotfill        \textit{310} \\
Lancaster, H O \dotfill   \textit{293} \\
Lazarsfeld, P F\dotfill   \textit{213} \\
Lord, H D \dotfill        251 \\
McMullem, L \dotfill      355 \\
Maunder, W F \dotfill     459 \\
Pearson, E S \dotfill     323, 339, 360, 405, 455, \textit{63} \\
Pearson, K \dotfill       185, 265, 479 \\
Plackett, R L \dotfill    121, \textit{279} \\
Rabinovich, N L \dotfill   \textit{15}, \textit{21} \\
Royston, E \dotfill       173 \\
Sambursky, S \dotfill       \textit{1} \\
S\"arndel, C--E \dotfill  \textit{419} \\
Seal, H L \dotfill        207, \textit{24}, \textit{67} \\
Seneta, E \dotfill        \textit{406} \\
Seng Y P \dotfill         \textit{446} \\
Sheynin, O B \dotfill     231, \textit{101}, \textit{105}, \textit{328} \\
Stigler, S M \dotfill     \textit{271}, \textit{416} \\
Thatcher, R \dotfill      127 \\
Westergaard, H \dotfill   \textit{133} \\
Williams, C B \dotfill    241 \\
Zarkovi\'c, S S \dotfill  \textit{482}, \textit{486} \\





  Volume 1: Ideas in History


  Edited by L Kr\"uger, L J Daston and M Heidelberger (S 9 KRU)


  \item T S Kuhn, What are scientific revolutions?

  \item I B Cohen, Scientific revolutions, revolutions in science, and a
probabilistic revolution 1800--1930

  \item I Hacking, Was there a probabilistic revolution 1800--1930

  \item L Kr\"uger, The slow rise of probabilism: Philosophical
arguments in the nineteenth century

  \item A Kamiah, The decline of the Laplacian theory of probability: A
study of Stumpf, von Kries,   and Meinong

  \item M Heidelberger, Fechner's indeterminism: From freedom to laws of

  \item G Jorland, The Saint Petersburg Paradox 1713--1937

  \item I Schneider, Laplace and thereafter: The status of probability
calculus in the nineteenth century

  \item E Knobloch, Emile Borel as a probabilist

  \item L J Daston, The domestication of risk: mathematical probability
and insurance 1650--1830

  \item Z G Swijtink, The objectification of observation: Measurement
and statistical methods in the   nineteenth century

  \item S M Stigler, The measurement of uncertainty in
nineteenth-century social science

  \item L J Daston, Rational individuals versus laws of society: From
probability to statistics

  \item M-N Bourget, D\'ecrire, compter, calculer: The debate over
statistics during the Napoleonic   period

  \item B-P L\'ecuyer, Probability in vital and social statistics:
Quetelet, Farr, and the Bertillons

  \item K H Metz, Paupers and numbers: The statistical argument for
social reform in Britain during   the period of industrialization

  \item T M Porter, Lawless society: Social science and the
reinterpretation of statistics in Germany,   1830--1880

  \item I Hacking, Prussian numbers 1860--1882

  \item M N Wise, How do sums count? On the cultural origins of
statistical causality





  Volume 2: Ideas in the Sciences


  Edited by L Kr\"uger, G Gigerenzer and M S Morgan (S 9 KRU)



  \item G Gigerenzer, The probabilistic revolution in psychology an

  \item G Gigerenzer, Probabilistic thinking and the fight against

  \item K Danziger, Statistical method and the historical development of
research practice in American  Psychology

  \item G Gigerenzer, Survival of the fittest probabilist: Brunswik,
Thurstone, and the two disciplines   of psychology

  \item D J Murray, A perspective for viewing the integration of
probability theory into psychology

  \item A Oberschall, The two empirical roots of social theory and the
probability revolution \\
M S Morgan, The probabilistic revolution in economics---an overview

  \item C M\'enard, Why was there no probabilistic revolution in
economic thought?

