Accessibility statement


Demands includes issues like workload, work patterns and the work environment 

Management Standard:

  • Employees indicate that they are able to cope with the demands of their jobs
  • Systems are in place locally to respond to any individual concerns 

What should be happening / states to be achieved:

  • Department provides employees with adequate and achievable demands in relation to the agreed hours of work
  • People’s skills and abilities are matched to the job demands
  • Employees’ concerns about their work environment are addressed 

Measures currently in place to achieve standard:

  • Recruitment process in place to select candidates with the necessary skills and abilities to cope with the demands of each job
  • Line managers expected to provide sufficient resources for staff to be able to do their job
  • All staff encouraged to discuss issues relating to excessive work demands with their line manager at the earliest opportunity
  • Annual Performance Review of all staff provides another opportunity for workers to raise any concerns relating to the demands of the job with their line manager, to set realistic objectives for the year ahead, and identify particular training needs
  • Staff also have the option of discussing concerns relating to demands of their jobs with the Human Resources Manager, Health & Safety Advisor or an appropriate trade union representative
  • Staff have access to departmental ‘harassment advisors’ who can act as an independent point of contact for anyone suffering from work related stress
  • University provides an independent ‘help line’ for individuals experiencing stress
  • Departmental Health & Safety policy expects all significant health & safety hazards to be effectively managed and controlled by managers
  • Staff encouraged to report issues relating to their physical work environment with their line manager, departmental H&S Advisor, or the Biology Infrastructure Team  

Feedback from consultation: issues relating to ‘demands’ requiring attention 

  • Academic workload audit and proposed remedial action developed as response to Staff Survey indicating perception of high workloads among Academic staff

Further action required:

  • Stress awareness training required for all managers to make them aware that ‘demands’ is one of the key stress risk factors requiring effective management
  • Ensure that any management training programmes include the identification and management of stress
  • Implement system for identifying and recording training needs for all roles