Accessibility statement



Control- how much say the person has in the way they do their work

Management Standard:

  • Employees indicate that they are able to have their say about the way they do their work

What should be happening / states to be achieved:

  • Where possible, employees have control over their pace of work
  • Employees are encouraged to use their skills and initiative to do their work
  • Where possible, employees are encouraged to develop new skills to help them undertake new and challenging pieces of work
  • The Department encourages employees to develop their skills
  • Employees have a say over when breaks can be taken
  • Employees are consulted over their work patterns

Measures currently in place to achieve standard:

  • Annual Performance Review of all staff provides an opportunity for workers to:
    • raise any issues relating to the way they do their work
    • identify training requirements to develop new or existing skills
  • All staff encouraged to discuss issues relating to they may they do their work with their line manager at the earliest opportunity
  • University provides an independent ‘help line’ for individuals experiencing stress
  • University offers flexible hours of working
  • The Department allows flexibility over when breaks are taken and encourages staff to have some say over the way their work is organised and undertaken
  • The Department organise meetings for all technicians which provide useful networking opportunities; have developed a web-site for technicians which includes access to an on-line forum allowing workers to share and develop their skills

Feedback from consultation: issues relating to ‘control’ requiring attention 

  • As a result of the staff survey, Academic staff are able to indicate to the HoD which administrative jobs they have most interest in, so their wishes can be taken into account when allocating work

Further action required:

  • Stress awareness training required for all managers to make them aware that ‘control’ is one of the key stress risk factors requiring effective management
  • Ensure that any management training programmes include the identification and management of stress
  • Promote job development as a way of reducing stress