  \item R A Horv\'ath, The rise of macroeconomic calculations in
economic statistics

  \item M S Morgan, Statistics without probability and Haavelmo's
revolutiokn in econometrics

  \item W Coleman, Experimental physiology and statistical inference:
The therepeutic trial in nineteenth-century Germany \\
J Beatty, The probabilistic revolution in evolutionary biology an overview

  \item J Beatty, Dobzhansky and drift: facts, values, and chance in
evolutionary biology

  \item J R G Turner, Random genetic drift, R.A. Fisher, and the Oxford
school of ecological genetics

  \item B O K\"uppers, On the prior probability of the existence of life \\
L Kr\"uger, The probabilistic revolution in physics an overview

  \item J von Plato, Probabilistic physics the classical way

  \item N Cartwright, Max Born and the reality of quantum probabilities

  \item N Cartwright, Philosophical problems of quantum theory: The
response of American physicists








  Edited by S M Stigler and I M Cohen (SF STI)

  \textbf{Volume I}

\item C Abbe,  A historical note on the method of least squares

\item R J Adcock,  Note on the method of least squares

\item R Adrain,  Research concerning the probabilities of the errors
which happen in making observations

\item R Adrain,  Investigation of the figure of the earth, and of the
gravity in different latitudes

\item R Adrain,  Research concerning the mean diameter of the earth

\item G B Airy,  Letter from Professor Airy, Astronomer Royal to the

\item J Anderson (ed.),  E L. DeForest

\item M J Babb,  Robert Adrain Man and Mathematician

\item J L Coolidge,  Robert Adrain and the beginnings of American

\item E L DeForest,  Interpolation and adjustment of series

\item E L DeForest,  On an unsymmetrical probability curve

\item E L DeForest,  On an unsymmetrical law of error in the position of
a point in space

\item E L DeForest,  On the law of error in target shooting

\item L A Goodman and W H Kruskal,  Measures of association for cross
classifications II: Further discussions and references

\item C H Kummel,  Reduction of observation equations which contain more
than one observed quantity

\item M Merriman,  On the history of the method of least squares


  \textbf{Volume II}


\item S Newcomb.  Notes on the theory of probabilities

\item S Newcomb,  Note on the frequency of use of different digits in
natural numbers

\item S Newcomb,  A generalized theory of combination of observations so
as to obtain the best result

\item S Newcomb,  The reminiscences of an astronomer

\item K Pearson,  On skew probability curves

\item B Peirce,  Criterion for the rejection of doubtful observations

\item B Peirce and C Schott,  On Peirce's criterion

\item C S Peirce,  On the theory of errors of observation

\item C S Peirce,  Notes on the theory of the economy of research

\item C S Peirce,  The numerical measure of the success of predictions

\item C S Peirce and J Jastrow,  On small differences of sensation

\item S M Stigler,  Simon Newcomb, Percy Daniell, and the history of
robust estimation

\item E Wigglesworth.  A table showing the probability of the duration,
the decrement, and the expectation of life, in the states of
Massachussetts and New Hampshire

E B Wilson and M H Hilferty,  Note on C.S. Peirce's experimental discussion of the law of errors

\item J Winlock,  On Professor Airy's objection to Peirce's criterion

\item H H Wolfenden,  On the development of formulae for grauation by
linear compounding, with special reference to the work of Erastus L.

\item R S Woodward,  On the computation of probable error    






  A collective reprint of material concerning the 18th
  century controversy on the trend of population in
  England and Wales


  with an introduction by Professor D V Glass (F 4.2 CEN/G)


\item W Brackenridge, \textit{Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society} \textbf{48}, II, 1755

\item W Brackenridge, \textit{Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society} \textbf{49}, I, 1756

\item W Brackenridge, \textit{Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society} \textbf{49}, II, 1755

\item R Forster, \textit{Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society} \textbf{50}, I, 1757

\item R Forster, \textit{Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society} \textbf{50}, I, 1757

\item W Brackenridge, \textit{Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society} \textbf{50}, I, 1757

\item G Burrington, An answer to Dr. William Brackenridge's letter,
London 1757

\item R Price, 'Observations on the expectations of lives \dots',
\textit{Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society} \textbf{59},
II, 1769

