Accessibility statement


Includes the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues 

Management Standard:

  • Employees indicate that they receive adequate information and support from their colleagues and superiors
  • Systems are in place locally to respond to any individual concerns 

What should be happening / states to be achieved:

  • The Department has policies and procedures to adequately support employees
  • Systems are in place to enable and encourage managers to support their staff
  • Systems are in place to enable and encourage employees to support their colleagues
  • Employees know what support is available and how and when to access it
  • Employees know how to access the required resources to do their job
  • Employees receive regular and constructive feedback

Measures currently in place to achieve standard:

  • Department has policies and procedures in place to support staff:
    • annual Performance Review of all staff provides an opportunity for workers to raise any issues relating to provision of support and for managers to provide staff with feedback
    • staff encouraged to discuss concerns relating to support with either their line manager in the first instance, if appropriate
    • staff also have the option of discussing concerns relating to support with the Human Resources Manager, Health & Safety Advisor or an appropriate trade union representative
    • staff can contact the Biology Human Resources Manager if they prefer to discuss concerns over support with them, rather than their line manager, in the first instance
    • University provides an independent ‘help line’ for individuals experiencing stress
    • the Department recognises good performance with a quarterly ‘Making the Difference’ award scheme
    • flexible working hours to enable staff to cope with domestic commitments
    • phased return to work allowed following long-term sickness absence
  • The Department organises meetings for technicians to network; have set up a website for technicians which includes access to an online forum allowing workers to receive help and support form colleagues with similar specialisms
  • The Department has enabled Research staff to set up their own society for networking, development and consultation purposes. Research staff also have their own website and access to social and developmental activities tailored to their needs
  • The Department has initiated a forum for Administrative staff which provides networking and development opportunities
  • Line managers expected to provide support to workers as and when required as part of their normal role and responsibilities

Feedback from consultation: issues relating to 'support' requiring attention

  • As a result of staff survey, Harassment Adviser asked to talk about her role at staff meeting 

Further action required:

  • Sress awareness training required for all managers to make them aware that 'support' is one of the key stress factors requiring effective management
  • Ensure that any management training programmes include the identification and management of stress