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Anti-cancer drugs: trials and tribulations in their development

Wednesday 18 May 2016, 7.00PM

Speaker(s): Professor Roger Phillips, University of Huddersfield

An evening lecture organised jointly by the Royal Society of Chemistry (Central Yorkshire Section) and the Royal Society of Biology (Yorkshire Branch)

The discovery and development of new anti-cancer drugs is a difficult, time consuming and expensive process. The field is littered with disappointment but these failures provide an opportunity to learn and apply this knowledge to the search for new drugs. This lecture will focus on one such example called EO9 (Apaziquone), a drug that is now in phase III clinical trials for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer despite a history of failure in other clinical trials

Light refreshments will be available from 18.00

Location: C/A102

Admission: There is no charge for admission or refreshments but prior registration is requested. Further details from Dr Brian Grievson, Department of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD. Tel: (01904) 324543 e-mail:


Telephone: (01904) 324543