\item A Young, Letter in \textit{St. James's Chronicle}, March 28, 1772,
from \textit{Political Arithmetic}, London 1774

\item W Eden, \textit{Letter to the Earl of Carlisle} (3rd edn), London

\item W Wales, \textit{An Inquiry into the Present State of Population
in England and Wales London} 1781

\item {}[Anon], Uncertainty of the Present Population of this Kingdom,
London 1781

\item R Price, \textit{Observations on Reversionary Payments} (5th edn),
London 1792 Vol.\ II

\item John Howlett, Letter to J Middleton in View of the Agriculture of
Middlesex London 1798

\item F M Eden, An Estimate of the Number of Inhabitants in Great
Britain and Ireland London 1800






  A collective reprint of materials concerning the
  history of census taking and vital registration
  in England and Wales


  with an introduction by Professor D V Glass (QUARTO F 4.2 CEN/G)


\item 1753 Bill, A Bill, with Amendments, for Taking and Registering an
annual Account of the total Number of People

\item Anon, A letter to a Member of Parliament, on the Registering and
Numbering of the People of Great Britain, London 1753

\item {}[A Young], Proposals to the Legislature for Numbering The People,
London 1771

\item 1800 Act, ``An Act for taking an Account of the Population of
Great Briatain, and of the Increase or Diminution thereof,'' 31st
December 1800

\item {}[John Rickman], Observations on the Results of the Population Act,
41 Geo. III, London 1802, Supplement to the 1801 Census Reports

\item James Dodson, ``A letter to Mr John Robertson \dots'',
Philosophical Transactions, 1752

\item W Black, ``The sketch of a plan proposed for new--modelling and
essentially improving the London Bills of Births and Mortality . . .''
Observations Medical and Political, on the Small-Pox \dots, 2nd edn.,
London 1781

\item 1758 Bill, Obliging all Parishes in this Kingdom to keep proper
Registers of Births, Deaths, and Marriages

\item G Man Burrows, Strictures on the Uses and Defecfts of Parish
Registers and Bills of Mortality . . . London 1818

\item 1836 Act, ``An Act for registering Births, Deaths, and Marriages
in England, 17th August 1836

\item Broadsheets and pamphlets relating to the 1836 Act

\item A Few Plaion Remarks on the Registration of Births

\item Marriage and Registration Acts

\item The Mistaken Mother

\item {}[John Howlett], observations on the Increased Population
Healthiness etc of Maidstone, [Maidstone] 1782

\item John Heysham, Collected Bills of Mortality for Carlisle,

\item Joshua Milne, ``The Carlisle Life Table'' in Treatise on the
Valuation of Annuities and Assurances on Lives and Survivorships, London

\item G King, ``On the method used by Milne in the construction of the
Carlisle Table of Mortality,'' Journal of the Institute of Actuaries,
Vol.\ 24, October 1883

\item Willaim Farr, ``The Northampton Life Table'': From 8th Report of
the Registrar-General of England and Wales (for 1845), London 1849






  (Box File at NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 GAL)

\noindent Page references are given to places where these papers are
mentioned in each of V.L. Hilts, \textit{Statist and Statistician}, Arno
Press 1981, J. W. Tankard, Jr., \textit{The Statistical Pioneers},
Schenkman 1984, T.M. Porter, \textit{The Rise of Statistical Thinking
1820--1900}, Princeton U.p.\ 1986 and S.M. Stigler, \textit{The History
of Statistics: The Measurement of Uncertainty before 1900}, Harvard
U.p.\ 1986. Appendix III of D.W. Forrest, \textit{Francis Galton: The
Life and Work of a Victorian Genius}, Elek 1974 gives an almost complete
bibliography of Galton's writings; all the papers below are in that
bibliography unless otherwise stated.


\hi 1865 ``On spectacles for divers and on the vision of amphibious
animals'', British Association for the Advancement of Science Report 35
(1865), 10--11 [Tankard 39].

\hi 1865 ``On stereoscopic maps, taken from models of mountainous
countries'', Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 35 (1865),
99--104 [Tankard 39].

\hi 1865 ``On stereoscopic maps, taken from models of mountainous
countries'', (Summary) \textit{Proceedings of the Royal Geographical
Society} \textbf{9} (1865), 104--105 [Tankard 39].

\hi 1865 ``Heredity talent and character'', \textit{Macmillan's
Magazine} (Cambridge) \textbf{12} (1865), 157--166 \& 318--327 [Hilts,
314, 317, 330, 331, 334, 335, 336, 337; Tankard 45; Porter 134].

\hi 1866 ``On the error in the usual method of obtaining meterorological
statistics'', \textit{British Association for the Advancement of Science
Report} \textbf{36} (1866), 16--17.

\hi 1866 ``On the conversion of wind-charts into passage--charts'',
\textit{British Association for the Advancement of Science Report}
\textbf{36} (1866), 17--20.

\hi 1870 ``Barometric predictions of weather'', \textit{British
Association for the Advancement of Science Report} \textbf{40} (1870),
31--33 [Tankard 54; Porter 278].

\hi 1871 ``Experiments in pangenesis by breeding from rabbits of a pure
variety, into whose circulation blood taken from other varieties had
previously been largely transfused'', \textit{Proceedings of the Royal
Society of London} \textbf{19} (1871), 393--410 [Hilts 451].

\hi 1872 ``Statistical inquiries into the efficacy of prayer'',
\textit{Fortnightly Review} \textbf{12} (1872), 125--135 [Tankard 54;
Porter 137].

\hi 1873 ``Hereditary improvement'', \textit{Fraser's Magazine}
\textbf{7} (1873), 116--130 [Hilts, 359, 360; Porter 130].

\hi 1873 ``The relative supplies from town and country families, to the
population of future generations'', \textit{Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society} \textbf{36} (1873), 19--26 [Hilts, 363, 364].

\hi 1873 ``On the causes which operate to create scientific men'',
\textit{Fortnightly Review} \textbf{13}, N.S., (1873), 345--351 [Hilts

\hi 1874 ``On Men of science, their nature and nurture'',
\textit{Proceedings of the Meetings of members of the Royal Institution}
\textbf{7} (1874), 227--236 [Hilts 399].

\hi 1874 ``On a proposed statistical scale'', \textit{Nature} \textbf{9}
(1874), 342--3 [Stigler 271].

\hi 1874 ``Proposal to apply for anthropological statistics from
schools'', \textit{Journal of the Anthopological Institute} \textbf{3}
(1874), 308--311 [Hilts 364].

\hi 1874 [Prefaratory remarks to 'On the probability of extinction of
families' by H.W. Watson], \textit{Journal of the Anthropological
Institute} \textbf{4} (1874), 138--9.

\hi 1875 ``Statistics by intercomparison with remarks on the laws of
frequency of error'', \textit{Philosophical Magazine} [4] \textbf{49}
(1875), 33--46 [Porter 142, 144; Stigler 270, 271, 274, 275].

\hi 1875 ``The history of twins, as a criterion of the relative powers
of nature and nurture'', \textit{Fraser's Magazine} \textbf{92} (1875),
566--576 [Tankard 54].

\hi 1875 ``The history of twins, as a criterion of the relative powers
of nature and nurture'' (Revised edition) \textit{Journal of the
Anthropological Institute} \textbf{5} (1875), 391--406 [Tankard 54].

\hi 1875 ``A theory of heredity'', \textit{Contemporary Review}
\textbf{27} (1875), 80--95 [Hilts 440, 449, 452, 453, 454, 455].

\hi 1875 ``A theory of heredity'' (Revised version), \textit{Journal of
the Anthropological Institute} \textbf{5} (1875), 329--348 [Hilts 440,
449, 452, 453, 454, 455].

\hi 1875 ``On the height and weight of boys aged 14, in town and country
public schools'', \textit{Journal of the Anthropological Institute}
\textbf{5} (1875), 174--180 [Hilts 365, 373, 374].

\hi 1877 ``Typical laws of heredity'', \textit{Proceedings of the
Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain}
\textbf{8} (1877) 282--301 [Hilts 457, 461,462, 463, 485, 486; Stigler
280, 281, 282].

\hi 1877 ``Considerations adverse to the maintenace of Section F
\dots'', \textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{40}
(1877), 468--473 [Porter 136].

\hi 1877 ``Address to the department of anthropology Section H'',
\textit{British Association for the Advancement of Science Report}
(1877), 94--100 [Hilts 390, 392, 427].

\hi 1878 ``Composite portraits \dots'', \textit{Journal of the
Anthropological Institute} \textbf{8} (1878), 132--148 [Porter 140,

\hi 1879 ``Generic images'', \textit{Nineteenth Century} \textbf{6}
(1879) 157--169 [Hilts 413].

\hi 1879 ``The geometric mean, in vital and social statistics'',
\textit{Proceedings of the Royal Society of London} \textbf{29} (1879),
365--7 [Stigler 330].

\hi 1880 ``Mental imagery'', \textit{Fortnightly Review} \textbf{28},
N.S. (1880), 312--324 [Porter 143].

\hi 1884 ``Measurement of character'', \textit{Fortnightly Review}
\textit{36}, N.S., (1884), 179--182 [Hilts 435].

\hi 1885 ``The measure of fidget'', \textit{Nature} \textbf{32} (1885),
174--5 [Tankard 40].

\hi 1885 ``On the anthropometric laboratory at the late International
Health Exhibition'', \textit{Journal of the Anthropological Institute}
\textbf{14} (1885), 205--218 [Hilts 430].

\hi 1885 [Address as President of Section H: Anthropology],
\textit{British Association for the Advancement of Science Report}
\textbf{55} (1885), 1206--1214 [Hilts 351, 464, 465, 490; Stigler 283,
289, 296].

\hi 1886 ``Regression towards mediocrity in hereditary stature'',
\textit{Journal of the Anthropological Institute} \textbf{15} (1886),
246--263 [Stigler 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 295, 296; Tankard 52, 53].

\hi 1886 ``President's address'', \textit{Journal of the Anthropological
Institute} \textbf{15} (1886), 489--499 [Hilts 467; Tankard --; Porter

\hi 1886 ``Family likeness in stature, with an appendix by J D Hamilton
Dickson'', \textit{Proceedings of the Royal Society of London}
\textbf{40} (1886), 42--73 [Tankard 50, 51, 67; Porter 272; Stigler 290,
292, 293, 379].

\hi 1888 ``Co--relations and their measurement, chiefly from
anthropometric data'', \textit{Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London} \textbf{45} (1888), 135--145 [Hilts 491; Tankard 51, 52; Stigler
297, 319, 320].

\hi 1889 ``President's address'', \textit{Journal of the Anthropological
Institute} \textbf{18} (1889), 401--419 [Porter 129, 145].

\hi 1889 ``Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the
Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, January 1889'',
\textit{Journal of the Anthropological Institute} \textbf{18} (1889),
401--419 [Hilts, 491, 494, 496].

\hi 1889 ``The sacrifice of education to examination'', \textit{Nineteenth
Century} \textbf{25} (1889), 303--308.

\hi 1890 ``Kinship and correlation'', \textit{North American Review}
\textbf{150} (1890), 419--431.  Reprinted in \textit{Statistical
Science} \textbf{4} (1989), 81--86 [Stigler 298, 299; not listed by

\hi 1890 ``Criminal anthropology'' (Review of ``The Criminal'' by
Havelock Ellis), \textit{Nature} \textbf{42} (1890), 75--76 [Hilts 393].

\hi 1891 ``Useful anthropometry'', \textit{Proceedings of the American
Association for the Advancement of Physical Education} \textbf{6} (1891)
[Porter 313; not listed by Forrest].

\hi 1893 ``The just-perceptible difference'', \textit{Proceedings of the
Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain}
\textbf{14} (1893), 13--26 [Porter 271].

\hi 1894 ``Psychology of mental arithmeticians and blindfold
chess--players'', \textit{Nature} \textbf{51} (1894), 73--74 [Hilts

\hi 1896 ``Intelligible signals between neighbouring stars'',
\textit{Fortnightly Review} \textbf{60} (1896), 657--664 [Tankard 39].

\hi 1896 ``Applications of the method of percentiles to Mr. Yule's data
on the distribution of pauperism'', \textit{Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society} \textbf{59} (1896), 392--6 [Stigler 346; not listed
by Forrest].

\hi 1897 ``The average contribution of each several ancestors to the
total heritage of the offspring'', \textit{Proccedings of the Royal
Society of London} \textbf{61} (1897), 401--413 [Hilts 474].

\hi 1898 ``A diagram of heredity'', \textit{Nature} \textbf{57} (1898),

\hi 1899 ``A geometric determination of the median value of a system of
normal variants, from two of its centiles'', \textit{Nature} \textbf{61}
(1899), 102--4 [Tankard --].

1901 ``Biometry'', \textit{Biometrika} \textbf{1} (1901), 7--10 [Tankard 79].

\hi 1905 ``Number of strokes of the brush in a picture'',
\textit{Nature} \textbf{72} (1905), 198 [Tankard 40].

\hi 1906 ``Cutting a round cake on scientific principles'',
\textit{Nature} \textbf{75} (1906), 173 [Tankard --].





  (Box File at NORTH ROOM QUARTO SF 0.4 EDG)

\noindent References are given as in S M Stigler, \textit{The History of
Statistics: The Measurement of Uncertainty before 1900}, Cambridge, MA:
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 1986.


\hi 1877 New and Old Methods of Ethics, or ``Physical Ethics'' and
``Methods of Ethics'', London: James Parker [NOT in the J B Morrell

\hi 1881 \textit{Mathematical Psychics: An Essay on the Application of
Mathematics in the Moral Sciences}, London: C Kegan Paul, repr.\ New
York, NY: Augustus M Kelley [IN the J B Morrell Library at G 0.182 EDG].

\hi 1883a ``The law of error'', \textit{Philosophical Magazine} (5th
series) \textbf{16}, 300--309.

\hi 1883b ``The method of least squares'', \textit{Philosophical
Magazine} (5th series) \textbf{16}, 360--375.

\hi 1883c ``On a method of ascertaining a change in the value of gold'',
\textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{46}, 714--718.

\hi 1884 Review of \textit{Investigations in Currency and Finance} by W S
Jevons, \textit{Academy} (1884 July 19), 38--39.

\hi 1885a ``Observations and statistics: an essay on the theory of
errors of observation and the first principles of statistics'',
\textit{Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society}
\textbf{14}, 138--169.  Abstracted in \textit{Proceedings of the
Cambridge Philosophical Society} \textbf{5}, 310--312; corrigendum in
\textit{Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society} \textbf{6},

\hi 1885b ``Methods of statistics'', \textit{Jubilee Volume of the
Statistical Society}, 181--217.

\hi 1885c ``On methods of ascertaining variations in the rate of births,
deaths and marriages'', \textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society} \textbf{48}, 628--649. Abstracted in the \textit{Report of the
British Association for the Advancement of Science} (1885), 1165--1166.

\hi 1885d ``Calculus of probabilities applied to psychical research,
I'', \textit{Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research}
\textbf{3}, 190--199.

\hi 1886a ``Progressive means'', \textit{Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society} \textbf{49}, 469--475.

\hi 1886b ``The law of error and the elimination of chance'',
\textit{Philosophical Magazine} (5th series) \textbf{21}, 308--324.

\hi 1886c ``Problems in probabilities'', \textit{Philosophical Magazine}
(5th series) \textbf{22}, 371--384.

\hi 1887a ``The empirical proof of the law of error'',
\textit{Philosophical Magazine} (5th series) \textbf{24}, 330--342.

\hi 1887b ``On observations relating to several quantities'',
\textit{Hermathena} \textbf{6}, 279--285.

\hi 1887c \textit{Metretike: or, The Method of Measuring Probability and
Utility}, London: Temple [NOT in the J B Morrell Library].

\hi 1887d ``On discordant observations'', \textit{Philosophical
Magazine} (5th series) \textbf{23}, 364--375.

\hi 1888a ``The mathematical theory of banking'', \textit{Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{51}, 113--127.  Abstracted in
\textit{Report of the British Association for the Advancement of
Science} (1886), 777--779.

\hi 1888b ``The value of authority tested by experiment'', \textit{Mind}
\textbf{13}, 146--148.

\hi 1888c ``The statistics of examinations'', \textit{Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{51}, 599--635.

\hi 1888d ``Some new methods of measuring variation in general price'',
\textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{51}, 346--368.

\hi 1889 Review of \textit{Natural Inheritance} by F Galton,
\textit{Nature} \textbf{39}, 603--604.

\hi 1890 ``The element of chance in competetive examinations'',
\textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{53}, 460--475
\& 644--663. Abstracted in \textit{Report of the British Association for
the Advancement of Science} (1890), 920.

\hi 1892a ``Correlated averages'', \textit{Philosophical Magazine} (5th
series) \textbf{34}, 190--204.

\hi 1892b ``The law of error and correlated averages'',
\textit{Philosophical Magazine} (5th series) \textbf{34}, 428--438 \&

\hi 1893a ``A new method of treating correlated averages'',
\textit{Philosophical Magazine} (5th series) \textbf{35}, 63--64.

\hi 1893b ``Exercises in the calculation of errors'',
\textit{Philosophical Magazine} (5th series) \textbf{36}, 98--111.

\hi 1893c ``Note on the calculation of correlation between organs'',
\textit{Philosophical Magazine} (5th series) \textbf{36}, 350--351.

\hi 1893d ``Statistical correlation between social phenomena'',
\textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{56}, 670--675.
Abstracted in the \textit{Report of the British Association for the
Advancement of Science} (1893), 852--853.

\hi 1894a ``Asymmetrical correlation between social phenomena'',
\textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{57}, 563--568.

\hi 1894b ``The asymmetrical probability curve'', \textit{Proceedings of
the Royal Society of London} \textbf{56}, 271--272.

\hi 1895 ``On some recent contributions to the theory of statistics'',
\textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{58}, 506--515.

\hi 1896a ``Bemerkungen \"Uber die Kritik meiner ``Methoden der
Statistik''von Dr.\ v.\ Bortkiewitsch'', \textit{Jahrb\"ucher f\"ur
National\"okonomie und Statistik} (3rd series) \textbf{11}, 271--274.

\hi 1896b ``Eine Erwiderung'', \textit{Jahrb\"ucher f\"ur
National\"okonomie und Statistik} (3rd series) \textbf{12}, 838--845.

\hi 1896c ``Supplementary notes on statistics'', \textit{Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{59}, 529--539.

\hi 1898 ``Miscellaneous applications of the calculus of probabilities,
contd.'', \textit{Jour\-nal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{61},

\hi 1902 ``Error, law of'', in \textit{Encyclopaedia Britannica} (10th
edn), Vol.\ \textbf{28} (supplement to 9th ed., Vol.\ \textbf{4}),

\hi 1905 ``The law of error'', \textit{Transactions of the Cambridge
Philosophical Society} \textbf{20}, 36--65 \& 113--141.

\hi 1908--1909  ``On the probable errors of frequency--constants'',
\textit{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society} \textbf{71}, 381--397,
499--512 \& 651--678 and 72, 81--90.

\hi 1911 ``Probability'', in \textit{Encyclopaedia Britannica} (11th
edn), Vol.\ 22, 376--403.

\hi 1922 ``The philosophy of chance'', \textit{Mind} \textbf{31},

\hi 1925 \textit{Papers Relating to Political Economy}, vols 1--3,
London: Macmillan, repr.\ New York, NY: Burt Franklin [IN the J B
Morrell Library at G 0.4 EDG].

